Arumai Nayakam Sattampillai nadar(1823–1918), known popularly as Arumainayagam Sattampillai, a Tamilian convert of Anglican church, was a catechist and the founder of first indigeneous and independent Hindu Church of Lord Jesus, rejecting Western missionaries domination for the first time in the history of Indian subcontinent -- This subversion paved the way - to develop a fusion model of Hindu-Christian religion, free from European missionaries interference - and also, inspired Indian national movement, largely centered around Bengal and Madras Presidency to fight against Western dominated Institutionalized church leading to separation of Christ from Church and Indianization of Christianity—to express and interpret Christianity and Biblical text in Indian context—socially, culturally, and religiously.
The controversy initiated by Sattampillai over the The Tinnevelly Shanars again was resuscitated in 1880 when Y. Gnanamuthoo Nadar, a Tamil Christian clerk in Tirunelveli courts; antiquarian and representative of Shanar race; son of the first Indian catechists in SPG in Nazareth area; and a former catechist of CMS, petitioned colonial British government and missionary ecclesiastical structure demanding the British to censure Caldwell and remove the offending book from its publication.
Gnanamuthoo continued his fight with SPG missionaries demanding them to retract their slanderous statements about their caste, including disrupting the bishops when they travelled villages to convert between 1880 and 1885.
According to Gnanamuthoo, out of anger many of the Nadar christians either reverted to Hinduism or joined the Hindu Christian church founded by Sattampillai in 1857. Gnanamuthoo also wrote: This is the way the European Missionaries deal with their converts and fellow Christians, whome they pretent to acknowledge to have equal claims to sense, and honour, and to the kingdom of Heaven. Read Less
[British Raj]
With the impetus provided by A.N. Sattampillai movement in revolting against Western church, educated Nadars(also known as Shanar) having got the The Tinnevelly Shanars publication several years later went furious and protested against Caldwell and demanded for retreat of The Tinnevelly Shanars from publication—for this, Nadars produced a series of arguments to substantiate their claims against Caldwell portrayal of Shanars, took a form of street corner oratory, published pamphlets, and in early 1880 filed an official petition to British Raj in then-Madras Presidency to retract the odious The Tinnevelly Shanars publication and censure Robert Caldwell.
Caldwell looks to have partly retracted his statements, especially his evaluation that Shanars were "not Hindus," in a letter that was printed in the CMS Record of February 1880.
Sattampillai's activism was centred around the rejection of Western manners and customs. His writings reveal how vehemently some Indian christians rejected the ideas of civilization and moral progress embedded in the prevailing colonial model of conversion as a series of stages. It is believed that he was dismissed for allegedly having remarked on foreign missionaries. Robert L. Hardgrave, an author of The Nadars of Tamilnadu; Portrait of the Hindus: Balthazar Solvyns & the European image of India, 1760-1824; Boats of Bengal: eighteenth century portraits; The Dravidian movement; and several alike, has hypothesized that disgruntled Sattampillai for having been dismissed as a catechist had somehow discovered the Robert Caldwell's pamphlets with disdainful comments on Shanar caste. Hardgrave believes that Sattampillai, who was supposed to visit Madras in 1850 to plead for his reinstatement with the SPG Corresponding committee, could have discovered Caldwell's pamphlets during that time that ultimately instigated him to resent and revolt against European missionaries. 1908 85 Years Old They were accommodated for ten days in a local school and on 2 July 1908, the Church donated two acres of land worth of then-1000 rupees to James—marking the beginning of Seventh Day Adventists as James decided to quit Bangalore and stay in Prakasapuram(also spelt Pragasapuram), an adjoining village to Mukuperi.
The first church of Seventh Day Adventists in South India was formally organized with 50 members on 30 January 1915 in Prakasapuram, although, it was functioning from 1908 itself; James and C.G. Lowry conducted the religious service. Later, SDA church also started an educational institution with name James Memorial School in Prakasapuram.
sir, I am doing Thesis about him. Can you please provide me more information about him? I am writing a book about him!
ReplyDeleteThe revolutionary Sattampillai Nadar who claimed that he was from the remnant of Pandiyas of Thondi started a Hindu Christian worship in Mookuperi village..The followers are still have their own churches in many places of Tamil Nadu.
ReplyDeleteFrom time immemorial Villavar Tamils were ruling over the Chera dynasty. Nadars were Tamil Villavars remnants of Tamil Chera and Pandyan dynasties
But in 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal attacked Kerala with with 350000 strong Nair army from Coastal Karnataka(a mass migration) and occupied northern Kerala. Banapperumal was from Alupa dynasty and was supported by Arabs. The Tulu king was accompanied by Nairs and Tulu Brahmins called
Nambuthiris both had northern origin at Ahichatra- Nepal.
At 1310 Malik Kafur defeated the Pandiyan dynasty ruling over Kerala. With that all the Tamil Kingdoms came to an end. The Tulu dynasty allied with the Delhi sultanate and the Arabs. When Madurai Sultanate was formed at 1335 the Tulu invaders under the Kolathiri dynasty was given overlordship of Kerala. Four Matriarchal Kingdoms were formed. In the following period Kerala was at the grip of a Tulu-Nepalese dynasty and soldiers. The Europeans supported the Tulu-Nepalese dynasty thereby making the life of indigenous Villavar-Nadar clans miserable.
Europeans protected the bizzare customs of the Tulu-Nepalese people such as Matriarchy and Polyandry for 450 years. Nearly 130000 arms wielding Nair soldiers were there in the 17th century Kerala. Though the Nair army was completely useless against any external aggressors like Naicker, Mukilan Pada, Tippu and Hyderali they can potentially harm women and children. With a large Nair mob the Tulu-Nepalese matriarchal kings were controlling Kerala. Revolt against this oppressive regime was not because of the continous support they enjoyed from Arabs, Delhi Sultanate and Europeans.
The Tulu- Nepali Aryan and Nagas they thenselves were poorly clad and prevented others wearing dress too.
The uppercloth revolt was a misnomer. In the ninenteenth century Nadar women were least bothered whether they covered their breasts or not. In that era most of the Hindus were not wearing uppercloth to cover their breasts.
What Nadar women really wanted to wear was Tholseelai a thin cloth worn over shoulders hangs down over breasts but not necessarily covering the breast. Tholseelai was the symbol aristocracy. What Nadars wanted was to elevate themselves to Noble status again with British help.
Until 1610 AD Nadars a Tamil Villavar clan used to cover the upper parts with a Tholseelai. But the European missionaries misunderstood it. Or rather were deliberately portraying it as a struggle to cover upperparts.
What the missionaries advocated was to wear stitched blouses and Kuppayams like Syrian Christian's wore, which nobody wanted. The Europeans misunderstanding of Kerala culture cost Nadars dearly. What Nadars wanted was a higher position which was never given under the British rule. Some improvement in the Nadar status occurred only after British left along with their cronies Brahmin Diwans.
The traditional attire of Kerala women of aristocracy was three Mundus.
1. Udu Mundu
2. Mel Mundu
3. Thol Seelai
UDUMUNDU (ഉടുമുണ്ട്)
Udumundu was dhoti like unstitiched garment worn around waist.
Melmundu was another piece of thin white cloth worn around the breasts to knees.
Thol Seelai was worn over shoulders and both it's ends hanging in the front covering breasts.
It did not cover much but this cloth with a golden border is what Nadar wanted. Nadar women wanted to wear Tholseelai. The missionaries mistook it for Udumundu covering the breasts.
The British administration thought Nadar women became suddenly modest and wanted to cover their breasts. The British misconception led to the denigrating name for the Nadar struggle, Uppercloth revolt. It gave the impression Nadar women striving to cover their breasts but the fully covered Nairs were blocking it.
Most of the Nair women were not wearing upper cloth in the 19th century. Because of the white man's ignorance the revolt was called Uppercloth revolt, Melmundu Samaram or Chanar Lahala.
Until 1595 AD a Tamil dynasty, a branch of Cherai dynasty ruled from Kanyakumari district called Jayasimhavamsam.
But when a Brahmin dynasty from Vellarappalli Cochin was installed in Venads throne by Portuguese in 1610 AD led to the ascendency of Vellala mixed Nairs called Pillamar. With this restrictions in covering upperparts came. But still Nadars were still were in the military service. In the war against Mukilanpada Nadars also fought in 1680.
When Portuguese came to Kerala in 1498. The Cochin king was wearing a small piece of cloth around his hip and his Nair soldiers wore only loin cloth.
When Dutch commander Van Rheede met Umayamma Rani at Attingal in 1675 she was not covering her breasts. She wore only Udumundu and a Tholseelai barely covering her upper body. She did not wear a Mel Mundu. The women accompanying her are not wearing any dress in the upper parts of the body. The Nairs bodyguards wear only a loin cloth.
The Dutch representative Nieuhoff describes Queen Umayamma as:
.. I was introduced into her majesty's presence. She had a guard of above seven hundred Nair soldiers about her, all clad after the Malabar (Kerala) fashion; the queen's attire being no more than a piece of callicoe (calico) wrapt around her middle, the upper part of her body appearing for the most part naked, with a piece of calico hanging carelessly round her shoulders. Her ears, which were very long, her neck and arms were adorned with precious stones, gold rings and bracelets and her head covered with a piece of white calico. She was past her middle age, of a brown complexion, with black hair tied in a knot behind, but of majestic mien, she being a princess who shew'd a great deal of good conduct in the management of her affairs
Umayamma Rani was a Brahmin queen from Vellarappalli Pandarathil dynasty. Pandarathil were a subgroup of Nambuthiris whose queens were called Nambirattiyar. This indicates other Nambuthiri women also were dressed in the same way until 1700s when British arrived.
In 1680 AD a Jesuit priest at Vadakkankulam made a Nadar woman to wear a Jacket who had been converted to Christianity. This support to respectability led to the establushment of Catholic church in 1685 AD..There was no opposition from Umayamma Rani because her Vellarappalli dynasty had been installed by the Portuguese
ReplyDeleteMARTHANDAVARMA (1729 AD to 1758 AD)
Marthanda Varma was wearing a dhoti and a Shawl around shoulder. The dressing had much improved under British.
Marthandavarma belonged to the Beypore Thattari dynasty propped up by the British but its first king Ramavarma was poisoned by Pillamar. Then the Pillamar and were supporting the sons Pappu and Raman Thambi sons of Ramavarma because their mother Abhirami was a Vellala from Salem. Thereby Vellalas were trying to create a Patrilineal Vellala dynasty.
Marthandavarma was helped by Nadars under ANANTHAPADMANABAN NADAR who saved his life, and strengthened his position. It was a grave mistake from Nadar side.
Marthanda Varma was from Kolathiri dynasty founded by Banapperumal (Banu Vikrama Kulasekharapperumal) in 1156 AD. Banapperumal belonged to the Tulu ALUPA DYNASTY in Mangalore who were the arch enemies of Tamil Chera dynasty. Thus Nadars brought their own downfal supporting a mean alien dynasty who were a mixture of Tulu as well as Nepalese people who migrated from Nepal.
Marthandavarma had been sent a Tamil Brahmin minister commander called Ramayyan by British. Marthandavarma With British help hired mercenaries (Koolipattalam) from Ettayapuram (near Ramayyans place Yervadi) and Trichy in Tamilnadu.
Thanupillai and Kumaraswamipillai commanded the Kayamkulam war with this Koolipattalam from Tamilnadu. Five thousand Nairs of Kayamkulam were slain by thousand strong Pandippada.
Arumukham Pillai (1729 AD to 1736 AD) was made Diwan. In this period Ananthapadmanabhan Nadar (Bhranthan Chanan or Jalman) was murdered by assassins sent by Marthanda Varma his properties were confiscated by Government. Land of important Nadars were confiscated and redistributed among Vellalas and Pillamar.
Nadars were barred from military service and Government Jobs. British were behind all this. From 1730 AD to 1795 AD British EIC were the protectors Tracancores Tulu dynasty. If Nadars had revolted against the new rulerspp in 1740s they would have won the war.This was followed by series of Vellala, Pillamar and Iyers were appointed as Dalawas.
Thanupillai (1736 to 1737 AD)
Ramayyan Dalawa (1737 AD to 1756 AD)
Martandan Bagavathi Pillai (1756 to 1763 AD)
Subbayyan Dalawa (Sankara Subrahmanya Iyer)(1763 AD to 1768 AD)
Krishna Gopalayyan Iyyer (1768 AD to 1776 AD)
Vadiswaran Subbrahmanya Iyer (1776 to 1780 AD)
Mullen Chempakaraman Pillai (1780 AD to 1782 AD) Nagercoil Ramayyan (1782 AD to 1788 AD).
In this period Nadars lost most of their property. Laws were enacted to deprive them of their lands.Laws ensured that PNadars cant own more than ten acres of land, could not build a double storey house. Dressing codes and barring Nadar women wearing gold were enacted.In the eighteenth century Nadar lands were illegally occupied by Nairs and Vellalas.
New laws enforced did not allow Nadars to own more than ten acres. Nadars were not allowed to build double storied houses. Nadars were always land owning class. In the late 18ths century Nadars lost most of their land and could not occupy government jobs including military service. Nadars had numerous Kalaris and had about fourteen Padaveedus, warhouses. Nadars could not carry weapons. Draconian laws were passed to force Nadars into servitude. Laws were formed to force Nadars to work in Government land free on Sundays. This was called Ooliam. Nadars were forced to pay Exorbitant taxes.
ReplyDeleteRAMAVARMA DHARMARAJA (1758 AD to 1798 AD)
Ramaraja was wearing a dress similar to kings of Rajasthan. With Briish protection made these kings could import dress and Chair from Rajasthan.
Once direct rule of British was established in 1795 AD, punitive measures against Nadars such as compulsory agricultural work in government lands without payment, called Oozhiam on Sundays. This led to Nadar conversions to Christianity. Vellalas and other Dravidian people also could not occupy high office after 1795 AD.
He was wearing a Rajasthani dress.
In 1806 AD WILLIAM TOBIAS RINGELTAUBE (1806 AD to 1820 AD) a German missionary established a Church School and a English school (1808 AD) at Mylady (மயிலாடி). So atleast some ladies who participated in the uprising had English knowledge.
In the nineteenth century LMS missionaries worked among Shanars . Charles Mault, James Russell, Dr Archibald Ramsay, James Pattison, John Abbs worked at Nagercoil while John Cox James Roberts, James Thompson worked at Trivandrum.
Rev. Abbs John worked at Parassala. Rev. James Emlyn opened English schools for boys and girls at Marthandam .
She was wearing all three Mundus, Udumundu, Melmundu and Tholseelai.
In 1813 AD Col.John Monro, the British resident gave permission to Christian Nadar women to cover their breasts. Nadar women started wearing the same dress as the queen. Udumundu, Melmundu and Tholseelai.
The order was withdrawn when pindakars, members of the Raja's council, complained about this. Nadar women were not allowed to wear Tholseela but allowed to wear Melmundu instead were allowed to wear the kuppayam, similar to long jacket worn by Syrian Christians, Shonagas, and Mappilas. Which was not a Dravidian dress.
The problem was the British East India company were promoting the Tulu-Nepalese people in Kerala and their Nepalese language on one hand and trying to help Nadars on the other hand. Local Nadars can manage the Vellalars and Pillamar but not the Vaduga Nairs from Kolathunadu who came to Travancore in the 18th century.
The ruling dynasty itself came from Beypore closely linked to Kolathiris. British definitely knew that the Nairs and Samantha's were not indigenous but invaders from Tulunadu. British were deliberately promoting a dynasty from Karnataka in Kerala. The problem was solved only when the administration of India was taken over by British crown directly in 1859 AD. After the Victoria declaration the East India company rule came to an end.
ReplyDeleteGOWRI PARVATI BAYI (1815 AD to 1829 AD)
Junior Rani of Attingal.
She granted Rs. 5000 to purchase 61 acres of paddy fields at Mylaudy and Thamarakulam by the LMS mussionaries to support the educational work of the LMS in Travancore.
Gowri Parvathi Bayi gave the land on which Home Church (கல்கோவில்), LMS Press, the land on which Womens Christian College stands at Nagercoil.
Most of the attacks on Nadar woman was during her rule.In 1826 ordered the removal of breasts of a Nair or Ezhava lady who visited her wearing a dress covering upper parts.
In 1829 the queen declared that Nadar women had no right to wear upper cloth.
CHARLES MEAD (1818 AD to 1851 AD) (Mylaudy Neyoor)
Colonel Munro , the British Resident offered Mr.Charles Mead, his own Circuit Bungalow at Nagercoil. Mead and Rev. Richard Knill (1818 AD) stayed there.
Charles Mead with the help of Colonel Munroe received a land from Attingal Rani GOWRI PARVATI BAYI (1815 AD to 1829 AD) the land on which Home Church, LMS press and the land on which Womens Christian College stands.
She also donated 5000 Rs to secure 61 acres of Agricultural land at Mylady and Thamaraikulam for the maintenance of educational institutions.
3000 Nadars converted to Christianity in 1819 AD under LMS. Home church foundation stone was laid on 1819 AD by Rev. Richard Knill. It was built with the donations from Travancore, Cochin and Thanjavur kings.
British Resident
VENCATTA RAO (1821 AD to 1830 AD)
A Maratha Brahmin from Thanjavur became the Dewan of Travancore. He was hostile to Nadars.
CHARLES MAULT (1819 AD to 1855 AD)
In 1820, Charles and Martha (Mead) Mault established the first Girl’s Boarding School in South India. They established 26 Village Schools for Girls. Lace making became a major cottage industry in their period. Charles Mault established first printing press in Nagercoil in 1821.
In 1822 Nadar Christian women wearing Jacket and above that Melmundu and Udumundu started walking outside. It was the attire of Savarnas. Against one Nadar Christian lady called Sara, wearing uppercloth Peshkar Sangunni Menon attempted to take action.
First resistance occured at Kothanavilai a small uprising occured. Then the struggle was continued for 37 years.
First Phase(1822 AD to 1823 AD)
Second Phase(1827 AD to 1829 AD)
Third Phase(1858 AD to 1859 AD)
The Nadar women women were from Neyyattinkara , Vilavankodu, Kalkulam, Agastheeswaram, Thovala Thaluks and some areas in Thirunelveli districts participated in the uprising.
A Nair woman went to France, perhaps taken by some Europeans stayed in france for many years. She returned to Kerala in 1826. This Nair woman (some say it was Ezhava but unlikely) was invited by the Attingal Rani GOWRI PARVATI BAYI (1815 AD to 1829 AD) to her palace.
The Nair woman went to Attingal rani wearing an European dress covering her breasts. This infuriated the Attingal Rani who ordered that the breasts of the Nair woman were to be cut off. The British resident Col. McDowell or their Marathi Brahmin Diwan Venkata Rao did not interfere.
In 1828 Nairs prevented Nadar children from going to schools They also burned down schools and Churches.1828 the LMS had employed 95 schoolteachers.
Trivandrum at that time did not have any English school. The first English school at Trivandrum was started by John Roberts in 1836 only .
In 1828 the Travancore government again forbade Nadar-women the Nair-style breast-clothes, but permitted the wearing of the jacket.
Travancore queen issued yet another proclamation, which denied the right of Nadar women to wear upper cloths, Mel Mundu or Tholseelai in 1829 AD.
Only in 1819 he became king independently. He associated himself with Tamil Brahmins and was one of the composers of Karnatic music. His compositions are known by the name. Swathithirunal Keerthanangal.
Swathi Thirunal married thrice Third time married a dancing girl from Thanjavur Sundaralakshmi(சுந்தரலக்ஷ்மி) alias Sughandavalli belonging to Mudaliar caste who came with her Guru called Vadivelu. Swathithirunal created a new Ammaveedu called Thanjavur ammaveedu for her.
Swathi Thirunal imprisoned Ayya Vaikundar.
Swathi Thirunal visited LMS School in Nagercoil in 1831 AD and wanted similar school to be established at Trivandrum. Swathi Thirunal met LMS missionary John Roberts whom he invited to start a English school for the government. John Roberts agreed on one condition that he should be allowed to teach Christian scripture in the Government school. Swathi Thirunal agreed.
AYYA VAIKUNDAR (1809 to 1851 AD)
Ayya Vaikundar was a social reformer who was active between 1833 to 1851 AD. Ayya Vaikundar was imprisoned by King Swathi Thirunal whom he called Ananthapuri Neechan (Vile person of Trivandrum).He called the Brahmins the Brahmins as Karineechanmar (vile Black) and the British as Venneechanmar (vile White).
Ayya Vaikundar was not involved in the Tholseelai samaram.
The first Government English school in Trivandrum was started by LMS missionary John Roberts in 1836 AD where he was allowed to teach Christian scripture also. It grew into the present University college.
In 1838 Trivandrum was opened to the LMS missionaries with as the result of persuasion of British Resident General Lt. Col. James Stuart Fraser. British missionary John Cox became its first missionary and he worked there for 23 years.
John Cox built the first Protestant Church at Trivandrum in 1838 AD. But to attend the Church the English speaking Nadar women according to the government rules were required to go not covering upperparts, half naked.
A Brahmin converted in 1839 AD by Charles Mault was the first Native Pastor of the Home Church in 1866 AD. He married Santhai, a pupil of Mrs. Mault’s boarding school, a agricultural caste convert to Christianity.
ReplyDeleteMAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM CULLEN (1840 to 1860)
Resident in the Kingdom of Travancore and Cochin supported local culture and disapprovrd of missionary activities. Cullen did help Rev. Charles Mead to acquire land to build a church at Parassala at 1845 AD.
Cullen played a dubious role when Nairs and Vellalas were attacking Nadars and Churches were burned. Cullen didnot help Nadars in anyway. Missionaries facing life threat were provided with protection. Only after he was removed from the post in 1859 AD the attacks on Nadar women stopped.
During his rule the East India Company rule ended.Government of India Act 1858 was passed in the British parliament establishing British Raj in India. The violent attacks on Nadar women Churches and murder happened during his regime. Nairs in the Government service were encouraged to attack Nadars. Uthram Thirunal was the most hostile king against Nadars. Only during his rule Churches and schools were burned. Attacks on Nadar women reached its peak. Government. No other Travancore ruler attacked Schools and Churches.
RIOTS (1858 AD)
In 1858 to 1859 Christian Nadar women were attacked by mobs of Nairs and Vellalas. Churches, Schools and Houses were burnt down. Nadars were tied together and dragged by Elephants to Thuckalai Jail. The government servants were attacking Nadar women. The Government of Uthram Thirunal was behind the attack.
A Nair revenue inspector and government official fotced the Nair women to remove the jacket and hung them on a tree.The Hindu and Christian Nadars united and started attacking Nairs and Vellalas. The Churches and schools at Kalkulam and Vilavankode were burned by Nairs where they formed a majority.
British were busy with the Sepoy Revolt (1858 AD)
Became Governor of Madras in 1859 AD. He instructed the British resident Maltby to pressurise King Uthram ThIrunal Marthanda Varma to issue a proclamation.
Under pressure from Charles Trevelyan, the Madras Governor, the king of Travancore relented. In 1859 Under pressure from Charles Trevelyan, the Madras Governor, the king of Travancore, Uthram Thirunal Marthanda Varma proclaimed that Nadar ladies can wear upper cloth but like coarse-cloth around their upper-body, like the Mukkavattigal.
But Nadar women ignored this and wore Tholseelai and Jacket.The Victoria declaration and the Government of India Act and the subsequent appointment of Charles Trevelyan only saved Nadars.
In 1865 Ayilyam Thirunal Rama Varma allowed Ezhavas and other castes to wear upper cloth. In 1878 Ayilyam Thirunal kindly received Pastor.Yesudian the first Pastor from Shanar caste at his palace.
Many Cnristian Nairs especially Menons have become Christian Pastors, Brothers, Doctors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops and Apostles after 1980s. They are mostly found in India, Singapore, UK and US. In India and UK they have founded their own churches. Americans have been promoting and funding Hindu Nairs to work as Christian clergy in the American Churches in India.
Unlike other converts to Christianity recent converted Nairs dont change their names to Christian names. But Singapore Nairs who often mixed up with Chinese have adopted Christian names. Other Nairs have independently accepted Jesus Christ. Most of the converts are from Palakkad Menons and Trivandrum Nairs but no Nambiars have been ever converted.
Most converted Nairs describe themselves as Brahmin or Hindu Orthodox aristocracy. They never describe themselves as Sudras of Naga ancestry who migrated from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal to Tulunadu and then to Kerala in 1120 AD.
Nairs are not indigenous to Kerala. They are people of Naga origin from ancient Nepal. Newars, the most likely parent group of Nairs in Nepal were Vajrayana Buddhists. Nairs were brought to Karnataka from Ahichatram, the capital of ancient Nepal in 345 AD as hereditary slave warriors by Kadamba king Mayuravarma. In Northern India most of the Nagas were among the oppressed classes. Many Nagas were Buddhists. But in Kerala with the help of Arabs and Turkish invaders Naga Nairs from Tulunadu occupied Kerala and replaced Tamil rulers in 1335 AD. The Europeans supported Nagas against the native Dravidian Villavar ruler clans in Kerala and Tamilnadu. That is how a Nepalese tribe called Nairs became dominant in Kerala.
Nairs are of Tulu-Nepalese roots who are related to Bunt community of Tulunadu and Newars of Nepal. In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal who was a Buddhist, with Arab support invaded Kerala with 350000 strong Nair army. It was a mass migration of Nairs to Kerala under Arab protection. Banapperumal and his descendents were allies of Arabs. Arabs were a major sea power in the second millenium. With Banapperumal Nairs occupied northern Kerala, four districts in Malabar ie Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts. Arabs colonised these Nair areas. Banapperumal and his commander Padamala Nair (Husain Kwaja) had embraced Islam. Banapperumal divided Malabar among his son and nephews and went to Arabia in 1156 AD.
Many Nairs also had converted to Islam but continued to practice Matriarchy. Without Arab help Nairs would have been able to enter Kerala.
But the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD and the defeat of Pandyan dynasty led to the end of all Tamil Kingdoms. When Madurai Sultanate was established in 1335 AD the Tulu-Nepalese people, Tulu Samantha rulers, Nairs and Nambuthiris became rulers of Kerala. Tulu-Nepalese people were the enemies of Tamils and allies of Arabs and Delhi Sultanate. All the temples built by Hindu Tamil Villavar clans of Chera dynasty were occupied by Nairs. Newars the parent group of Nairs practised Buddhism. Nairs built numerous Cobra-snake temples on Ant hills where they worshipped live Cobra-snakes. Some Jain temples were also converted to Snake temples. They had bizarre Himalayan Naga customs such as Matriarchy and Polyandry. The harassment of the local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala by Nairs led to large scale conversion of Keralites to other religions. Many Villavars of Tamil Chera dynasty escaped to Srilanka. Eventually 45% of Keralas population who remained embraced other religeons such as Christianity and Islam.
Until 1329 when Jordanus Catalanus was the Bishop of Kollam the Christian population of Kollam was 3000. Total Kerala's Christian population might have been around 5000 including Nasrani Mappillas who were descendents of middle eastern traders and local converts. Madras had only 14 Syrian Christian families when Marignoli visited India in 1342. The occupation of Keralas temples by Nairs in 1335 AD and oppression of local Hindus led to the steady increase in the Christian population in Kerala. Tamil Villarvattom king who ruled area between Chendamangalam and Udayanapuram converted to Christianity around 1339 AD. With this conversion of Villarvattom king and his Panikkars the the population of Christians in Kerala reached 30000. When Portuguese conducted a census in 1504 Christians of Kerala were 30000. Keralas Nestorian Christians surrendered to Portuguese and adopted Roman Catholic faith. The Christian Panikkars joined Portuguese army and eventually a Portuguese mixed Mestizo society was established. When Portuguese left in 1660 the Christian population was 200000.
The Tulu-Nepalese Nairs by allying with Arabs and Turks were harassing local Dravidian Hindu population of Kerala. This led to the growth of Christianity in Kerala as more and more Dravidian Keralites joined Christianity.
Joao Da Cruz or Martin was among the early Nair Christian's in the early 16th Century converted by Portuguese. But Portuguese considered him to be a fraud. In the 1700s some Nairs were converted at Trivandrum. Devasahayam Pillai was converted around 1740 to Roman Catholicism. Devasahayam Pillai was considered a traitor. Around 1829 Chathu Menon(Joseph Fenn) from Ottappalam and his family were converted to Christianity by CMS missionaries. Many Nair families in Neyyattinkara, Kottayam, Meenachil, Palakkad etc were converted to Christianity in the 19th century. They abandoned Matriarchy and adopted Christian names. They were genuine Christians. But generally Nairs had been indifferent to Christianity. Nairs never had any deep conviction in any ideology or religeon. Usually they join the dominant ideology of the period and manage to secure high posts. Why many Nairs suddenly started claiming to be Christians, Pastors and Missionaries, starting from 1980s is a mystery.
Veluthamby a Nair leader cut of the ear and Nose of Syrian Christian Administrator and Forest minister Thachil Mathu Tharakan in 1805 AD. A law was passed in 1815 to include Syrian Christians for Oozhiam or forced Labour. But Col.Monro instructed Diwan Reddy Raos. The houses of Dravidian converts were ransacked by Nairs between 1812 to 1859. Churches and Schools were burned down by them. Nairs attacked Christian women and children at Trivandrum and prevented the children from going to Church and Schools in 1829.
Palakkad Trivandrum, Chennai and Bangalore are the hotspots of Nair Christian conversions. But they work as Pastors at Trivandrum and Ernakulam only. In Kerala the Nair self converts are Menons mostly from Palakkad where they are antagonistic to local Christians. They are known to have disrupted even the Christmas carols.
Next is the Trivandrum area where they were the deadly enemies of Anglican converts. Nairs opposed building Christian Churches. The first Anglican Church was built for British soldiers only in 1838. In 1982 in the Mandaikkadu clash Trivandrum Nairs crossed border into Tamilnadu and Vandalised the Latin Catholic Churches. They even used the Pulpit as a lavatory. The Latin Catholics are spread along the coast. The attacks continued for six months.
There is practically no interaction between Nairs and CSI or Syro-Malankara Churches. Trivandrum Nair conversions are fake. In the Nair majority areas such as Kollam, Kozhikode and Kannur there is no Nair Neo converts or Pastors. Ultimately all the self converts will reach Bangalore. Their miraculous transformation as Missionaries occurs there.
Arabs, Turkish Sultanate at 1335 AD had elevated Nagas of Tulunadu to a higher status in Kerala. The Unscrupulous European colonial rulers protected Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms of Nairs for 450 years. Until 1968 land reforms some Nairs families had upto 200000 acres of land. Except some Nair families who still hold plantation crops such as Cardamom there is hardly any Nair aristocracy left now. Some educated Nair families previously allied with British have formed a Lobby now.
Most of the Nairs belong to the middle class at present. Most of them dont have good knowledge of Hindu scriptures either. But with Christian conversions of Nairs and funding from Americans it might create a new Pseudo Christian Nair aristocracy. Americans are quite naive to believe that Nairs suddenly started accepting Christianity. Only a few Nair conversions to Christianity could be genuine.
The Gulf employment from 1970 onwards has elevated muslims from their earlier tenant status under Nairs to Aristocracy. They are the richest entrepreneurs in Kerala at present. UAE is the residence of much of keralas NRIs especially Hindus. Many Non-Nair Hindus who made money in UAE actually dominate Kerala. Syrian Christians, a community of Nurses have spread out Globally.
Most of the Aristocratic Syrian Christians have many nurses working abroad or priests receiving funds in their family. There are many self appointed Evangelists from Pathanamthitta among Syrian Christians benefitted by foreign missionary activities. They can easily buy a two thousand acre plantation. Actually many Nairs are jealous of Christians.A class of multimillionaire Syrian business men, close relatives of Orthodox or Catholic Syrian priests exist from 1980s.
Illinois has become a centre of Syriac Christianity. Now even the Jacobite headquarters has been shifted to Illinois from Damascus. Many of the family members of Syrian priests have migrated to Illinois Syrians thus form an international aristocracy.
From 1960s foreign missionaries from Europe and America were restricted entry and were not allowed to work in India. In 1980s foreign missionaries were evicted from certain areas. When the foreign missionaries were barred from entering India, Foreign missionary Organizations started funding Indian preachers as well as some Churches. Many Christian preachers from central Kerala started calling themselves missionaries. These Preachers who received foreign funding started new churches and called themselves Bishops. As long as the foreign missionaries were present until 1980s there was hardly any Nair got converted to Christianity. But once the foreign funding started for proxy missionaries many Nairs self converted to Christianity. But there was no Christian Nair Almayar, Church going commoners. Immediately after their alleged conversion Nairs started calling themselves Brother or Pastor.
Foreign churches such as American based Seventhday Adventists and Mormons operate in India. In India many dont like American Churches at all. Many immediately reject Ellen G.Whites and Joseph Smith's theology. They have followers in thousands only. Baptists are the only American Church with a strong base in the North and North East. But with foreign funding many Churches, Schools, Colleges, Orphanages and seminaries are established in India by the Indian Christian Bishops.
But if a recently converted Nair Christian is able to convince the foreign church about his sincerity then the work may be entrusted to him. He will receive the funding. It is like multiple foreign contracts but the American donors are not allowed to supervise the progress of the work as observers are not allowed. But for a Nair convert to secure funds from America he should be supported by some enterprising Americans or Indian Christian NRIs.
A genuine Syrian Christian priest can't establish more than five Churches in his life time. But some Nair Neo converts claim that they have established thousands of American Churches in India. When the foreign missionary activity ceased around 1980s foreign money in dollars started flowing. Americans and Europeans were funding Christian Churches and Evangelists. With this foreign funding many Nairs started claiming to be Christian too. The Dollars and Pounds influenced Nairs greatly. Some intelligent Nairs claiming to be Christian's got easy Visas to US.
Some Nairs without studying theology opened Churches and Prayer houses. Some Nairs even studied in Seminaries mimicking the Pathanamthitta evangelists. After studying at Seminaries they designed themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops or Arch Bishops. Many of the Theology graduates started their own Churches or Prayer houses. If they join an established church they will have to obey their superiors. They cannot collect money independently. Some Christian Nairs travelled to US, UK, Australia, Newzealand to give sermons in Churches abroad. Lucky ones got regular funding making them immensely rich. Pretending to be a Christian missionary after his forties by a Hindu converted Nair requires enormous skills. Before 1980 there were hardly any Nair Christian's or Nair missionaries.
Nagas eclipsed Dravidian culture for 600 years starting from 1335 AD. Nairs were the worst enemies of Keralas Christians. They are Nagas northern migrants from Ahichatra. Nairs are not ethnically related to south Indian Dravidian people. Now sending a Nair priest to Dravidian and tribal areas is like sending a Nazi to minister Jews. American missionary organisations are trying to create a Pro American fake Christian community under the leadership of Hindu Nairs since 1980.
The Church of England otherwise called Anglican Church converted millions in India. Kerala, Tamilnadu and Bengal were where missionaries were hunting for souls in the 19th century. Those Hindus who converted to Christianity were left to fend for themselves in Kerala. British never protected them. They did not give them jobs in Government. From 1812 for hundred years the Anglican converts faced with repeated attacks from Nairs with Tulu-Nepalese roots.. Most of the Malayalis are of Dravidian stock and ethnically different from Nairs.
The British were allied with Nairs and their Tulu Samantha kings. The Churches the British missionaries built were more like a barn than Churches. At the peripheries the Anglican church goers were forced to worship in tin roofed shacks. Many of these Anglicans formed prayer houses often buildings with a Palmleaf roof and a wooden Cross where people sat on the sand spread inside. A petromax light is often the only worldly possesion of these churches. The Evangelists barely survived with the coins thrown in as offerings.
Nairs constantly harrassed the Christians. Burned down Churches and the missionary built schools and the residences of Christians. Stripped Christian women. Many Christians lost their properties to Nairs. British and the Anglican Church were the meanest among the foreign missions of India. They convert and leave them to their fate. Actually after independence nobody wanted to call themselves Anglicans or London mission Christians. That led to to the formation of CSI. Now CSI is not part of Anglican communion. The Church of England has not helped the CSI since then. After the British left the Anglicans built their own small churches. At present Church of England believe that some Nairs living at UK converted to Christianity. They are actually funding and promoting some Nairs as Missionaries. But the thousands of Nairs converted by Nair missionaries dont exist.
Portuguese protected the Catholic converts and built magnificient Cathedrals and Basilicas for them. Most of the Syrian Churches are nothing but Portuguese built churches. Portuguese imported statues and bells from Italy brought Persian crosses from middleeast. A class of Church builders the Mestizos who were trained in Engineering, European architecture, painting frescos etc. Portuguese mixed with the local Christian population to produce a Mestizo community. In the Portuguese period the Catholics converted by them in India and Srilanka were socially elevated to occupy military and administrative jobs. Many of these Portuguese mixed Christian communities such as Syrians, Konkanies and Karave retain their position. Portuguese were the most respectable among the foreign missions
Baptists from Britain did do some work as William Carey established Serampore college in 1800s. Serampore was under Danes. Northeast especially Nagaland. Serampore college/University is evennow an important centre for Indian Protestants. Many genuine Baptists including including Brahmin converts are there in Serampore. Why Americans appoint them as missionaries. Why are the American Baptists sending Nairs now to convert Indian tribals? Rather Nairs should convert their own kind. Most of the 5 million Nairs are still Hindus.
Indian tribals are mainly Proto-Dravidian, Northern Dravidians, Austronesian and Naga people. Some tribals like Dravidian Gonds ruled over vast areas in Maharashtra, Madhyapradesh and Chattishgarh until 15th century. Oraons are also a Dravidian people who live at Jharkhand, Chattishgarh, Odisha, West, Bengal Bihar and Assam. Many tribals are Animistic and worship Nature. Ancestor worship is also common among them. They build mudhut temples called God House (Deiva pura) on a elevated platform where they worship their ancestors. Established Churches such as Roman Catholics and Protestants have established Schools and colleges since 1960. Their culture should be preserved. The American funded Nair missionaries will do more harm than good in these areas.
Nairs usually claim they accidentally heard the sermon of some Christian preacher that Jesus was the saviour of everybody. Then immediately they started believing in Christ. They will tell you that Jesus was the only guard.
Some Nairs say that they were Very sick admitted in a Christian missionary hospital. After the recovery they allegedly became Christian's.
For some Nairs reading a single verse from Bible is enough to convert to Christianity.
Before some Nairs Jesus appears in person, talks to them and guides them. They have the Vision of Jesus very often. In the room of staunch Hindu Nairs Jesus appears wearing white dress. There room is filled with Brightness. Their family members also getting Visions of Jesus.
After that self converted a Nair will give a testimony in a Church or prayer meeting. Usually Nairs give their first testimony at a Catholic deaddiction centre. There Christians are least inclined to question their authenticity. So that he Nair will also add that he had been from an aristocratic Brahmin like Nair family but he has been alienated from his family.
Some of the Nair sudden converts are highly educated NRIs living in western countries. The might have eavesdropped a Western Church members planning to sponsor charitable work such as Colleges, Orphanages or missionary activities in India.
Despite the high educational qualifications an Asian is still a Pagan to the Western Christian church goers. A highly qualified Nair in his middle ages living at the western countries may self convert himself suddenly to Christianity. This is to change his social status from an Foreign Asian Hindu to to become the reputed member of the Anglican Church. Nobody questions his bible knowledge or intention. His family never converts. Eventually he will become a Director of Indian missionary organization with good supply of Dollars or Euro. Finally he will claim many thousand souls to his credit.
When a Nair gives testimony that Jesus came and Visited him an talked him previous day he is obviously lying. Jesus does not visit any Bishops of Catholic or Protestant Churches. A section of Christians with strong inferiority complex are ready to believe Nair testimony. They chant Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Strothram making Nair testimony seem authentic. Any stage actor with little training can give Sermons and Testimonies.
Perhaps the Syrian Christian Preachers of Pathanamthitta who were involved in the Gospel activities recruited some Nairs as accountants and assistants in the 80's. By this Nairs were introduced to a whole new world. They understood how missionary activities are conducted worldwide.
Many of these Nairs converted and migrated to western countries. Stringent rules applied for a highly qualified professional from India to get a Green Card. But a Christian preacher gets Visa much more easily. Access to American universities by sponsorship from American church agencies is another reason for their conversion. Nair Christian priests are found among, Malayalis, Tamils, Kannadigas, Punjabis and Hindi areas in India. But they have more acceptance outside Kerala. Nair Pastors of Singapore are mixed with Chinese. Other Nair Reverends are found in UK and US.
Catholics are the first to welcome the Nair self converts. Orthodox and Jacobite Churches dont encourage or Baptise Nair Christians. Many Nair converts working with CSI and CNI as priests appear to be ordained genuine christians.
Some IPC Nair priests also could be genuine.
Many Nair converts in India dont join any established Church as priests. Usually they establish their own Churches and try to get finances from abroad. Some establish new churches with the help of foreign missionary organisations. Only a few are successful. But if they are successful they will receive hundreds of Crores of Rupees from American missionary agencies. Only Assemblies of God and Baptists allow Pastors to establish their own Churches both American.
Two categories of self appointed Nair missionaries exist. Both establish their own Churches.
They conduct Billy Graham like conventions mimicking Pentegosts and Maraman convention. Unlike the Catholics and Protestants who conduct annual conventions Nair Evangelists conduct the conventions many times in a year at different locations. The offerings belong to their own Church.
Like Nair Evangelists do not join any established church but establish their own Church soon after their alleged conversion to Christianity. The sponsors of Nair missionaries is always the missionary wing of American Baptists church. Normally a Indian Pastor from any Church can earn a monthly salary 30000 to 50000 Rupees per month. But the American Missionary organisations can provide 10 to 20 Crores annually. Definitely Jesus has brought a great change in the lifes of Nairs.
Nair missionaries claim to have won many lakh souls for Jesus. Whom did they actually convert to Christianity and where they reside is not clear. In Kerala no Nairs have been converted by Nair missionaries.
Nair missionaries claim to have built thousands of Churches in India. Exact locations of these churches is unknown. They also claim to have built Seminaries, Colleges, Schools, Orphanages, Leprosy Sanatariams, Childrens homes, Womens homes.
All these are in a virtual world.
Nair Missionaries visit American Baptists church and introduce themselves as a Great Indian missionary who has converted lakhs of Hindus to Christianity and who has established many thousand Churches. They give Sermon in the Church. After that Nair missionaries request the American Church goers that he require money for the maintenance of Indian Churches, Colleges, Seminaries, Orphanages they have built. Each Western Church has the Potential to sponsor 10000 to 20000 Dollars per month. Thousands of Baptist Churches exist in America.
Further countries like Ireland, UK and Australia also have Baptists Churches where the peopled are inclined at helping Indian Churches. They get the sponsorship of atleast 10 Churches at a time. They mimick closely the Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta. At the foreign Churches they always wear western dress.
Indians souls are very expensive now costing atleast 100 Dollars . Anybody who claims to have won 1000 souls will easily get one lack dollars from the western missionary organizations.
The final destination of all Menon and Nair evangelists are US, UK and Australia. The reason for this is that Sinners are more in these English speaking western countries. Americans are among the worst sinners. Even the Tamil and Malayali expatriates around New Jersey, among whom the Menon Missionaries work are heavy sinners. Born again Menons pray for the souls of American sinners and gets them cleansed by Holy Spirit easily. The American souls repaired by Menon Pastors are as good as new.
Australia was a country where they dumped convicts in the 17th century. Many Nair Pastors consider Australians to be extremely sinful. They have established many prayer houses in Australia. However no Nairs try to work among the Australian Aborigines.
At UK even those Nairs who dont know English have established Churches to save the souls of poor whitemen. If a foreign missionary organisation is funding, then Menons will consider India as a country of sinners too. However Menon Pastors avoid their own Nair areas in Kerala. No foreign missionary organisation with a bounty can convince Menons to preach among Nairs.
Most of the Menons consider African continent as a country of Holy people devoid of sins. Menons never offer to become a missionary in Africa, China, Latam and Arab countries. Menon Missionaries avoid Papua New Guinea.
A Nair has established a Seminary with American funding at Fiji allegedly training 10000 Pastors who work in South Pacific islands. Now Americans can watch South Pacific islands closely.
Many Nair Christians perform miracles outside Kerala. They have control of elements. They can stop rain selectively over their houses during the Monsoons. The can extinquish fires during a fire accident. They can heal sick people. They can chase away demons and perform exorcism. In the epidemics and Pandemics their prayer creates a disease free zones. The can be Speaking in Tongues.
By the end of twentieth century many Hindus hitherto indifferent to Christianity started identifying themselves as Christians. With the sole aim of working in the west some even joined Bible colleges and started studying Theology. Fluency in English and Biblical knowledge is essential.
Unlike other genuine Christian's who take up a Christian name these people will use their Hindu names and caste names only. Their families and siblings remain Hindus. They identify themselves as Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishops, Missionaries, Prophets or even Apostles. It is just a job for them. These are the same people who used to be hostile to foreign missionaries. In the Dollar Christianity the driving force is Dollars and not Jesus. When a sudden Nair Christian missionary declares that Jesus is my Saviour he actually means Dollar is his Saviour. These Pseudo missionaries go to tribal areas and collect souls for Dollars.
Thus many Pastors and Missionaries with surnames Kaul, Nair, Menon, Chopra, Chatterjee, Patel exist in UK and the western world. They often Shorten their names to hide their Hindu identity. Many will hide their name and use their surnames only. Formerly the western Churches would not have accepted them. But as agnosticism grows among the Western Christians they have relaxed their rules.
Now many of the Indian Hindus work in the British Churches as Pastors and Preachers.
There was no missionaries among Syrian Christians until 1960s. When the missionaries were restricted many self appointed evangelists travelled to USA and gave sermons in local Churches. The Dollars collected by them enabled them to live a lavish life style. Hardly they converted any Hindus in India but claimed to do so. The churches established by them attracted the Christians from other denominations. Most of them had foreign Citizenship.
Now Nairs are following footsteps of Syrian NRI preachers. Many of the Nairs can give sermons as good as any Christian preacher. Western Church goers or Priests dont question their credibility. Most of the Nair preachers claim to have converted millions. But they are lying. All their own relatives are still not converted. Nairs never attempt to convert their own community.
There are 5 million Hindu Nairs there. Totally Nair converts are few hundred only. Any missionary money earned by them actually help their Hindu relatives.
1) Each Nair missionary claims that he converted lakhs of Indians to Christianity.
2) They claim to have established thousands of Churches. Chattisgarh and Orissa are their favourite destination.
3) They have established Seminaries, Schools Colleges
4)They have established many Orphanages
5) Womens and destitute homes
6) Sanatariums
But most of these buildings are not Physical. Nair Missionaries consider their own relatives as Gods own temples ie Churches.
The Western missionary organisations ideally should not encourage the Missionary clones. But if they still do the western organization's should ask for the locations of new Churches founded by them, Photographs, Names, Photographs, identities of the Parishioners, Photographs, Names and identities and Qualifications of the Pastors.
All the data they provide should verifiable. Ideally West should not encourage Missionary work in India at all. It will help only crooks. Instead they can help the established Churches such as Syro-Malabar, Jacobite, Orthodox, Marthoma, CSI and CNI to establish Professional and other higher educational institutions and Hospitals in various parts of India.
India has 32 million Christians among the established Churches. There are about 4.5 million ancient Syrian Christians. Nair Christians are in hundreds only.
Ignoring the traditional Christians of India Americans are funding Hindu Nair Missionaries to establish Seminaries and Bible schools in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and South Pacific countries. There could be some ulterior motive behind this.
The American missionary organisations such as Baptists and Assemblies of God are bribing Hindu Nairs with millions of Dollars. Most of the Nairs thus selected are Lawyers, Military officers, Politicians from Hindu fundamemtalist parties and Communist parties. Then they train them in Seminaries. Once the Nairs and Menons acquire their skills in giving sermon and Knowledge in Bible they will form their own 'Shining Path' ministries.
The American missionary organisations will call them Pastors, Bishops, Missionaries and even Apostles.
Releasing American (Christian) Nair missionaries in tribal areas could destroy tribal culture altogether.
Ideally Americans should order Nair missionaries to convert their own Nair community and not anybody else. Infact Nairs have not converted anybody in India. Neither have they built any churches in India.
Americans are ridiculing hundreds of genuine Catholic and Protestant priests of India dedicated their lives in building schools Hospitals for tribal and underprivileged people. Actual motive of Americans for promoting a fake Christianity is not clear.
For some unknown reason American missionary organisations have been promoting Hindu Nairs as Pastors, Bishops and Missionary in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Gulf, Australia and Fiji. Obviously Americans are using Hindu Nairs to do some other work other than Christian missionary work.
The Roman Catholic church requires the Fathers to be unmarried. This has saved the Catholic Church from Nairs. Catholic priests have to adopt Christian names. There is not many Nair priests or Nuns among Catholics. Catholics dont approve of priests establishing their own church. Neither the Catholic hierarchy will allow priests to embezzle money. Many Hindu Nairs do give testimony in Catholic gatherings as Churches dont allow them. But Nairs neither convert to Roman Catholicism or change their names because there are no financial benefits in Catholic Churches.
Many Indian Nair missionaries might have been inspired by the 1923 film PILGRIM by Charlie Chaplin.
Fahad Fasil's 2020 Malayalam film TRANCE may become inspiration for many Nairs to become Christian Missionaries in the future.
Christian's are about 31.2 percent of Global population. 243 crores of Christians are there worldwide. India has only 3.2 crores of poor Christian population. The Spiritual needs of Western countries are much more than India. Most of the European countries have 90% Christian population though one third of them declare themselves as non-religious. Actually Christianity is declining worldwide.
The Hindu converts working as preachers and Reverends other than Nairs in UK and US are Kashmiri Pandits, Punjabi Khatris, Gujarati Patels, Bengali Chatterjis and Parsis who have allegedly embraced Christianity.
In India these people have had no inclination towards Christianity. Most of Nair preachers use their original Hindu names only. Indian converted Christian Nairs especially Menons are trying hard to reestablish Christian faith among the European population.
One reason for this ridiculous situation is traditional Indian Christians rarely send their sons to the Bible schools or Seminaries of other denominations such as Anglicans. Neither hardly any Kerala's traditional Christians study in European seminaries. Pastors from genuine traditional Indian Christian communities are rarely seen at Europe.
There are 5 million Nairs in Kerala. Few hundred Nairs only have converted to Christianity who are genuine Christians who have adopted Christian names. The recent self converted Nair Brothers, Pastors and Bishops supported by Foreign Baptist mission and Pentegost missions. Nair Missionaries should ideally be assigned by the Americans to work among Nairs only.
Rev. Sadesh Chandra MenonPresbyter-in-Charge C.S.I. St. John's ChurchWalajapet Tamilnadu. CSI Diocese of Vellore.
Rev VIctor N. Menon Is the Assistant Professor of Theology at Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore. He has written many theological books.
At Bangalore, Ernakulam and Trivandrum Bishop Manu Menon is running a Christian Church called marvelous light revival ministries under South Indian Assemblies of God (SIAG) Karnataka. He has been influenced by the Gospel of Bro D G S Dhinakaran.
Pastor in The victory of Jesus Christ Church, Gurdaspur Punjab.
Sermon: Punjabi
PAUL SUDHAKAR MENON (1922 to 2002)
Cousin to V.K.Krishna Menon, former Defence Minister of India. Speaker, every State of India, as well as in numerous countries abroad from Australia to the U.K
According to him he was aristocratic and well-to-do Menon family – staunch upper caste Hindu. It is true that Vengalil family owned two lakh acres of land. The circumstances leading to his reading bible is not clear.
Aravindaksha Menon who found Jesus in the Vedas and became a Catholic. He compares Sacrifice of Jesus to Sacrifice of Prajapathy. He describes himself from a very orthodox semi Brahmin Hindu family. He gave his testimony at Potta Dhyanakendram. In Vedas many Prajapathys but none of them have any resemblance to Jesus Christ. The Prajapathy Heresy was postulated by Krishnamohan Banerjea 1875 AD.
Testimony: Malayalam
Associate Pastor at Trinity Assembly of God ChurchFaridabad, Haryana,
Gospel Singer Preacher. Amritsar. He is associated with Syrian Christian Evangelists of Pathanamthitta.
ReplyDeleteG.S. NAIR
Founder and Pastor of People’s Baptist Church; Founder and President of People’s Baptist Ministries. He is the pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Trivandrum. He describes himself as a high caste Hindu Army officer, he was a harsh and outspoken critic of Christianity. But he was converted to Christianity in 1972 when he was admitted at Baptist Mid-Missions Hospital ( Where). GS. Nair is introduced as an Indian missionary with the supporting churches in America.
The American benefactor and collaborator Jack McElroy, PresidentMcElroy Electronics Corporation Massaceucets equates GS.Nair with St.Paul in his book Building his Fathers Business one soul at a time.(St.Paul used to torture Christian's. Nairs also used to torture Christians).
GS.Nair allegedly graduated from Berean Baptist College Bangalore in 1977 AD. He has allegedly built 3,900 Churches in India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan. (Syro-Malabar church has only 3224 Parishes). But the location of these 3900 churches is not known. Only two Peoples Baptist Ministries India churches one at Trivandrum (Ambalamukku) and another at Aluva is visible.
G.S.Nair has allegedly constructed 4 Bible Colleges from which 3500 Pastors graduated. A Seminary, 21 Bible College Extension Schools. G.S Nair claims to have converted 400,000 people to Christianity over the past 42 years.
7 Private Christian schools in India and Nepal.
2 Vocational training centers for women.
25 Children’s homes (Orphanages)
2 ladies’ homes
Construction all these may cost more than 5000 Crores.
The headquarters Peoples Baptists Ministry is in Fundamental Baptist Mission to India
137 Scudder Rd.Osterville, MA 02655 137 Scudder Rd, Osterville, MA 02655 .
Pastor Robert Hanson, Plymouth Massaceucets in charge of Fundamental Baptist Mission to India.
PBMI’s sources of income are churches and individuals in the United States, Scotland, and Australia as per the website Fundamental Baptist Mission to India is funding him.
The maintenance of 3900 Churches is relatively cheap, about 35000 US Dollars (2,571,832 Rupees) per month ie 659 Rupees per Church.
Jack McElroy is an American entrepreneur, businessman who helps G.S.Nair to secure funding.
G.S. Nair, is the greatest Hindu Nair Missionary-Entrepreneur of India.
It is a hoax. Nobody can build 3900 Churches in 42 years. Most of the Indian Christians will avoid a Seminary established by a Nair Neo convert. So he could not have trained 3500 Pastors. Where will they work after completion?. CSI, Marthoma or Syro-Malabar wont accept them. Neither an Nair Pastor unaffiliated to any major churches of India can convert 400000 people to Christianity. G.S.Nair is not a known evangelist in Kerala. Where are the 3900 Churches built by GS.Nair in India?.
None of the local Syrian priests are aware of the existence of PBMI churches. American Churches in India such as Baptist, Seventhday Adventists and Mormons are not popular in India and they have followers in thousands only. Why should Fundamental Baptist Mission to India send millions to nonexistent churches?.
His father was a RSS worker from Nedumangadu. Then the family became bankrupt. First his brother became a believer. Then his mother had visions of Jesus. A pastor used to visit their house. He and his brother then attended Pentegost gatherings Then the apparition of Jesus appeared at his bedroom. Jesus had white robe and had white hair too The townspeople printed posters saying that they received money from America and had become Pentegosts. After 9 years Jesus appeared before them again and ordered them to leave Nedumangadu. He and his family went to Thodupuzha and then to Bangalore. He initially stayed in a building under a Seminary.
Then Jesus told him in advance that he will get two alliances. One was a rich Christian bride and the other one was a Hindu Nair bride. He married the Hindu Nair bride. He married a Hindu Nair bride because it was the will of Jesus. He works as a Christian Pastor now.
Ex Hindu Nair converted to christianity who also happens to be from Nedumangad. Relationship with Pastor Sreeju R Nair is not clear. He has got his own Church and Theological Seminary. Kingdom First Ministries Church on the Rock Theological Seminary. Thiruvananthapuram
Director - Kingdom Tours
Kingdom tours is based out of Trivandrum which organize to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Greece. He may convert many Nairs into Pastorhood.
Pastor at Church of God (Full Gospel) in India. Bachelors Degree Theology/Theological studies.
Pastor of the Sharon Pentecostal Church, earlier was with Indian Pentecostal Church at Kumbanad.
Pastor HIF)Highland Immanuel Fellowship Church, Ernakulam and was in charge of the Malayalam wing of the Church He was brought up in a traditional Hindu Nair family.
BISHOP PATRICK NAIR (1932 to 2017)
was a Roman Catholic bishop. Nair served as bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Meerut. Much respected preacher.
was a driver at Wayanad. Now he is a Catholic priest at Thrissur. At 37 years he became a believer and entered Seminary. He added Kripa Grace to his name.
Prateek Pillai is the current Presbyter in-charge, of St. James’ Church, Kashmere Gate, Delhi
ReplyDeleteK. V. PAUL PILLAI
Paul Pillai hails from Trivandrum from a Hindu family. He had Marxist affiliations. Formerly a Hindu lawyer.
Dr. Paul Pillai is the founder and director of India Inland Mission, which plants churches among Hindus. The mission also runs orphanages and a Bible College for training evangelists and pastors. He has been establishing churches in unknown places for thirty years.
One village did not have drinking water, only salt water. Paul Pillai and team prayed for pure water and the Lord provided pure water. The whole village came to Christ. (Location of this Village is a secret).
Another village head was blind for three years. Paul Pillai and his team laid their hand on the chief and prayed. His eyes were opened and he could see. The whole village came under Christ.(Location of this Village is a secret)
One village sufferred from constant Tiger attacks. The police or Gunmen could not find a tiger. Paul Pillais team members preached gospel in that Village. Then they went around the village seven times then they claimed that the Village was protected by a circle of a blood of Christ. For eight years the tiger has not returned.
In another place a Witch Doctor had cursed a man because enmity. That mans seven Milk Buffalos stopped giving milk. Paul Pillais assistants lifted the curse by revoking the name of Jesus. The Buffalos started giving milk again. Half of the Villagers came to know Jesus.(Location of the village is a secret).
Paul Pillai had arranged a Gospel meet at a village. But a Hindu militant group attacked them and started a riot against them. Suddenly a Thunder and lightning came and the leader of the gang was totally blinded. This stopped the rioting and the Gospel meeting continued for five days. On the fifthday the blinded leader of the gang came to the meeting. After prayer he regained his vision and was baptised and became a believer of Christ. (Well, the place is unknown)
In anothor place Paul Pillai was conducting a Gospel meeting during the Monsoon season in a Tent. Because of the heavy rain the surrounding places were flooded with rain and even buildings were washed away. The tent was on top of the mountain. Only in the area of tent there was no rain. In the tent meeting many were healed, delivered from demons. Hundreds were freed of sins and accepted Christ.(Exact location of the tent is not known).
At the central India whole tribe was converted by Paul Pillai. The daughter of the tribal chief was possessed by Demon and became insane. Pillai and team managed to exorcise the girl. The tribal chief and the whole tribe accepted Christ as the only God.(Place is a secret)
A fire brokeout in a village with 10000 people where huts with mudwalls and thatched roofs were closely packed. Paul Pillai had established a church with ten believers in that Village. A thick smoke filled the area. There was no Fireengine available in that area. Pastor Paul Pillai he believers asked the villagers to call upon the name of Jesus to stop the fire. Pastor was using a microphone to tell them. The fire burned from 8.30 AM to the evening. In the evening the Pastor declared that God will clear the smoke and no lives will be lost. The smoke cleared and the Villagers accepted Christ.
During the Pneumonic Plague epidemic Paul Pillai was at Surat where they had ministry for 20 years. Many prominent leaders from villages came and asked him to pray for them as they heard about the power of Jesus in them. The believers fasted and prayed. Eventually Plague did not affect Surat because of their prayers. Good thing about Dr. K. V. Paul Pillai is that he has adopted a Christian name.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the American missionary money is flowing many Pillais and Nairs from Trivandrum will be serving Jesus, performing miracles and converting thousands of North Indians, Tribals and North Eastern people. Each soul thus saved for Jesus are worth atleast hundred dollars. For the miracles performed the American Church goers will pay extra. Where was Paul Pillai during the Kerala floods? Will he eradicate Covid? These Pillais rarely convert Nairs.
Why cant they convert their own Kind ? Nairs are majority in Trivandrum Kollam Kozhikode and Kannur. Paul Pillai should perform miracles and convert them to Christianity. Traditionally the Vellala mixed Nairs of Trivandrum, the Pillais were the traditional enemies of the Christians of Anglican Church and Latin Catholics. They have destroyed many Churches in the period between 1812 to 1982 AD.
Jesus Feast Of Life Ministries Palakkad.
He says,I born in India for Jesus crist I born for Gospel for Jesus crist I live for Gospel in India.At present his English is quite poor. He compares the Creator's sperm with Human's sperm, Devil's sperm and Evil Creature's sperm in his own English.
Shalom Fellowship Church Jammu
Sermon: Hindi
Message: Hindi
Narayan Nair who converted from Hindism to Christianity in the mid 60's travelled to Australia with his wife Savita, and two young children to attend AFCI’s Illawarra Bible College. He was a native of Fiji and he wanted to form a ministry to spread Gospel in south Pacific islands.
In 1974 when The Fiji College of Theology and Evangelism (FCTE) opened. Mass Evangelistic Events are conducted by AFCI.
Today Narayan Nair has trained 10000 Evangelists. Narayan Nair is supported by Ambassadors for Christ International USA, a fellowship of gospel preachers and teachers. AFSI headquarters at AFCI USA Service CenterRoswell, Georgia, USA.KSA
IPC Faith Centre Church, Peroorkada. He is the most enigmatic preacher among Christian Nairs.
Srikanth hasn’t graduated from Bible college (seminary) but Jesus made him a Pastor. He has his own Church. Jesus contacted him at the Emirates Baptist Church International. After that he went to study at US. Jesus came looking for him when he was a student at the University of Houston. He says that Jesus is the Great Shepherd and all who are called (who don’t merely see it as a job) to be a pastor.
He emigrated to Australia in 2010. He has been working as a Pastor at Fishers of Men Church Australia.
Dev Menon is the pastor in charge of discipleship at Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church, Singapore.
St. Andrew's Cathedral Singapore. Converted at the age of 16. He is also a medical Doctor.
Senior Pastor of Church of David’s Tent Ipoh (Church of Thaveethin Kudaram Ipoh), Perak, Malaysia.
He is also called Apostle MENON Manasa. A Tamil evangelist. He was arrested by Malaysian Police. But his flock of Tamil Christans stood by him.
Rock For Jesus,Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Rev. Suresh Menon installed as incumbent (Priest-in-Charge)St Andrew's The Vicarage, Sturt Road, Frimley Green, Surrey UK.Revd Suresh Menon, formerly Assistant Curate of St Ebbe with Holy Trinity and St Peter-le-Bailey, Oxford (Oxford), now Priest-in-Charge of Frimley Green and Mychett (Guildford).Church of England parish church.
Financial year ending 31 December 2020
Total income: £110,404
Total expenditure: £110,147
In the same church other Indian Pastors are Preacher Roop Chopra, Preacher Hari Kaul, Preacher Harish Patel and Rev Dr.Rohintan Mody.
Thus Punjabi Khatris, Kashmiri Pandits, Gujarati Patels, Parsis Nairs and Menons are preaching Gospel in the Churches of UK.
Vijay Menon was a devout Hindu until his middle ages. He was trained as a Ship's Engineer working at Marine insurance London. He accidentally wandered into a Church St Helen Bishopsgate at London. (No body follows a crowd and goes and sits inside a church unless ineberiated) Once he realised that he was inside a church he wanted to escape but could not because of the crowd and was forced to hear the church service at the St Helen Bishopsgate London.
The pastor said that Jesus Christ had died not only for Christians but also for Hindus and Muslims. Immediately after hearing that Vijay Menon became a Christian and a evangelist. In a few years he redesignated himself as a Bible scholar and a Theologian and a critique of Church of England. (A genuine Christian priest may require a lifetime to become a theologian. The Church of England never took him to a Sunday school and examined his Biblical Knowledge).
Vijay Menon is also a trustee Evangelical Christian Leadership in South Africa. He is also Vice president of Church Society Council an organisation which strives to elevate the worship and doctrine of Church to Biblical standards. Vijay Menon has written a book Only one God at UK.
Vijay menon says that Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of God, which is ultimately the world's biggest problem. If Jesus Christ came back today, the Church of England's General Synod would crucify him" says Vijay Menon, an evangelical member of the Synod. (A person who remained Hindu and a Live Snake worshipper until his middle ages is criticising Church of England few years after his conversion).
Vijay Menon wanted to restore Church of England to Biblical standards.(Most importantly he has successfully changed his own image from an outsider Asian Hindu to the levels of Christian Elder of Church of England).
Many educated Nairs living in the western countries use Christianity to gain recognition in the western society. They have double lives, Christian at Europe, US and Hindu in India. Their family remains Hindu. Sons and daughters marry Hindu Nairs only.
Vijay Menon ignored his own Nair community and never attempted to convert them . Many of the Menon converts to Christianity dont have Biblical standards either.
Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams awarded the Cross of St Augustine to Vijay Menon ceremony in the Chapel at Lambeth Palace in 2008. Vijay Menon allegedly has converted literally thousands of Indians to Christianity. It would have cost the Anglican Church millions of Pounds. But all those Nairs Vijay Menon converted are not visible. They have been hiding ever since.
Manoj Nair founder of Christ Revelation Church Birmingham. He is an Aristocratic Hindu who found Jesus. He preaches only in Malayalam translated by wife in English.
Sermons:Tamil and English
Eternal Grace Church, Parsippany, New Jercy, United States. Influenced by Pentegost ministry in 1965. In 1967 as a teenager he prayed and was baptised by God with Holy spirit and the ability to talk in other tongues. In 1970 he took water Baptism. From 1966 to 1988 he was comitted to part time ministry for Jesus Christ. He was a government servant in Tamilnadu. He completed two-year course of studies in theology between 1984 and 1985 from the International Bible Training Institute, England.
Since 1988 he has been doing fulltime ministry. 2009, a small gathering of Tamil Christians were longing to grow spiritually and praying earnestly to have a fellowship at New Jersey. A congregation was formed and named as Eternal Grace Church.
From 2009 as a ordained minister of Assemblies of God of United states of America as a priest of Eternal Grace Church affiliated church of New Jersey District USA. Believers residing in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are wholeheartedly attending Sunday ServicesMinistries in Indian States since 1971:
1) Tamil Nadu 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Karnataka 4) Orissa 5) Maharashtra 6) Madhya Pradesh 7) Bihar 8) Delhi-Capital of India.
Ministries in Europe during the years 1984-85:
1) England 2) Italy
Ministries in the West since the year 2000:
1) Germany 2) Italy 3) Holland 4) Britain 5) France 6) Denmark 7) Canada 8) United States of America
EGOL Bible School, an Online Bible School conducting courses at1) New York 2) New Jersey 3) Pennsylvania 4) Boston 5) Connecticut 6) Maryland 7) Georgia 8) Illinois 9) Tamil Nadu
Highrock Malden US.
Sermons:Tamil and English
Founder/President LIFE CHANGING CHURCH PhD. (Doctorate In divinity) Missouri USA
Chennai.Jeshurun College of Bible Studies Chennai
Youth and Young Adults Pastor.Angle Lake Neighborhood Church. WASHINGTON USA
Immanuel Baptist ChurchBrockton, Massachusetts, United States
Wild Bill Donavan the head of OSS and his aides, including future CIA director Allen Dulles hired Ex Army officers, lawyers, labor leaders, businessmen, flight attendants. missionaries, priests, Rabis to spy for OSS.
Eddy an ex Marine in World War I was a Christian missionary working at Morocco was recruited as a spy by the United States’ first foreign intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He knew Arabic and French and was a scholar of Quran an had connections with Muslim leaders. William Alfred Eddy was given the task of preparing the way forOperation Torch, the 1942 Allied invasion of North Africa.
The Christian missionaries made some of the best clandestine operatives for Americans. Missionaries have excellent language skills, they understood cultural sensibilities who could disappear into foreign cultures. American missionaries were gathering intelligence, keeping tabs on Axis agents, drafting plans to infiltrate enemy territory, partnering with insurgent groups, recruiting foreign hitmen, and hatching assassination plots.
Stewart Herman, William Eddy, John Birch, and Stephen Penrose are the four important Christian missionaries who worked for America. Missionary Willam Eddy worked in the North Africa, Stephen Penrose worked at the Middle East and the and Balkans. John Birch was in China and Stewart Herman was in Germany and England.
John Morrison Birch was a Christian fundamentalist and a American Baptist Missionary, Eddy was a liberal Protestant, Herman was a Lutheran, and Penrose was a Congregationalist. Each missionary spy had completely different duties. Herman was working with the German underground to try to penetrate the Third Reich. Eddy was running spies around North Africa and also sabotaging Axis agents and plotting assassinations.
John Morrison Birch served as a liaison between Chinese forces and the American Air Force. He helped pilots select targets and attack Japanese forces. He was killed in a confrontation with Chinese Communist soldiers ten days after the war. He had been anti-communist.
Penrose was mostly involved in recruiting agents in the Middle East and in the Balkans.
Kay Hiramine was a Seminary trained minister and also entrepreneur running NGOs. Kay Hiramine was a Pentagon spy whose NGO was funded through a highly classified Defense Department program during the Presidency of Bush. The spying program started in 2004 during Bush but continued into Obamas first term of presidency.
Hiramines NGO penetrated into North Korea by offering humanitarian aid to the poor of the North Korea. Pentagon used his NGO and unwitting humanitarian volunteers for intelligence gathering in North Korea.
Evangelical Christian Kay Hiramine, the Colorado-based founder of a multimillion-dollar humanitarian organization received President’s Volunteer Service Award. Hiramine’s organization received millions in funding from the Pentagon through a complex web of organizations designed to mask the origin of the cash.
Just after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, Hiramine and his friends shipped medical supplies to a hospital there. From 2003, HISG had collaborated with a small Pentagon group called the Afghanistan Reachback Office.
Between 2004 to 2006 Hiramine used Christian missionaries, aid workers, and Chinese smugglers to move equipment into and around North Korea. In 2007 and again in 2010, Hiramine entered North Korea under humanitarian cover. Hiramine’s task was to find transportation routes to move military equipment — and potentially clandestine operatives into North Korea for the CIA.
Kim Dong-chul was an American Missionary, Businessman, and a Spy who became a Prisoner at North Korea but freed in 2018. In 2000, with his wife, an ethnic Korean from China, Mr. Kim moved to northeast China as a Christian missionary. In 2002 he gained entry into North Korea as his wife was an ethnic Korean.
Mr. Kim became a resident in Rason where he built five-story, foreigners-only Tumangang Hotel with $2.8 million. He spent $400,000 as bribes for Government officials. He donated buildings for schools and hospitals. He gifted German-made massage machines, jade beds and other gifts for Kim Jong-il then the Supreme leader.
To get information regarding information on the North Koreas nuclear and missile programs CIA and South Korean Intelligence officers provided him with spying equipment, like a camera hidden in a wrist watch and an eavesdropping device and funds In 2015 with a computer memory stick, documents and photographs of a ship docked at a nearby port in his possession he was caught red handed by officer from the Ministry of State Security, the North Korea's infamous secret police.
Mr. Kim, became a decorated foreign investor in North Korea, then spied for the Central Intelligence Agency and South Korea’s National Intelligence Service. He was released but the six North Koreans who worked for me as spies and were executed.
American Mormon missionary Josh Holt, a missionary from Utah was accused of being a spy and imprisioned in Venezuela. The Venezuelan intelligence agencies found weapons in his residence at 2016.
ReplyDeletePandya is the title of Villavar rulers as well as Banas. Bana kingdoms were present throughout India. Most of the India were ruled by Bana rulers. Throughout India numerous places called Banpur which were capitals of Banas exist. Banas were called as Banasura also.
Banas were the the Northern cousins of Villavar who ruled Kerala and Tamilnadu. In Karnataka and Andhra also was ruled by Banas.
1. Villavar
2. Malayar
3. Vanavar
The seagoing cousins of Villavar were called Meenavar
4. Meenavar
Pandyas emerged from all these subgroups in the ancient times. They also used the flag of the sub clans. For eg.
1. Pandyan from Villavar clan was called Sarangadwaja Pandyan. He carried a Bow-arrow flag.
2. Pandyan from Malayar clan was called Malayadwaja Pandyan. He carried a flag with Hill insignia.
3. Pandyan from Vanavar subclan carried a Bow-arrow or Tiger or Tree flag.
4. Pandyan from Meenavar clan carried a fish flag and called himself Meenavan.
In the laterdays all the Villavar clans merged to form Nadalvar clans. Ancient Meenavar clan also merged with Villavar and Nadalvar clans.
Laterdays Nagas who migrated from North became fishermen in south. They are not ethnically related to Villavar-Meenavar clans.
Villavar, Nadalvar, Nadar, Santar, Chanar, Shanar, Charnnavar, Chantrahar, Chandar Perumbanar, Panickar, Thiruppappu, Kavara (Kavurayar), Illam, Kiriyam, Kana, Mara Nadar, Nattathi, Pandiyakula Kshatriya, Nelamakkarar etc.
Ancient Pandyan dynasty was split into three kingdoms.
1. Chera dynasty.
2. Chola dynasty
3. Pandyan dynasty
All were supported by Villavars.
1. Chera Kingdom
2. Pandian Empire
3. Chola Empire
In the Northern India Villavar were known as Banas and Bhils. Meenavar were known as Meena or Matsya.
Early residents of Indus Valley and Gangetic plains were Bana and Meena clans.
King Virata who gave refuge to Pandavas for one year was a Matsya - Meena ruler.
Despite their Asura status Banas were invited to all Swayamvaras.
A Bana kingdom called Asura Kingdom with capital at Sonitpur ruled Assam during ancient times. Throughout India Bana-Meena and Villavar-Meenavar kingdoms existed until the end of middle ages.
Banas and Villavar considered King Mahabali as their ancestor. Numerous kings with Mahabali title ruled India. Villavars called their ancestor Mahabali as Maveli.
Onam festival celebrates the return of king Mahabali who had ruled Kerala every year. The places Mavelikkara, Mahabalipuram both named after Mahabali.
One of the titles of Pandyas were Maveli. Pandyas rivals the Banas were also called Maveli Vanathi Rayar.
Ancient Danavas and Daityas could be Bana subgroup of Indus Valley. The king of Daityas was called Mahabali. The first Dams in India were built by Banas on the Indus river four thousand years ago.
Both Villavars and Banas performed Hiranyagarbha ceremony. In Hiranyagarbha ceremony the Pandya king simulated to emerge from the golden womb of King Hiranya. Hiranya was the ancestor of Mahabali.
Kalithokai an ancient Tamil literature describes a great war fought between combined armies of Villavar Meenavar against Nagas. In that war Villavar Meenavar were defeated and Nagas occupied central India.
Various clans of Nagas migrated to south India and Srilanka especially to coastal areas.
1. Varunakulathor(Karave)
2. Guhankulathor (Maravar, Murguhar, Sinhalese)
3. Kurukalathor (Karaiyar)
4. Paradavar
5. Kalabhras (Kallar, Kalappalar, Vellalar)
6. Ahichatram Nagas (Nair)
These Nagas were the main enemies of Villavars. Nagas sided with Delhi Sultanate, Vijayanagara Naickars and Europeans colonial rulers and opposed Villavars, leading to Villavar downfall.
Despite having common origins Karnataka's Banas and Villavar were enemies. Kerala was occupied by Banas from Alupas Pandyan Kingdom of Tulunadu (Banapperumal) in 1120 AD.
Balija Naickers occupied Tamilnadu in 1377 AD.
Chola Pandyan kingdoms of Villavar were occupied by Balija Naickars (Bana descendents of Mahabali, Banajigas) of Vijayanagara empire.
The invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 led to the defeat of Pandyan dynasty. Villavars were massacred and all the three Tamil kingdoms came to an end.
Karnataka had many Banappandyan kingdoms
1. Alupa Pandyan kingdom
2. Uchangi Pandyan Kingdom
3. Santara Pandyan kingdom
4. Nurumpada Pandyan kingdom.
Karnataka Pandyans used Kulasekhara title also.
Bana kingdoms of Andhra
1. Bana kingdom
2. Vijayanagara kingdom.
1. Double Fish
2. Bow-Arrow
1. Bull Crest
2. Monkey crest (Vanara dwaja)
3. Conch
4. Wheel
5. Eagle
Travancore Kings had Conch Insignia on their flag because they were Banas from Alupa dynasty Karnataka.
Sethupathis had Anumakkodi or Hanuman flag (Vanara Dwaja) because they were Vanathirayars from Kalinga.
வில்லவர் மற்றும் பாணர்
பாண்டிய என்பது வில்லவர் மற்றும் பாண ஆட்சியாளர்களின பட்டமாகும். இந்தியா முழுவதும் பாணர்கள் அரசாண்டனர். இந்தியாவின் பெரும்பகுதி பாண ஆட்சியாளர்களால் ஆளப்பட்டது. இந்தியா முழுவதும் பாண்பூர் எனப்படும் ஏராளமான இடங்கள் உள்ளன. இவை பண்டைய பாணர்களின் தலைநகரங்கள் ஆகும். பாணர்கள் பாணாசுரா என்றும் அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
கேரளா மற்றும் தமிழ்நாட்டை ஆண்ட வில்லவரின் வடக்கு உறவினர்கள் பாணர்கள் ஆவர். கர்நாடகாவிலும் ஆந்திராவிலும் பாணர்கள் ஆண்டனர்.
வில்லவர் குலங்கள்
1. வில்லவர்
2. மலையர்
3. வானவர்
வில்லவரின் கடலோர உறவினர்கள் மீனவர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்
4. மீனவர்
பண்டைய காலங்களில் இந்த அனைத்து துணைப்பிரிவுகளிலிருந்தும் பாண்டியர்கள் தோன்றினர். அவர்கள் துணை குலங்களின் கொடியையும் பயன்படுத்தினர். உதாரணத்திற்கு
1. வில்லவர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் சாரங்கத்வஜ பாண்டியன் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார். அவர் ஒரு வில் மற்றும் அம்பு அடையாளமுள்ள கொடியை சுமந்தார்.
2. மலையர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் மலையத்வஜ பாண்டியன் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார். அவர் மலை சின்னத்துடன் ஒரு கொடியை ஏந்தினார்.
3. வானவர் துணைப்பிரிவைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் ஒரு வில்-அம்பு அல்லது புலி அல்லது மரம் கொடியை ஏந்திச் சென்றார்.
4. மீனவர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் ஒரு மீன் கொடியை ஏந்திச்சென்று தன்னை மீனவன் என்று அழைத்துக் கொண்டார்.
பிற்காலத்தில் அனைத்து வில்லவர் குலங்களும் ஒன்றிணைந்து நாடாள்வார் குலங்களை உருவாக்கின. பண்டைய மீனவர் குலமும் வில்லவர் மற்றும் நாடாள்வார் குலங்களுடன் இணைந்தது.
பிற்காலத்தில் வடக்கிலிருந்து குடிபெயர்ந்த நாகர்கள் தென் நாடுகளில் மீனவர்களாக மாறினர். அவர் வில்லவர்-மீனவர் குலங்களுடன் இனரீதியாக தொடர்புடையவர் அல்லர்.
வில்லவர் பட்டங்கள்
வில்லவர், நாடாள்வார், நாடார், சான்றார், சாணார், சண்ணார், சார்ந்நவர், சான்றகர், சாண்டார் பெரும்பாணர், பணிக்கர், திருப்பார்ப்பு, கவரா (காவுராயர்), இல்லம், கிரியம், கண நாடார், மாற நாடார், நட்டாத்தி, பாண்டியகுல ஷத்திரியர் போன்றவை.
பண்டைய பாண்டிய ராஜ்யம் மூன்று ராஜ்யங்களாகப் பிரிக்கப்பட்டது.
1. சேர வம்சம்.
2. சோழ வம்சம்
3. பாண்டியன் வம்சம்
அனைத்து ராஜ்யங்களையும் வில்லவர்கள் ஆதரித்தனர்.
முக்கியத்துவத்தின் ஒழுங்கு
1. சேர இராச்சியம்
2. பாண்டியன் பேரரசு
3. சோழப் பேரரசு
பாணா மற்றும் மீனா
வட இந்தியாவில் வில்லவர் பாணா மற்றும் பில் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். மீனவர், மீனா அல்லது மத்ஸ்யா என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். சிந்து சமவெளி மற்றும் கங்கை சமவெளிகளில் ஆரம்பத்தில் வசித்தவர்கள் பாணா மற்றும் மீனா குலங்கள் ஆவர்.
பாண்டவர்களுக்கு ஒரு வருட காலம் அடைக்கலம் கொடுத்த விராட மன்னர் ஒரு மத்ஸ்யா - மீனா ஆட்சியாளர் ஆவார்.
பாண மன்னர்களுக்கு அசுர அந்தஸ்து இருந்தபோதிலும் அவர்கள் அனைத்து சுயம்வரங்களுக்கும் அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
சோனித்பூரில் தலைநகருடன் அசுரா இராச்சியம் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு பாண இராச்சியம் பண்டைய காலங்களில் அசாமை ஆட்சி செய்தது.
இந்தியா முழுவதும் பாணா-மீனா மற்றும் வில்லவர்-மீனவர் இராச்சியங்கள் கி.பி .1500 வரை, நடுக்காலம், முடிவடையும் வரை இருந்தன.
பாணர் மற்றும் வில்லவர் மன்னர் மகாபாலியை தங்கள் மூதாதையராக கருதினர். மகாபலி பட்டத்துடன் கூடிய ஏராளமான மன்னர்கள் இந்தியாவை ஆண்டனர்.
வில்லவர்கள் தங்கள் மூதாதையர் மகாபலியை மாவேலி என்று அழைத்தனர்.
ஓணம் பண்டிகை
ஓணம் பண்டிகை ஒவ்வொரு ஆண்டும் கேரளாவை ஆண்ட மகாபலி மன்னர் திரும்பி வரும் நாளில் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. மாவேலிக்கரை, மகாபலிபுரம் ஆகிய இரு இடங்களும் மகாபலியின் பெயரிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
பாண்டியர்களின் பட்டங்களில் ஒன்று மாவேலி. பாண்டியர்களின் எதிராளிகளாகிய பாணர்களும் மாவேலி வாணாதி ராயர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
சிநது சமவெளியில் தானவர் தைத்யர்(திதியர்)
பண்டைய தானவ (தனு=வில்) மற்றும் தைத்ய குலங்கள் சிந்து சமவெளியிலுள்ள பாணர்களின் துணைப்பிரிவுகளாக இருந்திருக்கலாம். தைத்யரின் மன்னர் மகாபலி என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார்.
இந்தியாவில் முதல் அணைகள், ஏறத்தாழ நான்காயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு சிந்து நதியில் பாண குலத்தினரால் கட்டப்பட்டன.
ஹிரண்யகர்பா சடங்கு
வில்லவர்கள் மற்றும் பாணர் இருவரும் ஹிரண்யகர்பா விழாவை நிகழ்த்தினர். ஹிரண்யகர்பா சடங்கி்ல் பாண்டிய மன்னர் ஹிரண்ய மன்னரின் தங்க வயிற்றில் இருந்து வெளிவருவதை உருவகப்படுத்தினார்.
ஹிரண்யகசிபு மகாபலியின் மூதாதையர் ஆவார்.
வில்லவர் மற்றும் பாணர்
ReplyDeleteவட இந்திய பாண குலங்கள்
வட இந்திய பாணர்களுக்கு பாண, வட பலிஜா, அக்னி, வன்னி, திர்கலா போன்ற பட்டங்கள் இருந்தன. வட இந்திய பாணர்கள் ஜாட்கள், ராஜபுத்திரர்கள் போன்ற பல்வேறு சமூகங்களுடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டனர். சில பாணர்கள் ராஜபுத்திரர்களுக்கும் ஆரிய ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்கும் அடிபணிந்தனர். சில பாணர்கள் வில் மற்றும் அம்பு தயாரிப்பதை தங்கள் தொழிலாக ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர்.
பல்லவ பாணர்
பல்லவ மன்னர்கள் பண்டைய உத்தர பாஞ்சால நாட்டிலிருந்து (உத்தரபிரதேசம் மற்றும் நேபால்) ஆந்திராவுக்கு கிமு 200 இல் குடிபெயர்ந்தனர். உத்தர பாஞ்சால நாட்டின் தலைநகரம் அஹிச்சத்திரம் ஆகும். பல்லவ மன்னர்கள் பாரத்வாஜ கோத்ரத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பிராமணர்கள் மற்றும் அஸ்வத்தாமாவின் வழித்தோன்றல்கள் ஆவர், ஆனால் பார்த்தியன் வம்சத்துடன் கலந்தவர்கள். பல்லவ மன்னர்களுடன், காடுகளை வெட்டுவதைத் தொழிலாகக் கொண்டிருந்த பாணர்களின் ஒரு இராணுவம், பாஞ்சால நாட்டிலிருந்து தென்னிந்தியாவிற்கு குடிபெயர்ந்தது. பாஞ்சால நாட்டிலிருந்து வந்த பிராகிருத மொழி பேசும் பாணர் குலங்களுக்கு வன்னி, திகலா (திர்கலா) மற்றும் வட பலிஜா என்ற பட்டங்கள் இருந்தன. கி.பி 275 இல் பல்லவர் தமிழ்நாட்டை ஆக்கிரமித்தனர்.. பல்லவக் கொடிகளில் பாண குலத்தின் காளை சின்னம் இருந்தது. பல்லவர் தலைநகரான மகாபலிபுரம் பாண வம்சத்தின் மூதாதையர், மகாபலி மன்னரின் பெயரால் அழைக்கப்பட்டது.
பாணா வம்சம் மற்றும் மீனா வம்சம்
வட இந்தியாவில் வில்லவர் பாணா மற்றும் பில் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். மீனவர் மீனா அல்லது மத்ஸ்யா என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
மீனா வம்சம்
ராஜஸ்தானின் மீனா குலங்கள் பில் குலங்களுடன் கலந்து பில்-மீனா வம்சங்களை உருவாக்கின. மீனா வம்சம் ராஜஸ்தானை கிமு 1030 வரை ஆட்சி செய்தது. ஆலன் சிங் சான்ட மீனா கடைசி சிறந்த ஆட்சியாளராக இருந்தார்.
சத்தீஸ்கர் பாண இராச்சியம்
பல்லவர்கள் ஒரு பாண இராச்சியத்தை கி.பி 731 இல் சத்தீஸ்கர் மற்றும் ஒடிசாவில் உள்ள தெற்கு கோசல இராச்சியத்தில் நிறுவினர். பாலி தலைநகரமாக ஆண்ட விக்ரமாதித்யா ஜெயமேரு கடைசி மன்னர்.
திக்கம்கரின் பாண்டிய வம்சம்
பாண்டியா பட்டமுள்ள பாணர் குண்டேஷ்வர் தலைநகராக வைத்து மத்தியப்பிரதேசத்தை ஆட்சி புரிந்தனர்.
பாண வர்த்தகர்கள்
இடைக்காலத்தில் பாணர்கள் தங்களை ஒரு வெற்றிகரமான வணிக சமூகமாக மாற்றிக் கொண்டனர். பலிஜாக்கள் அஞ்சு வண்ணம் மற்றும் மணிகிராம் போன்ற பல்வேறு வர்த்தக குழுக்களை உருவாக்கி வர்த்தகத்தை கட்டுப்படுத்தினர். இந்த வர்த்தகர்-போர்வீரர்கள் பலிஜா நாயக்கர்கள்(வளஞ்சியர்கள்) ஆவர்.
பலிஜாக்கள் ஆந்திரப்பிரதேசத்தின் பாண இராச்சியத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் (வடுக நாடு).
பலிஜா வர்த்தக குழுக்கள் ஜெர்மன் ஹான்ஸியாடிக் லீக்கை நெருக்கமாக ஒத்திருந்தனர்.
இதனால் பாண்டியர்கள் தமிழ்நாட்டில் மட்டும் உள்ளவர்கள் இல்லை. மகாபாரதத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ள அனைத்து பாண்டியர்களும் தமிழகத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் அல்ல. சில பாண்டியர்கள் பாண்டவர்களை ஆதரித்தனர், மற்றவர்கள் கவுரவரை ஆதரித்தனர். பாணப்பாண்டியர்கள் இந்தியா முழுவதையும் ஆட்சி செய்தனர். சில பாணர்கள் பாண்டிய பட்டத்தை பயன்படுத்தினர். மற்றவர்கள் பாண்டியன் பட்டத்தை பயன்படுத்தவில்லை.
பாணர் கலவையுடன் பல்வேறு ராஜ்யங்கள் தோன்றின.
சாகர் மற்றும் ஹூணர் போன்ற காட்டுமிராண்டித்தனமான வெளிநாட்டு படையெடுப்பாளர்களின் படையெடுப்புகளுக்குப் பிறகு பல வட இந்திய பாண ராஜ்யங்களும் வீழ்ச்சியடைந்தன.
வில்லவர் மலையர் வானவர் சங்ககால நாணயம்.
வில்-அம்பு மலை மற்றும் மரம் சின்னம்
Many Dravidian kingdoms existed in northern India as well in ancient times . In ancient literature, Dravidian rulers were called asuras. In ancient India, there were Danavar, Daityar, Banar, Meena and Villavar kingdoms. The Aryans dominated only the northern part of the river Ganga. Many Banasuras with Dravidian roots ruled northern India.
1. Danava Daitya
2. Bana Meena.
3. Villavar meenavar
Danavar Villavar and Banar may be people with the same ethnicity and they had been ruled by Kings who had Mahabali title.
Vritra was an early Danava king who perhaps had been ruling over Indus Valley civilization.
Vritra perhaps built many stone dams, which resembled the shape of snakes, on the branches of Indus river to control irrigation. Vritra had 99 forts at the Indus area.
According to the Rig Veda, Vritra kept all the waters of the world captive, until he was killed by Indra. Indra destroyed all the 99 fortresses of Vritra.
Vritra broke Indra's two jaws during the battle, but was then thrown down by Indra and, in falling, crushed the fortresses that had already been shattered.
For this feat, Indra became known as "Vṛtrahan" ie Slayer of Vritra.
Vritra's mother Danu, who was also the mother of the Dānava race of Asuras, was then attacked and defeated by Indra with his thunderbolt.
Three Devas, Varuna, Soma and Agni were coaxed by Indra into aiding him in the fight against Vritra, whereas before they had been on the side of Vritra whom they called Father.
Parallel to Vritra "the blocker" a stone serpent(Dam) slain by Indra to liberate the rivers.
Rig Veda 2.12.3 Indra Who slew the Dragon, freed the Seven Rivers(Sapta Sindhu), and drove the kine(cows) forth from the cave of Vala.
After Vritra his brother Vala became the king of Indus valley. Once again Vala built dams across Indus. Vala also captured the catte of Aryans and locked them up in a cave. Indra killed King Vala and destroyed the long snakelike stone dams built by King Vala. Indra released all their cattle from the cave. Destruction of Dams might have resulted in the failure of irrigation and Agriculture. The watersupply to the city states also might have come from these dams. Eventually Indus valley civilization came to an end.
Indus Valley had extensive Dams built in the shape of snakes on all the seven tributaries of Indus. As the Indus Valley was an Agricultural country Asura- Danava king Vritra built Dams. Aryans were mostly Pastoralists who did not like rivers blocked by Dams. Indra, king of Aryans fought with Asura king Vrithra and killed him. Indra destroyed all the dams built by him and also 99 forts of Danava king Vritra.
At Mehrgarh in the Baloochistan area a Pre-Harappan Indus Valley civilisation (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE) existed. At the Baloochistan province the people talk a northern Dravidian tongue called Brahui even today.
The king of Daitya was known as Mahabali. Under the leadership of Daitya king Mahabali the Dānavas revolted against the Devas (Aryans). The Devas (Aryans) exiled the Danavas from heaven(Northern India) during the Satya Yuga. After exile, the Danavas took refuge in the Vindhya Mountains Danava means People with Danu ie Bow, Villavar. Bana and their clans Daitya and Danavas were considered as Asura.
On the behest of King Kamsa, Akrura the Yadava Elder invited Krishna and Balarama, to attend a Dhanush Yajna and a friendly wrestling match held at Mathura. Fearsome Danava wrestlers Chanura and Mushtika were killed by young Krishna and Balarama .
In Buddhism where they are known as the "bow-wielding" Dānaveghasa Asuras.
Dravidian Villavar, Meenavar and Asura Bana and Meena clans might have had common ancestors.
Earlier period India was mostly inhabited by Dravidian people who formed Dravidian Kingdoms. In the south India many Pandiyan kingdoms were established by Villavar-Meenavar people.
In the north india Villavar related Bana-Meena people had established numerous Banappandiyan kingdoms which were ruled by Kings called Mahabali.
Both Villavar and Banas claimed descendency from Asura King Mahabali and his ancestor Hiranyakasibu. South Indian Bana and Pandiyan kings had performed Hiranyagarba ceremony. Hiranyan's ancient capital was at Iranial otherwise known as Hiranya Simha Nallur.
Banasura prayed to God Brahma who was the common God of Devas and Asuras. Banasura got the boon of immortality that he be killed at the hands of no man or woman in the entire universe. Banasura can only be killed by an unmarried girl or a child. Kanyakumari was born as an avatar of Parashakti. Banasura tried to abduct Kanyakumari but was killed by Goddess Kanyakumari.
Both Banasura and Ravana attended the Swayamvara of Sita devi. But Ravana and Banasura quietly slipped away as soon as they saw the bow.
Banasura's daughter Usha dreamed of Aniruddha grand son of Lord Krishna. Usha's friend Chitralekha, through supernatural powers, abducted Aniruddha from the palace of Krishna and brought him to Usha. Aniruddha fell in love with Usha but Banasura imprisoned him. This led to a war with Lord Krishna, Balarama and Pradyumna. In the war Banasura was defeated. After that Usha was married to Aniruddha.
Andhra had a Bana kingdom which gave rise to many ruling dynasties of Balijas including Vijayanagara Nayaks. Because of their origin in King Mahabali they were called Balijas. Balijas were also called as Banajiga or Valanjiar.
Banar preferred to stay in the jungles. Hence Kadamba Bana capital Banavasi was also called Vanavasi. They were also called as Vanar. The capital of Vanara king Bali was Kishkinda. The Balija Naickar royal family stay at Anegundi near Kishkinda.
The capital of Balija Naickars who ruled over Vijayanagar was Hampi 22 km away from Kishkinda.
At Karnataka many had existed Banappandiyan kingdoms including Kadamba Kingdom, Nurumbada Pandian kingdom, Santara Pandiyan kingdom, Uchangi Pandiyan kingdom, Alupas Pandian kingdom etc.
Bana clans such as Tuluva had ruled over the western coastal of Karnataka. Bana Saluva clan ruled over Goa. Saluva and Tuluva clans were two dynasties of Vijayanagar empire too.
In the North India most states have ancient Bana capitals called Banpur or Bhanpur from where Banas had ruled over that territories.
Many kings with title Mahabali/Maveli title ruled over India. One Mahabali ruled from Sonitpur Assam, Another Mahabali ruled from Kerala and yet another Mahabali who was king of Daityas and Danavas in the Indus valley struggled against early Aryans in the Indus valley.
In the Northern India the Villavar and Meenavar were known as Bana and Meena. Bana founded Banappandiyan kingdoms in the north and the Meena founded Meena or Matsya kingdom in the North India. Bhil tribe who ruled hilly areas also could be subgroups of Villavar.
Similarly Meenas were Pre-Aryan rulers of Rajastan, Sindh and Gangetic plain who may have Dravidian roots. Even after the advent of Aryavartham Bana kingdom and Meena-Matsya kingdom existed in the Gangetic plain. Bana-Meena kingdoms were part of Vedic culture. In Matsya kingdom ruled by King Virata where Pandava spent one year in concealment.
Meena-Matsya king Virata's daughter Uttara later married Arjuna's son Abhimanyu.
Meena kingdom ruled Rajasthan until 1030 AD. Modern Jaipur was founded by Meena clans. Last powerful Meena ruler Alan singh Chanda Meena. Meenas were defeated by Kachwaha Rajputs in this period.
Banas declined after the arrival of Scythian, Parthian and Huna invaders who occupied northern India. Bana-Meena kingdoms were perhaps absorbed by Rajput kingdoms. The Meena kingdom lasted until 1030 AD when Rajputs and Delhi Sultanate had annexed their territories.
During the coronation the Rajput king, custom of smearing the forehead of the king, with the blood drawn from the Thumb of Bhil or Meena clansmen was in vogue. This is because the original rulers of North India were Bana, Bhil, Meena people.
The various kingdoms mentioned in ancient scriptures are of different ethnicities. Some kingdoms may have ancient Asura-Dravidian ancestry, while others are of Naga and Aryan ancestry. Some were foreigners.
Physically all Indians have the Brown colour and Dravidian facial features. It is because of their Dravidian origins.
But these Dravidian tribes in the Gangetic plain of northern India were driven out of their homeland by the Scythian invaders.
The Scythians may have assimilated the Villavar clans, who ruled over the Gange areas. There are many villavar-Nadar family names in the Jat community. The Jat community may have had a Scythian origin.
Many Villavar surnames such as Nadar, Chanar, Sandhar Bilvan, Bana, Chera, Chola and Pandya found among the surnames of Jat community.
The early literature of India mentions twin tribes called Danava and Daitya and their king Mahabali at Sindh area. Danu meant Bow. Danava clans might have been Dravidian Villavar - Bana people. Villavar and Bana people also considered Mahabali as their ancestor. Villavar and Bana kings performed Hiranyagarba ceremony. Hiranyakasipu was King Mahabali's ancestor.
Danava, Daitya and Bana all were called Asuras. Dravidians and Asuras could be the same clans of people.
Tamil Villavar and its subgroups Villavar, Vanavar and Malayar and their sea-going cousins called Meenavar, all these were the people who founded the ancient Pandiyan kingdom. Ancient Pandiyan kings were known by their subclans e.g Malayar clan, Malayadwaja Pandiyan. Villavar clan, Sarangadwaja PandyanMeenavar clan, Meenava Pandiyanetc
In the laterdays all the Villavar clans merged with Meenavar clans to produce Nadalvar or Nadar clans.
The beginning of the Pandiyan kingdom was at the prehistory at Kumarikandam. The capitals were Then Madurai, Kapadapuram and Madurai.
1. Foundation of First Pandyan kingdom (9990 BC)
2. First Deluge (5550 BC)
3. Second Pandyan kingdom
4. Second Deluge (1850 BC)
5. Third Pandyan kingdom
6. End of Sangam age(1 AD)
The ancient Pandyan kingdom trifurcated into Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms in Tamilakam.
The Chera dynasty was shifted from Kodungaloor to Kollam following the Tulu-Nair invasion who attacked Kerala with the help of Arabs in 1120 AD. After Malik Kafur's attack and defeat of Pandyan kingdom in 1310 AD Villavars were massacred. All Kerala came under the Tulu-Nepalese rule. Nagas from Ahichatram-Nepal Dominated Kerala after 1335 AD. Tamilnadu was occupied by Telugu Balijas and Vanathirayars. The Vanathirayars became the leaders of gangetic Nagas of Tamilnadu. After 1377 AD Kerala and Tamil Nadu were ruled by Bana kings. Kerala and Tamilnadu were dominated by northern Nagas.
1. Migration from Kodungaloor to Kollam (1102 AD)
2. Migration from Kollam to Trivandrum, Kanyakumary and Srilanka (1335 AD)
1. Migration from Thanjavur to Kalakkad (1310 AD)
2. Migration from Madurai to Thirunelveli (1310 AD)
3. Migration from Thirunelveli to Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram (1377 AD to 1640 AD)
Villavar clans
1. Villavar = Bhil
2. Malayar
3. Vanavar = Bana
4. Meenavar = Meena
Villavar =Bhil, Bhillava, Sarangha, Danava
Malayar=Maleya, Malaya
Vanavar=Bana, Vanathirayar
Meenavar=Meena, Matsya
Nadalvar=Nadava, Nadavara, Nadavaru.
Santar=Santara, Chanda
Villavar-Nadar clans belong to an indigenous ancient rulers called Villavar and Bana clans who ruled the whole of India. The decline of Villavar was due to the genocide which followed the Delhi invasion. another reason was exodus of Villavar and Panickar to other counries.
In 1102 the Later Chera dynasty facing opposition from Tulu invaders the Chera capital was shifted from Kodungaloor to Kollam. Most of the Tamil Villavars migrated to Kollam. Cheras mixing with Ays produced the Chera-Ay dynasty which ruled Venad between 1102 AD to 1333 AD. But some Villavar might have remained at Kodungaloor.
In 1120 AD, a Tulu invader called Banapperumal invaded Kerala with 350000 strong Nair army with Arab support. Banapperumal established the Kolathiri kingdom in 1156 AD with his son Udayavarman Kolathiri as its ruler. The capital of the Kolathiri kingdom was at Valarpattinam at Kannur.
The Chera Villavar dynasty was founded at Kollam by the merger of some Ay clans with Villavar clans. The last Chera king Ramavarma Kukasekhara was the same as Ramar Thiruvadi the first ruler of Chera-AI dynasty who ruled from Panankavil Kottaram at Kollam. The Chera- Ai dynasty ruled between 1102 AD to 1333 AD.
Villavar were split into three clans.
Villarvettom Villavars remained at Kochi while the Chera dynasty shifted their capital from Kodungaloor to Kollam in 1102 AD. Villarvattom kings ruled the areas between Chendamangalam to Udayanapuram near Vaikkom. Their capitals were Chendamangalam and Udayamperoor. Villarvettom territories Ernakulam, Vypeen, Paravur and Udayamperoor became major centres of Christianity.
The Villavar and Panickars might have joined the Syrian Christians s in 1339 AD and Portuguse in 1498 AD. Vallikada Panickars led Portuguese armies. Many Panickers mixed with Portuguese to form a Mestizo community. These Christian Panickars are from Kollam Pathanamthitta, Kottayam and Ernakulam districts.
VALLIKADA PANICKAR, kumbanad Panickar, Mylitta Panickar, Adangapurathu Panickar and Maranadu Panickars might have joined the Portuguese and Dutch armies. The Panickars were the traditional martial arts trainers who maintained a Padaveedu, War house. The Villavar and Panickers readily joined and provided an army to Portuguese who numbered only 150 on arrival. But Portuguese never bothered to restore Villarvattom Kingdom to it's original rulers, Udayanaswarupam of Udayamperoor. But Villarvattom rulers were converted to Roman Catholicism.
The Channars and Panickers who did not want fo convert continued to own land in the Cherthala, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta and Kollam districts. The northern Channar and Panickars gradually got separated from their southern cousins in the 18th century When in the 1740s large scale land grabbing from Nadars started many of the northern Channars and Panickers started identifying as Ezhavas.
Ezhavas were ethnically different from Villavars and were migrants from Srilanka in the ancient times who had Iyakkar and other Tamil origins. Iyakkar were feudal lords who ruled from Kakkanadu, Kumaranellur and Punalur during Later Chera period. Ezhava worshipped Aruhan and Murughan Buddhist and Hindu deities. Some of the Chanar mixed with Bhillavas and became Matriarchal.
Panickars and Channars remained endogamous until recently. They formed a land owning aristocracy among Ezhavas. But the Avarna rules applied on them too. To some extent they could their lands from land grabbing of Travancore kingdom. The richest keralite was Alummootil Channar during independence. But he was not allowed to drive his car at the roads of Trivandrum. Cheerappanchira Panickers were closely connected to the Pandalam Pandyan dynasty along with Ambalapuzha and Alangad Panickars. But Pandalam Pandyan dynasty had been replaced by a Brahmin dynasty. Cheerappanchira Panickers were never recognised at Pandalam. Arunassery Channars are another land owning family from Kollam. All these families produced many eminent politicians in the 20th century.
Some Villavars might have chosen to remain at Kodungaloor. Around 1500s a Portuguese Fidalgo, Lord called Felipe Perestrelo married a woman called Dona Beatriz Natover (Nadavar) from Kodungaloor who was the owner of a Temple and a School at Kodungaloor. Felipe Perestrelo a relative of Columbus joined the school as headmaster-teacher. Later he married Dona Beatriz Natover who had been converted to Christianity.
After the defeat of Pandyan kingdom in 1310 AD by Malik Kafur the Pandyan army was defeated. With these all the Tamil kingdoms the Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms came to an end. The Delhis army hunted down the Villavar army.
Many Villavars founded refuge in the Chanar Malai near Chenkottai. For two hundred years many Nadars of the Pandyan kingdom hid themselves in the Chanar Malai jungles.
After the fall of Pandyan kingdom in 1310 AD Kerala fell in the hands of the Tulu dynasty of Kolathiris of Kannur. Kolathiris allied with Delhi Sultanate. Kolathiris were supported by Brahmins and Naga warriors of Nepalese origin. Four Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms were formed ruled by sons of Tulu princesses and Nambuthiris by Sambandham.
In 1314 two Kolathiri princesses who founded a Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese dynasty at Kollam. Attingal Rani was stationed at Attingal and Kunnumel Rani was stationed at Kottarakkara. Ays adopted Matriarchy and intermixed with the Tulu-Nepalese dynasty of Attingal Rani. Kunnumel Aditya Varma was the first Tulu Matriarchal king who came to power in 1333 AD. Kizhapperur, Trivandrum.
The Tulu Attingal and Kunnumel Ranis did not have marriage but Sambandam courtship with either Nambuthiris, Ai princes or Cherai princes. This created three matriarchal Royal lineages.
1.Tulu-Ai lineage(1333 to 1350 and 1610) who used Thiruvadi title. They also used Thirupappur and Chirava mootha thiruvadi titles.
2.Tulu-Nambuthiri lineage(1350 AD to 1383 AD) who did not use any Tamil titles. The Attingal princesses might have had Sambandam with Nambuthiris. Venads Royal houses belonging to Ay Kingdom
Royal Houses of Ay Dynasty
1. Thrippapur
2. Chirava
3. Kayamkulam
4. Karunagappalli
6. Manalikkara
7. Kuzhithura
8. Eranial
9. Kallada
1.Keezhperoor(Kilapperur)(1383 AD to 1544 AD)(1592 AD to 1609 AD)
2. Kalkulam (1544 AD to 1575 AD)
3. Attur (1575 AD to 1577 AD)
4. Kuzhithurai (1578 AD to 1592 AD)(1609 AD to 1610 AD)
Tulu-Cherai kings used Tamil Villavar titles such as Kulasekharapperumal, Cherala, Chola, Pandya titles as well as Ay titles Thirupappur and Chirava moopar titles(but not Thiruvadi title).Possibly the Tulu-Nepalese Attingal queens had Sambandam with Cherai princes of Kollam who were mixture of Villavar Cheras with Ay dynasty. Tulu-Cherai kings founded the Jayasimhavamsam.
Jayasimhavamsam kings married Chera (Cheranmadevi,Kottaiyadi) Chola (Kalakkadu), Pandyan (Kallidaikurichi, Ambasamudram) princesses and adopted their dynasty dynasty titles such as Chola. During Tulu-Cherai period the reigning king moved to his wifes place which was made Capital. In this era Venads Capitals were moved to Villavar strong holds such as Cheranmadevi, Kalakkad, Kallidaikurichi andPadmanabhapuram used as capital by Jayasimhavamsam. Villavars had partial soverignity until 1595 AD.
The Tulu-Cherai kings married Tamil Villavar princesses. But their sons cant become the next king because of Matriarchy. Their sisters became Attingal Rani whose son became the next king.
1. Cheranmadevi (Chera)(1383 AD to 1458 AD)
2. Kallidaikurichi(Pandya) (1358 AD to 1484 AD
3. Kizhapperoor(Cherai) (1484 AD to 1500 AD)
4. Padmanabhapuram(Cherai) (1500 AD to 1516 AD)
5. Kalakkadu(Chola) (1516 AD to 1595 AD
After the invasion of Vijayanagara Naickers in 1377 AD the Villavars lost most of the places north of Thirunelveli. Tulu-Nepalese people, the Nairs and Nambuthiris became increasingly powerful. But Villavars facing opposition from Naickers had no choice other than to join Tulu-Cherai dynasty who had partial Villavar blood. The Tulu-Cherai kings who married Chola or Pandyan princesses moved their capital to their forts ie Cheranmadevi, Kallidaikurichi and Kalakkadu which were in Thirunelveli District.
The Tulu-Cherai kings had Tamil Villavar and Tulu ethnicity.
They were supported by
1.Tamil Villavars
2. Tulu-Nepalese Nairs and Vellalas
But both were enemies.
The Villavar capitals after their fall in 1310 were
1.Kottaiyadi (Chera)
2.Cheranmadevi (Chera)
Venads Tulu-Cherai kings by marrying Villavar princesses between 1383 to 1595 occupied most of the Thirunelveli District including Tuticorin. In this period the Kings were Tamil speaking and used Tamil titles.
Tenkasi Pandyas however vehemently opposed the occupation by Venads Tulu-Cherai rule. Tenkasi Pandyas preferred to be tributary of Vijayanagara Naickers.
The Vellalas a Tamil Kalabhra caste which had been planted in southern Tamilnadu by Chola invaders around 1000 AD. Vellalas had been subservient to Villavars in the Cherai era(1102 AD to 1333 AD).
Chera administrators Vellai Nadars used to have mistresses among Vellala women. Chola rulers also used to accept Vellala daughters as concubine in return of land grands to Vellalas. This system called "Maga koda" the Vellalas donated one or two daughters to Royal harem as concubines. However the Children born out of this Chola-Vellala women union were considered as Vellala with the title Mudali.
Villavars used Magakkoda (Daughter Donation) to keep the rebellious Vellalas under control. But after the defeat in 1310 AD the Vellalas aligned with Nairs and adopted the Matriarchal system of Nairs. The matriarchal Vellala women remained without marriage and courted Multiple Nair men through Sambandam. The Children born thus were given the mothers surname ie Pillai not fathers ie Nair. As the patternity cant be established because of Polyandry Nairs always used mothers surname. Many of the sons born to Vellala mothers and Nair fathers the Pillais were accepted as a subgroup of Nairs. Others remained as Matriarchal Vellalas. The head of the Vellala-Nair families called Karanavar resisted Villavar Karanavars. After the invasion 1377 after the Villavar defeat after the Naicker invasion in 1377 AD Vellalas demanded Vellai Nadars not to have mistresses among Vellalas. Despite the Tulu-Cherai and Villavar alliance the Tulu dynasty stationed at Attingal was promoting Nairs as feudal lords. Most of the Nairs we find in Kollam,Trivandrum and Kanyakumari belong Vellala-Nair ethnicity.
The first Vellai Nadar inscriptions Keezhperoor and Ambasamudram (1380 AD) Ambasamudram (1406 AD) Ambasamudram (1416 AD)Thiruvithankode and Kallidai kurichi (1453 AD)
In this era Kizhaperoor was the capital of Tulu-Ai as well as Tulu-Cherai dynasties. When Padmanabhapuram was the Tulu-Cherai Capital nearby Kalkulam, Attur and Kuzhithurai were the capitals of Tulu-Ai dynasty.
Kerala Villavar moved further south after 1314 AD and established their capital at Kottaiyadi near Kanyakumari and Cheranmadevi.
At Cherannadevi Kerala Villavars built another fort. This served as capital of Jayasimhavamsam between 1383 AD to 1444 AD.
Kottaiyadi is mentioned in the oral traditions where a fort existed. Kottaiyadi was a last Chera fort. When Rama Varma, a Venad ruler wanted to marry a princess from Kottaiyadi they refused. The old saying that 'Nadalum Ramavanmanukkum Nadarkal kulathil Penn kodom' is based on this incidence.
நாடாளும் ராமவன்மனுக்கும் நாடார்கள் குலத்தில் பெண் கொடோம்.
The Tulu-Ai matriarchal king Ramavarma ruled Venad with Kuzhithurai as capital at 1610 AD. This fort was destroyed by Venad kings after 1610 AD.
Following the Pandyan defeat a Pandyan clan accepted the Suzernity of Vijayanagara Naickers and started ruling from Tenkasi. Other Chola and Pandyan dynasties moved to south.
A Chola family built a fort at Kalakkadu. Kalakkadu was the capital of Jayasimhavamsam from 1516 AD to 1595 AD.
Pandiyas who migrated to south built fortifications at Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram. Kallidaikurichi was also the capital of Tulu-Cherai Jayasimha Vamsham between 1444 AD to 1484 AD).
Between 1333 to 1350 AD a Matriarchal dynasty ruled Venad with Thiruvadi title of AY dynasty. First Tulu Matriarchal ruler of Venad was Kunnumel Aditya Varma Tiruvadi (1333 AD to 1335 AD) He used the title of Ay kings, Thiruvadi. Son of Kunnumel raniCapital Keezhperoor, Trivandrum.
Vira Rama Udaya Marthanda Varma Thiruvadi. (1335 AD to 1342 AD. Son of Attingal rani.
Capital Keezhperoor, Trivandrum.
Kunnumel Vira Kerala Varma Tiruvadi (1342 AD to 1350 AD) Son of Kunnumel rani.
Capital Keezhperoor, Trivandrum.
Venad Kings between 1350 to 1383 did not use any Tamil title.
After 1350 AD the Kollam Tulu kings did not use the Thiruvadi title ending their connections to Ay dynasty. No Tamil titles were used by them. Their names are Sanskritised.
Built a palace at Kottar. Thuluckan Pada attacked Thovala.
Capital Keezhperoor, Trivandrum.
Inscriptions Vadassery Thiruvattar. Joined hands with Vikrama Pandiyan and defeated Thuluckanpada.
Capital Keezhperoor
Above two dont have any Tamil titles. Possibly sons of Nambuthiris and Attingal Rani, a Tulu-Nepalese ruler. The first Vellai Nadar inscriptions (1380 AD) at Keezhperoor and Ambasamudram was during his rule.
Aditya Varma Sarvanganathan sided with Pandyans against Thuluckanpada, the Turkish invaders. Unnuneeli Sandesam written in Manipravalam (Sanskrit+Tamil) during this period praises Aditya Varma Sarvanganathan. But after the defeat of Pandyans in 1377 AD by Kumara Kambana the Vijayanagara prince, Aditya Varma Sarvanganathan turned against Villava Nadars of Venad. First Vellai Nadar inscriptions appeared in 1380 during his reign.
Under the command of Kumara Kambana Vijaya Nagara army invaded Madurai in 1377. Naickers pretending to help Pandyas get rid of Madurai Sultanate invaded Madurai, defeated the Madurai Sultanate and expelled them. The did not restore Pandyas but appointed Vanathirayars from Kolar pretending to be Pandyas at the Madura.
Pandyas of Tamil Nadu had been defeated and displaced by the Vijayanagara army in 1377 AD thereby weakening the position of Villavars of Kerala.
Tulu-Ay Dynasty split into two dynasties at 1383 AD.
1. Tulu-Ay dynasty
2. Tulu-Cherai dynasty (Jayasimhavamsam)
ReplyDelete1. TULU- AY DYNASTY which ruled from Kizhapperur, Trivandrum who did not use Tamil titles such as Chera, Chola Pandyan. It was a Tulu Matriarchal dynasty with Ay intermixture.
1. Keezhperoor (1383 AD to 1544 AD)(1592 AD to 1609 AD)
2. Kalkulam (1544 AD to 1575 AD)
3. Attur (1575 AD to 1577 AD)
4. Kuzhithurai (1578 AD to 1592 AD)(1609 AD to 1610 AD)
A matriarchal Tulu dynasty existed simultaneously at Trivandrum. They did not use Tamil titles.
VIRA RAVI VARMA (1383 AD to 1416 AD)
Capital: Kilapperur, Trivandrum
Martanda Varma, Kulasekhara Perumal (1503 AD to 1504 AD)
Capital Kizhaperroor, Trivandrum
A rival dynasty existed at Kizhapperoor at Trivandrum. Tulu-Ay clan was supported by Vellala-Nair people
MARTANDAVARMA (1544 AD to 1554 AD)
Capital: Kalkulam
Around 1544 the rival Tulu dynasty shifted its capital to Kalkulam. They used Ai titles such Thirupappur mootha Thiruvadi and Chirava Moothavar. This again meant the weakening of Villavar people at Thiruvithankode.
ADITYA VARMA (1554 AD 1575 AD)
Capital: Kalkulam
Eventually the Tulu-Ay dynasty supported by Vellalas and Nairs shifted residence from Keezhperoor in Trivandrum to Kalkulam. This dynasty was completely unrelated and hostile to Villavars. A large migration of Nairs to Kalkulam occurred during this period.
RAVI VARMA KULASEKHARA PERUMAL (1575 AD to 1577 AD) Capital : Attur
1577 to 1578 Interregnam
MARTANDA VARMA (1578 AD to 1592 AD)
Capital: Kuzhithurai.
Tulu-Cherai Matriarchal dynasty established at 1383 AD. Jayasimhavamsham was named after Jayasimha Deva who established his capital at Kollam. After the Pandiyan occupation in 1252 AD, Jayasimha deva from the AI faction of Chera, after marrying a Kupaka princess ruled from Kollam for one year between 1267 to 1268 AD. Though Jayasimhadeva brought all Kerala under one umbrella Venad sank into a 32 year long disruptive civil war. The Villavar faction probably separated from Cherai in 1266 AD.
The last three Cherai kings Jayasimha deva, Ravivarman Kulasekhara and Veera Udaya Marthanda Varma, Veera Pandiyan were more Ays than Villavar Cheras but married from Pandyans of Madurai and called themselves Pandiyan. Jayasimhanad or Desinganad was Kollam where Cherai kings ruled prior to 1333 AD. Jayasimhavamsham kings after 1383 migrated to Villavar areas and married from Chera Chola Pandiyan families of Kalakkad, Kallidaikurichi, Ambasamudram and Cheranmadevi. Since they followed Matriarchy their sons could not become kings. They adopted the Tamil dynasty names of their wives. Their titles were Tamil too. Attingal Ranis perhaps had Sambandham with Cherai princes. This dynasty could be partially Tamil and had some Villavar blood and Ai blood. The Jayasimhavamsam kings adopted Chera Chola Pandyan titles. They had changed their capital to the last capitals of Tamils Chera Chola Pandya, Cheranmadevi, Kalakkadu and Kallidaikurichi.
1. Cheranmadevi (1383 AD to 1458 AD)
2. Kallidaikurichi (1358 AD to 1484 AD
3. Kizhapperoor (1484 AD to 1500 AD)
4. Padmanabhapuram (1500 AD to 1516 AD)
5. Kalakkadu (1516 AD to 1595 AD
CHERA UDAYA MARTHANDA VARMA, VEERA PANDYA DEVA Kulasekharapperumal (சேர உதய மார்த்தாண்ட வர்மா, குலசேகரப்பெருமாள்) (1383 AD to 1444 AD)
Son of Attingal Rani according to Travancore records. But doubtful. He might have been a resurgent King of old Villavar Cherai dynasty by Sambandam with Tulu Attingal Rani.
Capital: Cheran Mahadevi
First Tulu king to adopt the title Kulasekharapperumal because of his Cherai ancestry. But Tulunadu's Alupas kings who were from Bana family also had the same title.
Despite his Villavar titles of the king issued Vellai Nadar inscriptions 1406 and 1416 AD at Ambasamudram during his rule. It is obvious that Nair-Pillamar-Vellala group was increasingly powerful.
In 1406 AD Vellalas sentenced to death three Vellai Nadars including Kanakku Kolari Ayyappan(கணக்கு கோளரி அய்யப்பன்) who defied their orders
VIRA RAVI VARMA (1444 AD to 1458 AD)
Capital: Cheranmadevi
The last Vellai Nadar Inscription at Thiruvithankode and Kallidai kurichi at 1452 AD. But the Villavar power did not decline until 1610 AD.
SANKHARA SRI VIRA RAMA MARTANDA VARMA, Kulasekhara Perumal (1458 AD to 1468 AD) Jayasimhanad Kallidaikurichi
VIRA KODAI ADITYA VARMA(வீர கோதை ஆதித்ய வர்மா) (1468 AD to 1484 AD) Jayasimhanad
Capital : Kallidaikurichi.
Kodai title is used only by Tamil Villavars only.
RAVI RAVI VARMA (1484 AD to 1512 AD)
Capital: Kilapperur
1500 AD to 1512 AD
Capital : Padmanabhapuram
VIRA RAVI KERALA VARMA KULASEKHARA PERUMAL (வீர ரவி கேரளவர்மா குலசேகரப்பெருமாள் (1512 to 1514 AD)
Capital: Padmanabhapuram
Capital: Padmanabhapuram
BOOTHALA VEERA SRI VEERA UDAYAMARTHANDA VARMA (பூதல வீர ஶ்ரீ வீர உதய மார்த்தாண்ட வர்மா)(1516 AD to 1535 AD)
Capital: Kalakkadu
Defeated Pandiyan occupied Thirunelveli. Fought with many PandyasJatilavarman Parakrama Pandya Kulasekhara, Jatilavarman Sri Vallabha, Maravarman sundara Pandyan.
VENTRU MANKONDA BOOTHALA VEERAN (வென்று மண்கொண்ட பூதல வீரன்)PULIMARTHANDAN(புலி மார்த்தாண்டன்)
Married Chola Princess Cholakulavalli (சோழகுலவல்லி) at Kalakkadu. Kalakkadus alternative name was Cholakulavalli puram. Kalakkadu kingdom was called Mullinadu. He was ruler of Jetunganadu (Kollam)
Writ to redress the grievances of NADARS between PARAII and THOVALA mountains.
Tax relief for Christian Paravar.
Grant to Jain temple Nagercoil
Defeated by Vijayanagar generalissimo, SALAKARAJA Chinna TIRUMALAYYADEVA defeated Bhuthalaveera Tamraparni 1535 AD. Forced to surrender all the Pandya territories that he had previously won, and reduced to the position of a VASSAL of the VIJAYANAGAR EMPIRE
Capital: Kalakkadu
ADITYA VARMAN (1535 AD to 1544 AD)
Nephew of BOOTHALA Veera Ravi Varma
Capital: Kalakkadu
Joao Da Cruz the Nair convert who was instrumental in the conversion of Tuticorin Paravars, met him at 1537 AD, seeking permission to convert Venads fishermen community to Christianity.
VEERA KERALA VARMA (1544 to 1545 AD)
Capital: Kalakkadu
Assisted FRANCIS XAVIER to spread Christianity. Viayanagaram tried to stop Conversion Invasions Pandiyan territory collected Kappam. In the war with Vijayanagaramm Venad was defeated by Ramaraya Vittalan whobuilt Suceendram Temple Tower. In the peace efforts FRANCIS XAVIER was mediator. After the defeat of Tulu- Cherai dynasty by Vijayanagar Kalkulam was occupied by Tulu- Ai dynasty in 1544 AD. With this Nair migration to Kalkulam occurred.
Capital: Kalakkadu
Peace with Vijayanagaram At 1553 Viswanatha Naicken defeated the Pandyan king and came to the borders of Venad.
UNNI KERALA VARMA (1556 AD to 1568 AD)
Capital : Kalakkadu
At 1568 AD Vittalan of Vijayanagaram defeated by VENAD Independence from Vijayanagaram
Capital : Kalakkadu
Nephew of Unni Keralavarma
The Jayasimhavamsham ended in 1595 AD
This also indicates the decline of Tamil Villavar power.
The Tulu-AI dynasty probably went into attrition in 1579. Initially few princes from local Tulu- Ay branches from Iranial and Manalikkara were adopted into the dynasty and were made Kings. By this forced adoption the Brahmins of Cochin and Tulu Samantha rulers of Kolathunad could adopt Tamil Villavar Cherai titles such as Kulasekharapperumal, Thirupappur, Chirava Moothavar etc. After 1610 those who ruled were not Tamil Chera or Ays but impersonators. By 1610 Brahmin princes from the Cochin kingdom were adopted into the Venad kingdom.
Probably Portuguese planted unrelated Brahmin princes from Vellarappalli Kovilaham as rulers of Venad.
From 1610 AD the Attingal queens had the title Nambirattiyar Ammai.
Vira Ravi Ravi Varma Kettai Tirunal Kulasekhara Perumal (1592 AD to 1609 AD)
Capital: Kilapperur
The custom of adding Birth star to Name started.It indicates the mixture with Kolathiris.
Rama Varma (1609 AD to 1610 AD)
Capital: Kuzhithura
Adopted From Iraniel into the Chiravay Swaroopam at the Kulittura Palace.He probably wanted to marry a princess from Kottaiyadi branch of Villavar Cheras. In the last minute the Tulu-Ay dynasty might have wanted to marry a Nadar Villavar princess from Kotaiyadi. But he was refused.
"நாடாளும் ராமவன்மனுக்கும் நாடார்கள் குலத்தில் பெண் கொடோம்".
is an old saying
Capital: Kuzhiturai
From the Manalikkara Branch of the family in Kalkulam.
TULU AI dynasty
Adopted into the Chiravay Swaruppam by Martanda Varma, at the Kulittura Palace, in 1579.
AY, CHERAI and VILLAVAR Tamil dynasties came to an end.TULU-NEPALESE DYNASTIES became rulers.
After 1610 Venads Royal houses belonging to Ay Kingdom
1. Thrippapur
2. Chirava
3. Kayamkulam
4. Karunagappalli
6. Manalikkara
7. Kuzhithura
8. Eranial
9. Kallada
were planted with adoptions from Cochin Brahmin Kingdom, and from Kolathiri dynasty both were Tulu-Nepalese dynasties and ethnically not related to Tamils.
Main Tulu Royal houses established in 1344 AD were
1. Attingal
2. Kottarakara
3. Nedumangad
All these were filled with adopted Brahmin princes from Vellarappally Cochin, Kottayam kingdom in Malabar and Thattari Kovilakam from Bepur. All the kings used Kulasekarapperunal title and Thirupappur mootha Tiruvadi title.But they were not Ays or Villavar but a mixture of Tulu dynasty of Alupas with Brahmins from Ahichatram, Nepal. Thus a Tulu-Nepalese dynasty ruled Venad with Tamil titles.In the background were Portuguese and British colonial rulers.
During the Portuguese rule Princes from Vellarappalli Pandarathil Brahmin family from Kochi kingdom, were installed as rulers of Venad in 1610 AD.Thus Portuguese could control Kochi as well as Travancore.
Tulu-Nepalese dynastyVellarappalli dynasty belonged to the Brahmin families of Vellarappalli, near Kalady in the Cochin kingdom. From 1610 AD many princes and Pribcesses were adopted into the Venads Tulu-Ay dynasty replacing Ays completely. Originally they were known as Pandarathil family. Cochin kingdom was under the Suzernity of Portuguese. Without Portuguese military support this family could not have become the rulers of Venad. Vellarappalli dynasty king called themselves Kulasekharapperumal as well as the Ai title Thripappur Mootha Thiruvadi though they were not ethnically not related to Tamil kingdoms.The Brahmin Queens called themselves Nambirattiyar.
Vellarappally Pandarathil Brahmin dynasty rulers were first rulers to add Birth star to their names in 1610 AD.
The dominance of Tamil Villavar, Cherai and Ay dynasty rules came to an end.
The Vellalas-Pillamars-Nairs supported the Vellarappalli Brahmin dynasty initially. Ravikuttipilla the commander of Travancore led the Venad armies against Thirumala Naickers army led by Ramapaiyan in 1634. At the war at Kanichikulankara Venad was defeated by Naicker armies and Iravikutti Pilla was killed.
In the same year 1610 Pooram Tirunal of Attingal Nambirattiyar Ammai became Attingal Rani. Her son Vira Ravi Varma was installed as king
VIRA RAVI VARMA REVATI TIRUNAL KULASEKHARA PERUMAL (1610 AD to 1662 AD) was installed in the same year.He was supported by Kunnumel Elayedam Swarapum of Kottarakkara the early Tulu dynasty established in 1314 AD.Vira Kerala Varma was adopted into the Elayedathu Swaroopam of Kottarakkara.
In 1630 two brahmin princes called Kochuraman Unni Pandarathil and Kochunni Pandarathil were adopted into Venad Royal family. Kochuraman Unni Pandarathil adopted the title Rama Varma Aswathi Tirunal. Kochunni Pandarathil adopted the title Prince Aditya Varma Atham Tirunal.Rama Varma Aswathi Tirunal (1630)
________________________________ ________________________________
Until the end of Portuguese rule no body questioned the authority of the Vellarappalli Brahmin dynasty. The Dutch who followed were not powerful. In the following years King Aditya Varma from Vellarappally was poisoned by Pillamar in 1677. Umayamma Ranis five sons were drowned by Pillamar in 1677.Umayammarani was defeated by Pillamar and Nedumangad prince in 1677. Umayamma Rani could not defeat 500 strong Mukilan Pada for six months. Ramaraja Aditya Varma was poisoned by Pillamar in 1721AD.But after British became powerful in 1730 AD Travancore kings became very powerful. It also led to the suppression of Villavars by new laws.
RAMA VARMA (1662 AD to 1671 AD)
Eldest son of Princess Lakshmi Amma Pantarattil (Lakshmi Nambirattiyar Ammai) from the Vellarapalli Kovilakam of Cochin Royal Family who had been adopted into Attingal family in 1630.
The Ettuveetil Pillamar became increasingly powerful after the end of Portuguese rule in 1660 AD. Pillamar were a half Tamil clan born of Vellala mothers by Sambandham with Nairs.
The eight Pillamar families were
1. Kulathur
2. Kazhakootam
3. Chembalanthi
4. Kudamon
5. Pallichal
6. Vengannur
7. Ramanamadom
8. Marthandmadom
The absence of Portuguese might have made them powerful They opposed the Vellarappalli Brahmin dynasty by all means.Pillamar supported Keralavarma of Peraka Thavazhi of Nedumangad a branch (1344 AD) of Kunnumel Swaroopam of Kottarakkara. Which was the original Tulu dynasty installed in 1333 AD
ADITYA VARMA (1671 AD to 1677 AD)
Younger son of Princess Lakshmi Amma Pantarattil (Lakshmi Nambirattiyar Ammai), from the Vellarapalli Kovilakam of Cochin Royal Family who had been adopted into Attingal family.Aditya Varma was opposed by the pillamar who were conspiring to burn down his palace. Aditya Varma fled his capital. He was poisoned by the Yogakkar at the Darbhakulangara palace, Kalkulam and died. In 1672 Rani Umayamma Aswathi Tirunal had adopted a third son from a Brahmin family from a branch of the Cochin Royal Family.
In 1677 Rani Umayamma Aswathi Tirunal Senior Rani of Attingal.Umayamma rani was defeated by the combined forces of Prince Kerala Varma of Nedumangadu and the pillamar in 1677 AD. Umayamma Rani and her son fled to Varkalai near Anjuthengu (Anjengo)In 1677 all the five sons born to Umayamma Rani were drowned by the pillamar while out bathing at the Kalippan Kulam otherwise known as Pottakulam at Manacaud. They were cremated at Puthencotta
RAMARAJA RAVI VARMA (1677 AD to 1678 AD) (first time)
Kerala Varma (1678 AD to 1681 AD)
Elder son of the Princess of Nedumangadu.
Rani Umayamma Aswathi Tirunal adopted a fourth son from the Kottayam Royal House in 1681. Kottayam kingdom, located at Thalassery was a branch of Kolathiri Kingdom. Prince Kerala Varma, was made Second Tampuran of Eraniel (Hiranyasimhallur).
Capital : Padmanabhapuram
Pillamars refused to acknowledge him as king and refused to pay tribute.His inability to pay annual tribute to Madurai Nayaks leading to invasion and pillage of the country.
A petty mughal sirdar possibly rogue, entered Venad/Travancore in 1682 when Umayamma was ruling with five hundred soldiers. He was wandering inside Travancore at Thiruvattar and Manarkadu for more than six months. He stayed at Manacaud and was collecting tax from Manacaud to Edava, including Atingal the capital of Venad. Attingal Rani fled Attingal and took refuge at Nedumangad. The five hundred strong Mukilanpada was collecting tax from Edava, Varkala to Thovala. He was residing at Manacaud then.The Mukilan was residing at Thiruvattar with one or two hundred soldiers with him. Kottayam keralavarma and his Nairs were lucky. Mukilan was attacked by a swarm of Honeybees and fell down from the horse and was injured. Mukilan was killed by slingshots and Arrows.
In 1684 British got permission to build a fort.
In 1688 Kottayam Kerala Varma managed to defeat a Vadugappadai sent by Madurai Nayaks.This provoked the Nayaks.Between 1689 to 1706 each year a Vadgappada sent by Rani Mangamma came and ravaged Nanjanad and collected tribute.
At 1695 Anju Thengu fort was completed by British.British had another fort at Thalassery managed by factor. British were colluding with the Umayamma Rani
From Beypore Thattari Kovilakam a small Principality princes and Princesses were adopted into Venad family perhaps under British Protection.
In 1696 AD two princes and two princesses, Children of Ittamar Raja of Beypore Thattari kovilakam otherwise called Pally Kovilakam at Parapanad were adopted by Umayamma Rani.. Beypore kingdom was a branch of the first Tulu kingdom, Kolathiri kingdom. Ittamar Rajas sisters sons were also brought as Koil Thamburans and were given residence at Kilimanur.
In 1696 Kottayam Kerala Varma was stabbed at his back with a spear and thus murdered by Pillamar.In 1697 AD, Dalava Narasappayyan invaded and defeated Venad and forced Venad to pay annual tribute. This led to peoples revolt against Pillamar and the tax collectors.
In 1696 AD when two princesses and Princesses offsprings of Beypore Ittamar Raja of Thattari Kovilakam were adopted into Venad kingdom the dynasty became Tulu Kolathiri offshoot kingdom.The Beypore Ittamar kings sisters sons were also brought for Sambandham with the Beypore princesses. These were brought under the protection of British.Eventually under the British they abandoned the Sambandham practices and started marrying.These Beypore Matriarchal Tulu princes were settled at Kilimanoor. They were called Kilimanoor Koil Thampuran.They cant become king. But they could marry the princesses turning the dynasty completely Tulu.
This Beypore Thattari dynasty was a Matriarchal Tulu dynasty which ruled Travancore between 1721 AD to 1947 AD, was an offshoot of Kolathiri dynasty in Parappanad. Kolathiri dynasty inturn was established by Tulu invader Banapperumal (Banuvikrama Kulasekharapperumal) from Alupa dynasty of Tulunadu in 1156 AD.
Since Banapperumal converted to Islam and went Arabia Kolathiri dynasty enjoyed the support of Arabs and Delhi Sultanate.Because of British Travancore fell in the hands of Tulu Kolathiris.The Beypore Thattari dynasty was extremely hostile to Villavar people who were the original rulers of the Cherai dynasty. British floated stories to legitimise the claims of Beypore Thattari dynasty. This dynasty was formed by the Sambandham of Kolathiri princesses with Nambuthiris. These sons were called Thirumulpad. It is a Tulu-Nepalese dynasty
RAMARAJA ADITYA VARMA (1704 AD to 1705 AD) (first time) Pillamar did not recognise his authority.
Ramaraja Unni Kerala Varma III (1705 AD to 1707 AD), Kulasekhara Perumal, younger son of the Princess of Nedumangadu of the Perakat Tavazhi was declared by the Pillamar as king.
In 1706 Rani Kartika Tirunal daughter of Ittammar Raja of Beypore Senior Rani of Attingal, married (or Sambandham) Raghava Varma, Koil Tampuran of Kilimanur younger son of a sister of the Ittammar Raja.Marthanda Varma the founder of the Kingdom of Travancore, was the Son of Raghava Varma
Ramaraja Kulasekhara Perumal(1707 AD to 1711 AD). Son of the Princess of Nedumangadu.At 1715 Rani Kartika Tirunal daughter of Ittammar raja nadeRani of Karunagappalli an Ay Royal house.
Capital: Kalkulam
He made peace with the Pillamar and Nedumangadu Raja.He tried alliance with Dutch.His friendship with Ettuveetil Pillamar came to an end when they poisoned him. He died at Darpakulangara palace at Padmanabhapuram He started the custom of marrying from the Pillamar (Matriarchal Vellala+Nair) families. Since Nairs used used mothers surnames they are known by the Vellala title Pilla.By this marriage he had a daughter called Kalyanipilla Kochamma.
Pillamar installed their own protégé, the princess of Kallada, as the Attingal Rani in 1721
The British collusion with Attingal queen and her adopted sons from Beypore was contested by Pillamar. Two months after the death of Ramaraja Aditya Varma 140 British soldiers were massacred by Pillamar.Pillamar demanded that the Gifts brought for Attingal Rani bychief factor at the Anjengo Gyfford to be handed over to them. Gyford refused and wanted to gift directly to the queen.
A party of company officials, servants, soldiers and Tiepasses went to the fort.The Britishers were invited to spend the night at the Attingal palace. Britishers were disarmed and their guns and ammunition were taken away by the palace guards.In the night the unarmed Britishers were taken to a open hall and were hacked down. EIC officials were tortured to death.Few topasses only escaped to to the Anjengo fort. Few days later the siege of Amgengo fort by Native soldiers. Fort contained only forty boys and few old men, less than twenty gunmen. But after two months reinforcements about 58 soldiers from Calicut and Thalassery who held out for six months. Captain Blackett Midford from Bombay came with 300 soldiers after six months who suppressed the uprising.
Ramaraja Rama Varma Kulasekhara Perumal(1721 AD to 1728 AD)Prince of Neyyatinkara,Son of Rani Kartika Tirunal daughter of Ittamar Raja.Two nephews of Rama Varma one was named the Prince of Iraniel, Marthanda Varma, and the other Prince of Neyyattinkara.Ramavarma concluded a Treaty of Alliance with the HEIC (East India Company) in 1723, in which he gave them rights to avenge the Attingal Massacre and their help in hiring Maravar cavalry from the Coromandel coast.(British send him an army from Trichy)
In 1722 Alexander, a cousin of Robert Adams, senior factor at Tellicherry, was appointed chief of Anchu Thengu.In the same year two more adoptions were made from Kolathunadu, a prince and a princess, at the behest of Adams and one of them was crowned the prince of Travancore.In 1723, Rama Varma gave permission to the English, his friends, to build a fort at Colachel and permission to mint coins for Travancore.In 1726 Ramavarma agreement with the English giving them monopoly for trade in Travancore and gave permission to build yet another fort in Idava. In 1726 by Madurai Naicker Treaty Travancore became Vassal of Madurai Naick requiring annual payment of Tribute.
In 1729 Ramaraja Rama Varma married at NagercoilKittinathal Ammachi Panapillai Amma Srimathi Abiramapilla Kochamma, née Abhirami, a former devadasi or temple dancer ennobled just prior to her marriage, daughter of Krishnan Kochu Kumara Pillai a Tamil Vellala from Salem.But they tried to hide her identity by calling her a Bengali.She had two sons called Pappu Thambi and Raman Thambi and a daughter called Immini Thangachi.
Many Nadanmar and Panikkanmar families heriditarily served as mercenaries and personal protectors of the reigning kings as well as the hair apparant. They are thus in two separate groups.In the strange war of succession in 1729 these two groups of Nadammar/Panikkanmar fought each other
Pappu Thambi and Raman Thambi were born of a Vellala lady had the support of Vellalas and Pillamar who originated from Vellalas
In the Matriarchal system the kings own son did not have the right succeed as the next king. Since the kings married Sudra ladies their sons were also considered as Sudra, who adopted Tamil titles Thambi and Thangachi. Thambis and Thangachis were considered part of the Vellala community.But in 1729 Vellalas and Pillamar tried to make Pappu or Raman Thambi king, thereby creating a Patrilineal Vellala dynasty.
ReplyDelete1. Umayamma belonged to thel Vellarappalli dynasty originally installed in 1610 AD by Portuguese. She was opposed by Pillamar who killed all her sons.
2. British colluded with Umayamma Rani. In 1695 Angengo fort was completed.
3. In 1696 AD the factor of Thellissery Robert Adam's was was the head of British Malabar operations. Thattari Kovilakam was a petty Principality at Beypore. Under British protection two princes and two princesses were adopted by Rani Umayamma.
4. In 1721 Pillamar plant their own choice Princesses of Kallada as Attingal Rani.
5. In 1721 Pillamar invite 140 Britishers to the fort, disarm and treacherously murdered them.
6. In 1721 Ramaraja Aditya Varma first Thattari prince to become king.
7. In 1722 Karthikai Tirunal sister of Aditya Varma becomes Attingal Rani, Thattari dynasty
8. In 1729 Ramaraja Aditya Varma was poisoned by Pillamar at Padmanabhapuram and died.
9. In 1729 Marthanda Varma, son of Karrhikai Tirunal, Thattari dynasty became King.This dynasty was a Tulu dynasty brought by the British.
1. Banapperumal(1120 AD brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra of ALUPAS KINGDOM.
2. Udayavarman Kolathiri(1156 AD) son of Banapperumal, KOLATHIRI DYNASTY
3. Ittamar Raja of Beypore Thattari Kovilakam, Parapanad branch of KOLATHIRI DYNASTY. Marthanda Varma belonged to a Tulu dynasty which ruled Mangalore.
In 1729 Marthanda Varma, who had been made prince of Prince of Iraniel, a former Ay Royal house became the king of Travancore.Iranial or Hiranya Simha Nallur was the capital of Hirantakasipu (இரணியன்) great grand father of Mahabali(மாவேலி) ancestor of Villavars also. Marthanda Varma belonged to a Tulu Samantha (Bunt) from the Bepur Thattari Kovilakam from Parappanad branch of Kolathiris.
Kings of Thattari Kovilakam were petty chieftains ruling over Bepur.This petty family was elevated to become rulers of Travancore by British Factor at Thalassery.Tulu Banas were the traditional enemies of Villavar people.But many Nadars chose to support him because Marthandavarma's rival Pappu and Raman Thambi were born to a Vellala lady called Abirami. If Pillamar succeeded in founding a Tulu-Vellala dynasty Nadars would be exterminated.But this support given by Nadars to unscrupulous Marthanda Varma who told Nadars that he was a Vana and a relative of Nadars.It is true that Bana were the Northern relatives of Villavar but Banas were the arch enemies of Villavars Supporting Marthanda Varma was a grave mistake which led to the slavery of Nadars for more than two hundred years.
Marthanda Varma was the main reason for the downfall of Nadars. It was a grave error on the part of Nadars to support Marthandavarma. Without Nadar support Marthandavarma would have been easily killed by Pillamar.
Anandapadmanabhan Nadar and the Nadar mercenaries successfully fought against the Kurup and Nair mercenaries of the Thambimar. Anandapadmanabhan Nadar hid Marthanda Varma in the hollow of a Jackfruit tree while he battled thirty Nair and Kuruppu soldiers and killed them singlehandedly at Neyyatinkara.Laterdays this Jackfruit tree was known as Ammachi Pilavu or Mother Jackfruit tree.Anandapadmanabhan Nadar took the fugitive Marthandavarma to Manakkad and hid him in a Muslim colony.
Marthanda Varma captured all the remaining Pillais of Attingal involved in the massacre and handed them over to the English.
Marthanda Varma won a war against the Dutch in 1741 AD at the Battle of Colachel with British assistance. In 1745 Marthandavarma moved the capital from Padmanabhapuram to Trivandrum.Marfhandavarma then systematically murdered all the Nadar leaders who helped him in the war of succession. He confiscated their properties. Marthandavarma murdered Anandapadmanabhan Nadar after inviting him to a feast. Anandapadmanabhan Nadar was Mortally wounded by the Kurups. Tieing a cloth around the injury in his stomach he came home riding a horse and died.Nadar properties were confiscated and distributed among Vellalar and Nairs from this period.
Villavar migrated from Kodungaloor to Kollam in 1102 AD.
Kerala Villavar moved further south to Trivandrum and Kanyakumari after 1314 AD and established their capital at Kottaiyadi near Kanyakumari and Cheranmadevi.
The ancient Villavar Capital Iranial (Hiranya Simha Nallur) had been occupied by the Ay dynasty.
At Cherannadevi Kerala Villavars built another fort. This served as capital of Jayasimhavamsam between 1383 AD to 1444 AD.
Kottaiyadi is mentioned in the oral traditions where a fort existed. Kottaiyadi was a last Chera fort. When Rama Varma, a Venad ruler wanted to marry a princess from Kottaiyadi they refused. The old saying that 'Nadalum Ramavanmanukkum Nadarkal kulathil Penn kodom' is based on this incidence.
நாடாளும் ராமவன்மனுக்கும் நாடார்கள் குலத்தில் பெண் கொடோம்.
The Tulu-Ai matriarchal king Ramavarma ruled Venad with Kuzhithurai as capital at 1610 AD. This fort was destroyed by Venad kings after 1610 AD.
Following the Pandyan defeat a Pandyan clan accepted the Suzernity of Vijayanagara Naickers and started ruling from Tenkasi. Other Chola and Pandyan dynasties moved to south.
A Chola family built a fort at Kalakkadu. Kalakkadu was the capital of Jayasimhavamsam from 1516 AD to 1595 AD.
Tulu-Cherai ruler BOOTHALA VEERA SRI VEERA UDAYAMARTHANDA VARMA (பூதல வீர ஶ்ரீ வீர உதய மார்த்தாண்ட வர்மா)(1516 AD to 1535 AD) by marrying Chola princess called himself
(வென்று மண்கொண்ட பூதல வீரன்)
PULIMARTHANDAN(புலி மார்த்தாண்டன்).
Capital: Kalakkadu
Married Chola Princess Cholakulavalli (சோழகுலவல்லி) at Kalakkadu. Kalakkadus alternative name was Cholakulavalli puram. Kalakkadu kingdom was called Mullinadu. He was ruler of Jetunganadu (Kollam).
Writ to redress the grievances of NADARS between PARAII and THOVALA mountains.
Tax relief for Christian Paravar.
Grant to Jain temple Nagercoil
Defeated by Vijayanagar generalissimo, SALAKARAJA Chinna TIRUMALAYYADEVA defeated Bhuthalaveera Tamraparni 1535 AD. Forced to surrender all the Pandya territories that he had previously won, and reduced to the position of a VASSAL of the VIJAYANAGAR EMPIRE.
Pandiyas who migrated to south built fortifications at Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram. Kallidaikurichi was the capital of Jayasimha Vamsham between 1444 AD to 1484 AD).
Tenkasi Pandyas however vehemently opposed the occupation by Venads Tulu-Cherai rule. Tenkasi Pandyas preferred to be tributary of Vijayanagara Naickers.
In 1610 AD the Portuguese planted a Brahmin dynasty from Vellarappalli in the Kochi kingdom.
Pooram Tirunal of Attingal Nambirattiyar Ammai became Attingal Rani.
VEERA RAVI VARMA REVATI TIRUNAL KULASEKHARA PERUMAL (1610 AD to 1662 AD) was the first Brahmin king of Venad
A Brahmin prince from Vellaappalli called Kochuraman Unni Pandarathil was adopted in 1630 AD.
All the Villavar forts were erased to ground after 1610 AD.
Cherai, Ay, Chera, Chola, Pandyan dynasties came to an end.
Tenkasi Pandyan dynasty also ended shortly.
ReplyDeleteUntil 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tamils called Villavar people.
In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal attacked Kerala with a Nair army with Arab support and occupied northern Kerala, Malabar upto Ponnani lake. Banapperumal occupied Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram Districts.
Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra(1110 AD to 1160 AD) of the Alupa dynasty.
After the Malik Kafurs attack in 1310 the Pandyan dynasty ruling over Kerala was defeated an Tamil rule came to an end.
The Matriarchal Tulu Kolathiri rulers and the Ahichatram Nagas and Ahichatram Brahmins with Nepalese ancestry occupied whole of Kerala. After 1335 AD Kerala was ruled by Tulu-Nepalese oeople.
Earlier Pandya rulers and Chera rulers belonged to the Tamil Villavar and their subgroups Villavar, Malayar, Vanavar and Meenavar tribes. Chera kings were called Villavar Kon and also Magadai Nadalvar. Chera Kings were supported by Villavar, Malayar and Vanavar soldiers. From Malayar the word Malayali evolved.
The Kadamba kingdom and Tulu kingdoms were Bana kingdoms who were arch enemies of Tamil Chera kingdom. Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan fought against Kadamba kingdom and claimed victory over Kadambas in the fourth century AD.
Mayura Sharma a northern Brahmin who became the king of Kadamba kingdom who changed his name as Mayura Varma. Mayura Varma brought Aryan Brahmins and Naga slave warriors from Ahichatra, in 345 AD, which was then capital of Uttar Panchala country (modern Nepal) to Karnataka and settled them at the coastal Karnataka. Each band of four hundred of Nagas were lead by a Ahichatra Brahmin. Nairs and Nambuthiris who invaded Kerala along with Banapperumal in 1120 AD, were migrants from Ahichatra, ancient Nepal.
The Nepalese Nagas mixed with the local communities such as Bana, Billava and Mogaveera communities eventually making all Tulunadu People adopt Matriarchy a Himalayan custom. The Ahichatram Nagas mixed with the local Banas of Alupas Pandyan Kingdom, a Bana Pandyan kingdom of Karnataka. Banas are the Northern cousins of Villavar and also the arch enemies of Villavar Cheras. Banas were known by the names Banta or Nadavara. The Banas are ethnically Dravidians who supported the Alupas kingdom. The Ahichatram Nagas were called Buntaru or bonded people.At the middle ages the Banas and Nagas mixed still Banas occupied a higher position. Eventually both are called as Bunts now.Bunt community Nayara Menava, Kuruba and Samantha were subgroups of Tulunadus Bunt community Nayara Hegdes had been rulers of small principalities such as Kanajar in Tulunadu.
Similarly Nambuthiris were Ahichatram brahmins who had migrated to Karnataka. Nambuthiris were part of the Tuluva brahmin community closely related to Shivally Brahmins of Karnataka. The Tulu-Nepalese community of Karnataka practiced Matriarchy. Naga worship was common among them. Among Tulu legal heir of a person is not his son but his sisters son. This was called Aliyasanthana in Karnataka. Their language contained many Nepalese words. They were of fair colour with an yellowish tinge and with slight Mongoloid features because of Nepalese origin. In the 12th century Kerala faced threat from these Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese tribes of Karnataka
ReplyDeleteLATER CHERA DYNASTY (800 AD to 1102 AD)
Later Chera dynasty was founded by Kulasekharapperumal who called himself Villavar Kon, Malayar Kon and Vanavar Kon as the leader various Tamil Villavar clans.
Tamil Pandyas and Cheras spoke Tamil, they were Patrilineal and the princesses cant marry Brahmins. Tamil kings followed Patrilineal descendency and law of Primogeniture. After a king his eldest son became the king.
The truth is there is no mention of Nairs and Namboothiri in any medieval Tamil inscriptions, inscribed by the Cheran rulers. None of the books written during Later Chera era mention Nair or Namboothiris. The priests during Later Chera period (800 AD to 1120 AD) were called
1. Pattar(பட்டர்)(പട്ടർ),
2. Pattarar(பட்டாரர்)(പട്ടാരർ),
3. Pattarakar (பட்டாரகர்)(പട്ടാരകർ),
4. Pattariyar(பட்டாரியார்)(പട്ടാരിയാർ)
6. Chathirar(சாத்திரர்)(ചാത്തിരർ),
7. Nambi(நம்பி)(നമ്പി)
8. Uvachar(உவச்சர்)(ഉവച്ചർ)
9. Sadukkal(சாதுக்கள்) (ചാതുക്കൾ)
10. Santhi(சாந்தி)(ചാന്തി)
Never Nambuthiris are mentioned. Only Tamil Brahmins existed. Most of them were found in Chola and Pandyan countries also.Even during the Cherai period (1102 AD to 1315 AD) in Venad many of the temple offices evolved but Nambuthiris are not mentioned
1. Melsanthi(மெல்சாந்தி)(മെൽശാന്തി)
2. Kizhsanthi Viruthi(கிழ் சாந்திவிருத்தி)(കിഴ്ശാന്തി)
3. Nambi Viruthi (நம்பிவிருத்தி)(നമ്പിവിരുത്തി
4. Thirumeni(திருமெனி)(തിരുമെനി)
5. Uvachar(உவச்சர்கள்)(ഉവച്ചർകൾ)
6. Thanthiri(தந்திரிகள்)(തന്തിരികൾ)
7. Variyam(வாரியம்)(വാരിയം)
After the Malik Kafurs in 1311 AD attack the Tamil Brahmins of Kerala disappeared.
Kerala was attacked by Tulu armies of Alupas Pandyan kingdom from 1075 AD onwards forcing the last Kodungaloor Tamil Chera Ramavarma Kulasekarapperumal to shift his capital to Kollam at 1102 AD. Ramavarma become the King of Chera-Ay Dynasty as Ramar Thiruvadi. The last Villavar Chera Ramavarma never divided his kingdom. He remained a Hindu until his death at Panankavil Kottaram, Kollam
ReplyDeleteAt 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal(Pallibanapperumal alias Banuvikrama Kulasekharapperumal) invaded and subjugated all Kerala with a 350000 strong Nair army, commanded by Padamala Nair. Banapperumal was the brother of Tulu king Kavi Alupendra (1120 AD to 1160 AD) of Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu. He was a Buddhist and attacked Kerala with support of Arabs. Banapperumal founded a capital at Valarpattinam near Kannur. Banapperumal is often called as the last Cheraman perumal. But he was not a Tamil Villavar Chera ruler but a Tulu prince from Alupas kingdom of Tulunadu.
Banapperumal ruled Kerala for about 36 years from Kodungaloor abandoned by Tamil Chera dynasty. Banapperumal was a Tulu pretender as Cheraman Perumal. Banapperumal was an enemy of Hindu rulers of Chera dynasty.
This Tulu invasion brought a Nair migration from coastal Karnataka to the Northern Kerala, Malabar.
When Padamala Nair the commander of Nair army of Banapperumal had an illicit affair with the queen, the Queen blamed Padamala Nair for the happening. Probably the queens statement was false. 'Penn Solla Ketta Perumale Pole' is an old saying indicating that Banapperumal was misled by his queen.Banapperumal tortured and executed Padamala Nair. Before his death Padamala Nair advised Banapperumal to surrender to Arabs. Padamala Nair had gone to Mahal Dweep and had converted himself to Islam and had adopted the name Husain Khwaja. His nephews and servants had been converted to Islam. Execution of Padamala Nair led to the revolt of Nair soldiers Facing opposition from his own Nair army surrendered to Arabs converted to Islam and Left for Asu (Arabia) in an Arab sail ship (Olamari kappal).Two of Banapperumal Before leaving Kerala he divided his realm to his friends and relatives. But Tamil Chera dynasty of Venad immediately reestablished their authority all over Kerala
Banapperumal was accompanied by his nephew Kohinoor in his journey to Arabia. Padamala Nairs relatives residing at Chaliyam, Mustha Mudukad, Neelinishada, Sharipad and their servants Marjan and Aswad joined Banapperumal at Kozhikode.After a brief stay at Dharmadam ruled by his sisters son Mahabali Banapperumal boarded the ship again and sailed to Arabia. Banapoerumal convinced Mahabali to convert to islam. Mahabali embraced Islam religeon and adopted the name Saifuddin Mohammad Ali.
The Tulu invader Banapperumal converted to Islam by Veda Azhiar according to Keralolpathy. Another account says that Banapperumal was convinced by Mahal Dweep king Dhovemi Kalaminja (Dhovemi Kalaminja Siri Thiribuvana-aadiththa Maha Radun 1141 to 1166 AD) who belonged to a Buddhist Kalinga dynasty who had converted to Islam. Dhovemi was known as king Sultan Muhammad ibn Abdullah.
Arabs had emerged as a major sea power in the second millennium. Banapperumal and two of his nephews were converted to islam in 1156 AD. Padamala Nair alias Krishnan Munjad alias Husain Khwaja had also been converted to islam at Mahaldweep. Many Nairs were converted to Islam who formed a Matriarchal subgroup under Mapillas.
When Arayankulangara Nair saved the daughter of Mahabali alias Saifuddin Mohammad Ali nephew of Banapperumal and ruler of Dharmadam from drowning in a pond, he was allowed to marry her. Arakkal Raja vamsam the only Matriarchal dynasty from them. Saifuddin Mohammed Ali was the son of Sridevi sister of Banapperumal who was converted by Banapperumal himself when he stopped at Dharmadam on his voyage to Arabia. The Araickal princess were called Mammali Kidavu, the Children of Saifuddin Mohammed Ali.The Kochi kings who came to power in 1340 AD also claimed that were descendants of Cheraman Perumals (Banapperumal) sister and a Nambuthiri.The Cheraman Perumal of Nairs and Nambuthiris is the Tulu invader Banapperumal.(Tamil princesses of Chera dynasty married Dravidian princes and Brahmins cant marry them)
Banapperumal crowned his son Udayavarman Kolathiri as the first ruler of Kolathunad with the title Kolathiri Vadakkan Perumal in 1156 AD. Kolathiri rulers had the support of Arabs. Kolathiri was defeated and made a tributary of the Tamil Chera-Ai kingdom. Kolathiris were supported by Arabs who were the major sea power in that area. In the northern Kerala Arab colonies increased in size after this period.Kolathiris followed Matriarchal system. After a king his sisters son born through a Nambudiri Sambandham was made the king. The princes adopted the title Thirumulpad.
Kolathiri dynasty mixed with Tulu Bunts called Samantha's.Among these Samanthas and other Bunts (Bana) ruled over Kerala as Samantha Kshatriya. Samanrha Kshatriya were given Nambiar and Nayanar titles.(Nambiars among Nairs and Ambalavasi Nambiar is different). Nairs because of their Naga origin were considered Sudras.
ReplyDeleteCHERA-AI Kingdom (1102 AD to 1335 AD)
Southern Tamil Chera-AI kingdom once again became powerful and became masters of Kerala once again.CheraThe Royal title of Chera- Ai kings was Thirupappur Mootha Thiruvadi. Chera-AI kings followed Patrilineal descebdency and promoted Tamil.
By the later part of 13th century Kerala was brought under Madurai Pandyan dynasty. Venad Cheras became feudatories of the Pandyan Dynasty. Tulunadu was also was annexed by the Pandtas.
In the war of sucession between two Pandyan princes Delhi Sulthanate was invited to intervene. Malik Kafur, commander of 2 lakhs strong Delhis army invaded Pandyan country which had only 50000 strong army. Pandyan army was defeated and Madurai was occupied by the Turkish army. Even after the defeat Villavars were hunted down by the Victor's.
After the defeat of Pandyans at 1311 AD, Ravivarma Kulasekhara the Chera-Ai ruler who had a Pandyan mother crowned himself as Tribhuvana Chakravarthy (Emperor of Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms) at Kancheepuram despite the presence of Turkish armies. When he tried to remove the Delhis army from Tamil Nadu he was removed from power. His son Veera Udaiya Marthandavarma alias Veera Pandyan was the last Villavar Tamil ruler of Kerala. He was forced to abdicate in favour of two Tulu princesses from the Kolathiri Kingdom the Attingal rani and Kunnumel rani who founded a Matrilineal Tulu dynasty at Venad.
A major part of the army brought by Malik Kafur remained in Madurai. At Madurai a Sultanate was founded. This sultanate was called Mabar sultanate, a corruption of Malabar on which it had soverignity. Kolathiri and Nairs were allied with the Delhi Sultanate and Mabar Kingdoms.In the same period four Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms were founded. Local Dravidian people including Villavar Tamils who had ruled Chera kingdom from time immemorial lost their Position.Delhi Sultanate and Mabar sultanate protected the Tulu dynasties. Ibnu Batuta considered Kolathiri and Samuthiris as friendly kingdoms. Morocon scholar Ibnu Batuta records that Muslims were well respected in these kingdoms. Any Hindu who comes opposite to a Muslim at a narrow path was required to get away from the path. Soon oppressive laws which required the local Dravidian people had to keep a distance from the Tulu-Nepalese rulers.
ReplyDeleteTULU - NEPALESE RULE (1335 AD to 1947 AD)
After the fall of all the Tamil Villavar kingdoms called Chera, Chola and Pandyan Kingdoms following the invasion of Malik Kafur who was the commander of Delhi Sultanate in 1311 AD, all the Tamil kingdoms were replaced by Tulu Bana- Samantha (Bunt) Kingdoms. Kerala Pandyas dynasties were replaced by Samantha--Nambuthiri dynasties who had Tulu--Nepalese origins but continue to call themselves Pandyas. Original Pandyas were Tamil Villavar-Meenavar rulers but the present Pandyas of Kerala are Nambuthiris who were migrants from Ahichatra (present day Ramnagar in Rohilkhand Uttarpradesh).
Samudiri sent many of the an army of Nair muslims to Srilankan king in 1524 in their war against Portuguese at Kotte kingdom. Many of the Nairs are now part of the Srilankan Moor community who practice Matriarchy even today. Arabs were the powerful supporters of Banapperumal and his descendants, Kolathiris.
Venads last Tamil Kulasekharas was Veera Udaya Marthanda Varma alias Veera Pandyan (1314 AD to 1335 AD) was forced to abdicate when Kolathiris installed two Tulu princesses from Kolathunadu. Attingal Rani and Kunnumel ranis and made sure only their sons became kings of Venad as Kulasekhara Kreedapathi. By forced adoption into Venad kingdom the first Matriarchal dynasty was established. By this the Tamil Chera-AI dynasty came to an end. The Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese rulers after 1335 AD adopted the Tamil ruler names such as Marthandavarma but were not Tamils.The Attingal Rani and Kunnumel Rani by Sambhandam with Nambuthiris produced the later Matriarchal dynasty rulers. They thus had Tulu-Nepalese descendency. Like Tamil Villavars Tulu Bana rulers from Alupas kingdom also had Kulasekhara title as their first ruler had the title. Laterdays Tulu Samantha's and Brahmin rulers from Vellarappalli Kovilakam in Kochi also used Kulasekhara title. Brahmin Queens added Nambirattiyar Ammai title also.The Tulu Bana -Nambuthiri dynasty was replaced by Samanthas around 1400s.
This Tulu Matriarchal dynasty stationed at Kollam was called Jayasimhavansam. The kings of Jayasimhavamsam who ruled from Jayasimhanadu (Desinganadu) between 1400 to1620 married among the old Tamil dynasties ie Chera, Chola and Pandyan dynasties but in the matriarchal system the sons of the king could not become kings. Jayasimhavamsam kings often adopted the titles of their wives. For examble when the Venads Tulu ruler married a petty princess from Kalakad who had the Chola lineage he called himself Puli Marthandan and changed his capital to Kalakkad in Mullinadu now Tamilnadu. By marrying Tamil princesses they extended their rule into Tamilnadu. Kalakkadu, Cheranmadevi, Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram served as capitals. In this period Tamils enjoyed relatively high position.
Around 1620 a Brahmin prince from Vellarappalli Kovilakam Kochu Raman Unni Pandarathil and his brother were sent by Portuguese controlled Cochin.Kochuraman adopted the title Ravi Varma Ku Forced adoption was used by Portuguese Kolathiris, Portuguese and British could put their own choices on Venad-Travancore throne. This Brahmin dynasty of venad (1620 to 1720) was considered illegitimate by the Ettuveetil Pillamar. The last queen Umayammarani Namirattiyar was harassed by Pillamar. In 1696 Pillamar drowned all the six sons of Umayammarani in a Pottakulam. In 1721 British tried to conrol her. In retaliation many British were killed. When the queen brought a prince from Kottayam kingdom at Thalassery a matriarchal offshoot of Kolathiri kingdom Pillamar murdered him. Pillamar considered Nedumangad Peragathavazhy as legitimate but they were too weak
British factory at Thalassery where the factor was an East India Company official called Simon. Petty chieftains from Beppur known to the Factor Simon were elevated to rule over Travancore. A Samantha family called Thattari Kovilaham was ruling over Bepur. This family was part of Parappanad subdivision of Kolathiris and alternatively was called Palli Kovilaham. A prince and a Princess and their maternal cousins were brought to Trivantrum and were adopted by the last Brahmin queen Umayamma rani possibly under British protection. The princes and princesses were adopted by Umayanma rani while their cousins were stationed at Kilimanoor palace with the title koil tamburans. The British sent army from Trichy to support Ramavarna the first king from Thiruchi in Tamilnadu. Ramavarnas nephew Marthanda Varma again faced opposition from Pillamar. The Pillamar preferred the former king Ramavarnas sons born to a Vellala lady from Salem (often called a North indian). British sent Brahmin adviser called Ramaiyan Thalava and army from Tamilnadu with which Marthanda Varma could succeed.
After 1335 Kerala was ruled by Matriarchal Tulu Bana-Samantha and Namboothiri rulers and were not related to Tamil Pandya or Chera rulers. Samantha kshatrias had roots from Tulunadus Bana and Samantha subgroup of Bunt community. Samantha (meaning equal to) Bunts who were given Nambiar Nayanar title given by Kolathiri rulers played the role of Samantha Kshatriya in Kerala.
The Tulu dynasties followed Matrilineal descendency ie After a king his sisters son became king. A kings sister had a Nambudiri consort through sambandham. So soon all the Tulu Samantha dynasties which ruled Kerala after 1335 AD were i fact Nambudiri Brahmin dynasties.
Tulu Brahmins designated themselves as Namboothiris after they became feudal lords in 1335 AD and when 500 Nambuthiri sangethams controlled most of the cultivable land in kerala.Many Nambuthiri families owned more than 5000 acres land.
Following the attack of Malik Kafur the Brahmins in the Chera and Pandyan countries called Aryar Pattar Chathirar, Nambis disappeared mysteriously. Namboothiries were never mentioned in the Later Chera records (800 AD to 1102 AD.
ARABSBanapoerumal the Tulu Alupas prince was supported by the Arabs.After the attack wth 350000 Nair Soldiers Banapperumal Kolathiri kingdom was established.
In 1311 AD after the attack of Malik Kafur Pandyan Kingdom was defeated. All the Tamil kingdoms ie Chera Chola and Pandyan kingdoms came to an end.Kolathiris allied with Malik Kafur and other Delhis attackers such Ghiyasuddin Tughlak (1325). At 1335 Mabar Sultanate( Madurai Sultanate) was established at Madurai.At the same time under Kolathiris four Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms were established. The Kolathiri and other Tulu Samantha-Nambuthiri kingdoms were under the protection of Delhi Sultanate.
In 1500s Portuguese became the protectors of Kochi kingdom and then Travancore kingdom.The Kolathiris and Samuthiris were still under Arab protection. When Anjelos and Chalium forts were built Portuguese became the protectors and overlords of all Kerala. Portuguese installed their own Choices from Mootha Thavazhi as Kochi king. Without Portuguese protection Kochi kingdom would not survived Samudhiris attack. There was a possibility for Dravidian revival under Villavars. Portuguese protected the Kochi kingdom ruled by Brahmin Nambiadiris.A Brahmin prince called Kochuraman Unnipandarathil from Vellarappalli from Kalady in the Kochi Kingdom was by forced adoption placed on the throne of Travancore/Venad in 1620 AD. Initially Kochi and Venad were under Portuguese protection and control.
Around 1540s when Madurai Nayak kingdom attacked Venad St.Francis Xavier became the mediator, representing Portuguese. The war ended.The Northern Kolathiri and Samudiri kingdoms were still Protected by Arabs in the 16th century. But after the arrival of Portuguese the Arabs as seapower came to an end. The defeat of Delhi sultanate at Panipat in 1526 AD ended the protection of the Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms in Kerala. There was a possibility for the Dravidian revival in Kerala. But Portuguese stepped in the shoes of Delhi Sultanate and started protecting the Matriarchal kingdoms. The advent of of modern weapons including guns were given to local militia, and Nairs under deputation by local kings were trained by Portuguese to guard Cochin fort.
The emergence of Mestizos a Portuguese and Indian mixed community along with the Christian's of Kerala under Christian Panickers formed 90% of Portuguese force the rest Nairs. The alien rule established after 1311 by Delhis invaders could not be removed.Europeans protected the alien Tulu- Nepalese dynasties for nearly 450 years. Between 1314 to 1947 Kerala was ruled by a people from coastal Karnataka but originally migrants from Ahichatra in Nepal.Dravidian oeople underwent a dark age during this period.The native Dravidian culture was suppressed in favour of Nepalese culture. Naga worship, Matriarchy and Polyandry and other Himalayan culture dominated Kerala.
The Brithish were strong allies of the Matriarchal kingdoms. A Samantha prince called Ramavarma, his sister and his uncles sons from Beppur Thattari Kovilaham a petty chieftainship was brought under British protection to Venad to be adopted by Umayamma Rani the last Brahmin queen of Tavancore. Near Beppur at Thalassery a British factory existed managed by Factor Simon. Factor Simon could have been instrumental in the adoption. The British military support and large number of Nair migration from Kolathunad to Travancore made Marthandavarma the second ruler of this Tulu Samantha dynasty otherwise known as Palli Kovilakam became very powerful in Travancore. With him started the brutal suppression of Dravidian people. By 1795 British had established complete control of Travancore but British encouraged the Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese people. Most of the Villavar people were reduced to Slavery under the British.
British and German missionaries joined hands with Nairs and Namboothiris and added about three thousand Nepalese words to Malayalan. The discovery that German language was related to Sanskrit might have prompted the German missionaries like Hermann Gundert and Arnos Pathiri to promote Sanskrit in Malayalam. But the ended up promoting Nepalese vocabulary then used by Nairs and Nambuthiris as Malayalam. Each Nepalese word added to Malayalam replaced Native Dravidian tongue called Malayanma ( Malabar Tamul or Malayalam-Tamil) which was devoid of Sanskrit was banned in the nineenth century. Grantha Malayalam with over abundance of Nepalese and Sanskrit was promoted. The Books written in Malaynma the Dravidian Malayalam were not considered Malayalam during the British period. Thus less than 10 books written by Nambuthiris and Nairs written prior to 19th century are only accepted as Malayalam. Since all the Malayanma books, and Malabar Tamil books written on Palm leaf called Thaliyola were vulnerable to decay. Without official protection most of the Malayanma books. disappeared.
The Tulu-Nepalese people were called Savarnas though majority of them were Sudras of Naga descent.Native Dravidian population including Villavars who ruled Kerala for many thousand years were also called Avarna.All the temples in Kerala were built by Villavar of Chera and Pandyan kingdoms. But laterdays Villavar were refused entry in their own ancestral temples.Nedumchadaya Pandyan a Villavar king converted a ancient Jain temple into a Vaishnavite temple called Padmanabhaswamy temple in 786 AD.Marthandavarma when he came to power demolished and reconstructed it from stones brought from the banks of Gandaki river in Nepal.
After the fall of Tamil kingdoms the hitherto well dressed people were stripped naked. Ibnu Batuta was astonished by the nakedness of Kerala women in 1340. Cochin king and his Nair soldiers wore only loin clothes when Portuguese came. When Dutch Governor Van Rheede visited Travancore queen she wore a thin shoulder garnent but did not cover her upper part of body. Marthandavarma wore a cloth around his waist which covered only upto his knees in 1740s. But when British left the last Matriarchal king Chitra thirunal wore a dress closely resembling that of Prince of Wales. In 1826 a Nair or Ezhava lady who had been staying in France when returned visited Attingal rani with a dress covering her upper body. Attingal rani ordered to cut off her breasts.Though British were administering Travancore through a Diwan British didnot interfete.In 1905 when the Queen visited the Thripunithura temple there came a Nair lady wearing a blouse. Infuriated Queen ordered that the Nair ladys blouse to be removed. Royal soldiers carried out that order immediately.Somehow a primitive Nepalese tribe had become the masters of Kerala.
Throughout southern India only people who colluded with the Delhi Sultanate became high castes and those fought against Delhis rulers became lowercastes. In Kerala the Dravidian Villavars who ruled over Kerala from time immemorial were suppressed and their land holdings were negligible. Villavar were called Avarnas.The Nepalese Nagas had been brought from Ahichatra were hereditary slave warriors and were Sudras. Nepali Nagas and Aryan Brahmins were named Savarnas, because of their Nepalis origin had fair colour, with an yellowish tinge with slight Mongoloid features. The Nepali Savarna were elevated by the Delhis invaders in 1311 AD.
A great relief came to Kerala when British left. Frightened Janmis, the feudal aristocracy of Kerala now claimed that they were actualy proletariat. Among the former Janmis converted to Proletariat a Nambudiri and a Kolathiri-Samantha actually held high offices. When Keralas land reform bill in 1958 brought great relief to people. Many matriarchal Madambi families owned more thab two lakh acres. But unfortunately plantation crops were not included in land ceilings.
ReplyDeletePallava were not Tamils but migrants from Uttarpradesh-Nepal area in ancient times called Panchala country. This Panchala country was the birth place of Draupathy. Panchala country was ruled by Drupada father of Draupathy. Draupathy was also called Panchali. Panchala country had two capitals, Northern Ahichatra and the Southern Kampilya. Ahichatra meant Snake Umbrella or Naga country. From Ahichatra Pallava and Bana(Vanniar)s invaded Andhra in 300 BC and Nairs and Nambuthiris were brought to Karnataka in 345 AD by King Mayuravarma.
When Drupada insulted the Brahmin teacher of Pandavas Dronacharya he sought the help of Arjuna his disciple. Arjuna invaded the Panchala country and defeated his own father in law Drupada. Arjuna divided the Panchala country into two countries and the southern Panchala left with Drupada and the Northern Panchala was given to Aswathama son of Dronacharya.
1. Uttarpanchala capital Ahichatra
2. Dakshina Panchala capital Kampilya
Sage Bharadwaja was the father of Dronacharya after whom Uttara Panchala dynasty was named.
In 247 BC Parthian dynasty, Arsacid Dynasty was established by king Arsaces I at Persia. By 170 BC It was ruling from northern Euphrates now in Turkey to western Pakistan. The persians spoke Pahlavi language so they were called Pahlavas.
The Bharadwaja dynasty perhaps had marital relationships with the Parthian dynasty. Thus the Pahlava dynasty was formed. In south india it was known as Pallava dynasty. Pallava dynasty was thus a Brahmin-Persian dynasty. Pallava inscriptions always mentioned their dynasty as Bharadwaja-Parthian dynasty. The progenitor of Pallava dynasty was Aswathaman a Maharatha from Mahabharatha.
Ahichatra was the capital of Uttarapanchala country ruled by Aswathama belonging to the Bharadwaja Gotra of Brahmins. Pallava dynasty descended from Aswathama.
The Banas are the northern cousins of Villavar clans of southern India . North Indian Banas were subjugated by Aryans and later by Rajputs. Bana-Vanniar were ancient Kshatriyas of India. Bana-Vanniar were migrants from Panchala country ie Uttarpradesh and Nepal.
Even in the Panchala country Banas coexisted with the Aryan-Naga kingdom of Panchala country. The Banas in the very ancient times used Bow and Arrow insignia and Fish insignia like Villavars. Even today the Emblem of Uttar Pradesh is Bow and arrow and Double fish previously used by Oudh state. Laterdays the Banas used Bull crest as their emblem. North Indian Bana titles are Agni, Vanni, Tirgala and Vada Balija. Since the Banas descent from Mahabali they called themselves as Balijas, descendents of Mahabali. The language of the North Indian Banas was Prakrit an ancient form of Hindi. The Banas of Panchala country seemed to gave worshipped Draupathi, Yudhishtra and other family members of Pandava family. The Bharadvaja-Pahlava dynasty organised the Banas of the Uttarpradesh who were Jungle cutters as an army. The Pallavas called themselves Kadu Vetty, Jungle cutters after the Banas.
VIrakurcha who was a descendent of Aswathaman migrated to south and captured Northern Tondai Nadu in the present Andhrapradesh.
The Pallava Flags were
1. Lion Flag
2. Nandi Flag
Brahmin rulers such as Kadamba and Pallava kings used Lion as emblem in their flags. Banas used the Bull emblem on their flags. In south India Bana kingdoms such as Bana kingdom of Andhra and Kadambas of Banavasi also used Bull Flag. Kalinga Bana ruler Aryachakravarthi kingdom also used Bull Flag.
The Thigala the Vanniar of Karnataka claim that they had been the personal protectors of Draupathy called Veerakumaras. Draupathy herself organised Vanniar as an army and defeated an Asura- Dravidian called Thimirasura.
These legends are from ancient times when Vanniars were residents of Panchala country ruled by Drupada, father of Draupathy. Panchala country corresponds to modern Uttarpradesh and Nepal. Vanniar descend from Vada Northern Banas who are also known as Tirgala, Tirbanda, Bana, Agni, Vanni etc.
Each year the Thigalas celebrate this festival called Bangalore Karaga at Dharmaraja Temple Bangalore and Thigalarpet. Thigalas worship Yudhishta of Pandavas whom they call Dharmaraya. Dharmaraya Temples are at various places such as Indiranagar, Thigalarpet, Nagarathpete, Whitefield, Jigani, Varthur, Sorahunase etcThigalas claim descendency from Sage Angirasa one of the Saptarishis. Thigalas could be from Panchala country ie Uttarpradesh.
In Tamil Nadu the Vanniars have a Temple for Aravan son of Arjuna at Koovagam. Palli is an alternative name for Banas. This again confirms the origin of Vanniars at Panchala country ruled by Drupada in the sixth century BC. Vanniars had been the loyal soldiers of Draupathy and Pandavas.
Banas of Uttarpradesh used Prakrit language. Pallava used a Pahlavi mixed Prakrit and Sanskrit but not Tamil. Vanniar soldiers of Pallava kings also might have used Prakrit until 900 AD. Koperunchingan was the first Pallava ruler to use a Tamil name in the twelfth century.
At the Andhrapradesh the VannIars are called Vanne Kappu and Vada Balijas. To differentiate from the Andhras Bana descends called Balijas Vanniar call themselves Vada Balija. Vada Balija are fishermen.
In Kerala Vanniars are known as Chavalar. They are inland fidhermen
Palle Kappu Agriculture
Vanne Kappu Agriculture
Vada Balija Fishermen
Thigala Horticulturists
3. Kerala
Chavalakkarar Fishermen
Vanniar Agriculture
ReplyDeleteThe Chera, Chola and Pandyan Kingdoms were founded by Villavar-Meenavar people in prehistory. In very ancient times only Pandyan kingdom was there. Then it broke up to form the Chera Chola Pandyan kingdoms.
Villavar subclans were
1. Villavar
2. Malayar
3. Vanavar
and their sea going cousins
4. Meenavar
All these merged to form Nadalvar clans.
So modern Villavar people is the result of merger of all the subgroups.
Kalithokai mention an ancient war fought between Villavar-Meenavar against Nagas in which Villavar-Meenavar were defeated and lost Central India. Nagas then occupied central India and started migrating to the southern India.
Nagas were northern migrants from Gangetic belt in the ancient times. According to Kanagasabai Pillai Avarhal in his book Tamils 1800 years ago says that Maravar, Eyinar, Aruvalar, Oviar, Oliar and Paradavar were Nagas who migrated to south India and settled down.
Mattakalappu Manmiyam written in the sixteenth century says that from the three tribes Kalingar, Vangar and Singar who descended from Guhan the mythical boat man at Sarayu river branch of Ganges.
The three Guhan tribes were called Murguhar or Mukkulathor. The branches of Murguhar were
1. Murguhar or Mukkuvar
2. Maravar
3. Kalingar-Sinhalese.
It also says that the Murguhar occupied Srilanka and Coastal India and Ramnad. Mattakalappu manmiyam also said that Ramnad was also called Northern Srilanka.
During colonial period in the Sinhalese ruled Mattakalappu
Mukkuvar occupied highest posts such as Governor of Mattakalappu Podi. They had all the privileges of Kalingan. aristocracy. It is because of their Murguhar ancestry
Similarly Maravas were appointed as Vanniya regional administrators of Mattakalappu. Maravas also Murguhars who were Nagas migrated to Kalinga,Vanga Singa kingdoms and from there they came to Tamilnadu and Srilanka.
In Srilankan Mukkulator Mukkuvar Kalingar and Maravar are included.
But in Indian Mukkulathor Mukkuvar are not added.
Instead Marava, Kalabhra and Tulu agriculturists form the Mukkulathor.
In Mattakalappu Manmiyam it is said that Marava were fishermen in Ganges when Lord Srirama happen to see them. Lord Srirama gave them jobs in the Ayodhya kingdom.
Maravas accompanied the Vanara armies in the invasion of Srilanka.
Mattakalappu manmiyam says that Maravas defeated the Arakkar dynasty. Then Maravas came and settled in the south India.
Kallar descend from Kalabhras. Vellala belong to Kalabhra aristocracy called Kalappalar.
Kallars might have joined the Madurai Sultanate. In Kallar marriages sister of the Groom ties the Thali not the groom.
Kallar Thalis displayed Moon phase and a star. Until recently though Hindus, Piramalai Kallars were doing circumcision.
Naga Marava, Kalabhra, and Tuluva Vellala people are not related to Chera Chola Pandyan dynasties.
ReplyDeleteமறவர் கங்கை நதியில் மீனவர்களாக இருந்தனர்
வீரனென்னும் பரதிகுல யிரகுமுன்னாள்வேட்டை சென்றெங்கள் குலமெல்லிதன்னைமாரனென்றணைத்தீன்ற சவலையர்க்குவருஇரகு நாடனென நாமமிட்டுபூருவத்தி லயோத்தி யுரிமையீந்துபோன பின்னர் சிறிராமர் துணைவராகிதீரரென்னுமரக்கர்குலம் வேரறுத்தசிவ மறவர்குலம் நானும் வரிசைகேட்டேன்
(மட்டகளப்பு மான்மியம்)
மறவர்கள் அரக்கர் குலத்தை தோற்கடித்தனர்
அயோத்தி - சவலையர் அயோத்தியுரிமை யைப் பெற்றுப் பின் இராமர் துணை வராகி அரக்கர்குலம் வேரறுத்தனர். இவர்களே சிவமறவர்குலம் எனப் பங்குபெற்றனர்
மறவர் கங்கை மற்றும் அயோத்தி பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள்
தேடறிய சிவனடியில் செறிந்தெழுந்த
திருக்கங்கை வதன மாரிருந்து வாழ்ந்தார் மாடேறு மீசனடி துதித்திடைய மக்களென்று
பண்டு பண்டு வரிசை பெற்றார்"
என்பர். அயோத்தி என்ற மறவர்,
'சிவமறவர்குலம் நானும் வரிசை கோட்டேன்
(மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம்)
முற்குகர் ஸ்ரீலங்கா மீது படையெடுத்தனர்
இலங்கையின் வனப்பைக் கேள்வியுற்று வடஇந்தியாவிலே அயோத்தியினின்றும் முற்குகர் இலங்கைக்குப் படையெடுத்து வந்தனர். அவர்கள் இலங்கையின் கீழ்ப்பாகம் வந்த போது ஒரு சதுப்பேரி காணப்பட்டது. அச்சதுப்பேரியினூடே தமது ஓடத்தைச் செலுத்தினர். அப்போது வழியில் மண்செறிந்த ஓர் முனை எனும் குறுகலாகவிருந்தமையால் அதற்கு மண்முனை எனும் பெயரிட்டனர். அப்பாற் தென்திசைநோக்கிப் புறப்பட்டனர். வாவி எல்லையில் ஓடம் சென்றதும் அப்பாற்செல்ல வழியில்லாமைகண்டு “இதுமட்டும மட்டடா மட்டக்களப்படா” (இந்தக் களப்பு இதுவரையுந்தான்) எனப் பகர்ந்து அந்தத்திலே மட்டக்களப்பென்னும் நாமத்தைச் சூட்டி ஒரு கிராமத்தை அரணாக்கினர்.
(மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம்)
கண்டிக்கும் மட்டக்களப்பு அரசுவருமானத்தில் மூன்றிலொன்று கொடுக்கும்படி கண்டி அரசனிடம் சம்மதமுற்றுக் கலிபிறந்து நாலாயிரத்தெண்ணூற்றுப்பத்தாம் வருஷம் மட்டக்களப்பை ஒல்லாந்தருக்கு ஒப்புக்கொடுத்தனர். ஒல்லாந்தர், காலிங்கர், வங்கர். சிங்கர் என்னும் முக்குலத்தவரையும் நிலைமைகளாய் வகுத்தனர். இருபது வருஷம் அரசு செய்யும் போது இந்த முக்குலத்தவரிலும் நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவராய்த் தங்கள் இராசதானம் என்னும் பண்ணை நாட்டிலிருந்து பஸ்கோலென்பவனை இரச்சிய முதலியாய் அனுப்பினர்.(மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம்)
முதல் சிங்கள மன்னரான விஜய சிங்காவின் மூதாதையர்களில் ஒருவரான மறவர்
விசயுனுடைய காலமும் அவர் முதாதை கலிங்கர். கங்கர். சிங்கர், மறவர் மறாட்டியர் என்னும் ஐந்து அரசர்களுடைய வம்சவழியும் அவரவர்கள் சந்ததிகள் இந்நாட்டில் கலிங்கதேசம் வங்கதேசம் சிங்கபுரம் அசோககிரி சோழநாடு இராமநாடு மலையாளம் இவையிலிருந்து குடியேறி அரசாண்டு முதன்மை பெற்றுச் சிறை தளங்களோடு வாழ்ந்து வந்த சரித்திரங்களையும் கூறவேண்டும்.
(மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம்)
Palm tree and Bow and arrow
Oldest Dravidian tribe in Kerala and Tamil Nadu are Villavar clans (Villavar Malayar Vanavar and Meenavar). In the rest of India Bana-Meena people who established Kingdoms throughout India in prehistory. The northern cousins of Villavar-Meenavar are Bana-Meenas and both of them are of Dravidian stock. Villavars established Pandyan kingdom in prehistory. Villavar subgroups Villavar, Malayar, Vananavar and their seagoing cousins Meenavar established Chera,Chola and Pandyan kingdoms.
Meenavar are twin clan of Villavar and ethnically not related to any Naga fishermen who appeared in the third century BC as refugees.
According to Sangam literature Pandiyan king Kaysina Vazhuthi established Pandyan kingdom at 9990 BC ie 11,971 years Before Present. Villavar are the oldest people in Tamilnadu since the beginning of civilization.
After the invasion of Malik Kafur of Delhi Sultanate in 1310 AD Villavar were massacred and their population declined.
Villavar, Nadalvar, Nadar, Santar, Chanar, Shanar, Charnnavar, Chantrahar, Chandar Perumbanar, Panickar, Thiruppappu, Kavara (Kavurayar), Illam, Kiriyam, Kana, Mara Nadar, Nattathi, Pandiyakula Kshatriya, Nelamakkarar etc.
Nagas were of a different race from Aryans and Dravidians. Aryans and Nagas were closely associated and their language was Devanagari(Hindi). Nagas who were equal to Aryans in the earlier period when Naga Nahusha became Indra. Yadavas Pandava and Kaurava descend from Nahusha. But in the latterdays Nagas were enslaved by Aryans and occupied a lower stratum in the Aryan society.
Kalithokai an ancient Sangham literature describe a great war fought between Dravidian Villavar-Meenavar against Nagas in which Nagas won the battle and Villavar-Meenavar lost central India to Nagas.
From 500 BC onwards Naga tribes started migrating to southern India. But Villavar kings succeded in subjugating most of them. Most of the Nagas arrived during the third Tamil Sangam period. Various Nagas who migrated to South IndiaMaravar, Eyinar, Oviar, Oliar, Aruvalar Paradavar etc
1. Varunakulathor Kauravas (Karave, Karaiyar)
2. Guhankulathor (Maravar, Murguhar, Sinhalese)
3. Paradavar
4. Kalabhras(Kalappalar, Vellalar, Kallar)
5. Ahichatram Nagas (Nair)
1.Varunakulathor or Kauravas (500 BC)
Varunakulator claim descendency from legendary Kauvarava. After their defeat in the Kuurukshetra war some of the Kauravas migrated to south. In Tamil areas they are known as Karaiyar and Sinhalese areas they are known as Karave.
b.Murguhar or Mukkuvar
According to mattakalappu Mahanmiyam Guhankulathor belonged to three clans ie Vangar, Singar and Kalingar who were known as Murguhar, Murkulathor or Mukkulathor. The Nagas migrated along Ganges to Bengal and then to Kalinga to establish three kingdoms ie Vangar, Singar and Kalingan kingdoms. From these kingdoms they migrated to Srilanka and adjoining areas of India ie Ramnad.
According to Mattakalappu Mahanmiyam Maravas were fishermen at the Ganges who were invited by Lord Sri Rama to Ayodhya and were given positions. Maravas accompanied Lord Sri Rama and fought the war against Ravana around suxth century BC. Laterdays Maravas and other Naga tribes migrated to Srilanka and adjoining areas of India.
வீரனென்னும் பரதிகுல யிரகுமுன்னாள்வேட்டை சென்றெங்கள் குலமெல்லிதன்னைமாரனென்றணைத்தீன்ற சவலையர்க்குவருஇரகு நாடனென நாமமிட்டுபூருவத்தி லயோத்தி யுரிமையீந்துபோன பின்னர் சிறிராமர் துணைவராகிதீரரென்னுமரக்கர்குலம் வேரறுத்தசிவ மறவர்குலம் நானும் வரிசைகேட்டேன்
(மட்டகளப்பு மான்மியம்)
Srilankan Mukkulathor are
Indian Mukkulathor are
ReplyDelete3. PARADAVAR (270 BC)
Pārada kingdom was a Naga kingdom in the Baloochistan in Pakistan ruled by Parvatha Raja Kulam a Naga tribe. Parathavar migration might have started after the estabishment of Indo-Greek kingdom was established in 326 BC.
Later Parada kingdom was occupied by Paratarajas a Parthian dynasty from Iran, in the first century ad displacing Paradavar. Paradavar reached and settled in the coastal regions in the 3rd century BC.
Chola king Ilanchetchenni(301 BC) defeated Paradavar
தென் பரதவர் மிடல் சாய, வடவடுகர் வாளோட்டிய(புறநாநூறு)
Pandiyan Parantaka Nedunchelian(270 BC) vanquished Parathavar as mentioned in Velvikkodi Plates.
நெல்வேலிச் செருவென்றும்
விரவி வந்தடையாத
பரவரை பாழ்படுத்தும்
அறுகாலினம் புடை திளைக்குங்
குறுநாட்டவர் குலங்கெடுத்தும்
Paradavar revolted against Pandiyan Nedunjeliyan II at 210 AD who defeated the Paradavar who refused to pay tax.
செழியன் பரதவரை வென்றமை
செற்ற தெவ்வர் கலங்கத் தலைச்சென்று,
அஞ்சு வரத் தட்கும் அணங்குடைத் துப்பின்,
கோழ் ஊஉன் குறைக் கொழு வல்சி,புலவு வில்,
பொலி கூவை,ஒன்று மொழி, ஒலி இருப்பின்,
தென் பரதவர் போர் ஏறே!
(மதுரைக் காஞ்சி: மாங்குடி மருதனார்)
(Pandyan dynasty was established by Dravidian Villavar-Meenavar people. Paradhavar or other Naga fishermen are not ethnically related to Villavar-Meenavar people or Pandyan dynasty.
(Kalappalar, Vellalar, Kallar)
Kalabhras are North Indian Kalwar from Chedi Kingdom. Kalwar titles are Kalar, Kalyapala,Kalwar etc. Kalwar first might have migrated to Orissa where they established a Chedi dynasty at 100 BC.
Kharavela occupied northern Tamilnadu where Vel+Alar became feudal lords. In 250 AD Kalappirar occupied Chera, Chola and Pandyan Kingdoms.
Kadamba king Mayuravarma brought Naga slave warriors from Ahichatram the capital of Uttara Panchala country(Ancient Nepal) in 345 AD. Buying Nepalese slaves and training them in warfare was in vogue in Karnataka. They were known as Bantharu or Bonded people.
Mayuravarma settled the Nagas at the coastal Karnataka, Tulunadu. Nairs were subgroups of Tulunadu's Bunt community. Bunts fought for whichever kingdom paid them.
In 1120 AD a Tulu invader called Banapperumal invaded Kerala with Arab support. Banapperumal attacked Kerala with 350000 numbered Nair army (a mass migration) and occupied Malabar area (Kasaragod,Kannur,Kozhikode and Malappuram district)
Facing Tulu invasion Villavar Chera dynasty had changed its capital from Kodungaloor to Kollam in 1102 AD. Nairs and Nambuthiris allied with arabs and Delhi sultanate.
After the invasion of Malik kafur in 1310 AD Nairs occupied all Kerala with Turkish support.
ReplyDeleteGAUNDER (520 AD)
Gangetic area agriculturists called Gangar or Kongar (Gauda Gaundar) migrated to south india around second century AD. Gauda is an alternative name for Ganges. In Tamilnadu they were known as Kongu. Cilappatikaram mentioned that Cheran Cenkuttuvan defeated Kongu people in the second century AD.
In 350 AD western Ganga kingdom was established at Karnataka after the southern invasion of Samudra Gupta. During the rule of Western Ganga king Avinita (469 AD to 529 AD) Kongu was brought under Ganga dynasty and the Kongu Vellalar settled down at Kongu in the sixth century AD.
Chera dynasty after losing Kongu territory shifted their capital from Karur to Kodungaloor. Kongu Vellalars are ethnically related to Gaudas of Karnataka, Gangadikara Vokkaliga. They are not ethnically related to Vellalar and other Nagas.
Kongu Vellalar were the enemies of Villavar of Chera dynasty.
There were two Ganga Kingdoms.
1.Western Ganga Kingdom
2.Eastern Ganga Kingdom
1. WESTERN GANGA DYNASTY (350 AD to 1000 AD)Western Ganga rulers ruled from southern Karnataka adhacent to Kongu area. The southern migration of Gangetic people occur through Orissa (Kalinga, Odda) to Karnataka.
The Kalinga chieftains were leaders of Kongu Vellala community.
Though the Western Ganga dynasty was established in 350 AD the Kongu region was occupied by Kongu Vellala Gaunders only after 520 AD during the rule of Ganga king Avinitha. During the Sangam age Kongu Vellalars were not there at Kongu area. Following the occupation of Kongu area by Ganga people ie the Kongu Vellala Gaunder, the capital of Chera dynasty was shifted from Karuvoor to Kodungaloor in Kerala.
A minor branch of Chera dynasty called Kongu Chera dynasty continued to rule from Ummattur until 1400 AD.
Later Chera dynasty recaptured Kongu area and reestablished their rule at Kong area at 800 AD. After 1000 AD Cholas and after 1200 Pandyan empire subjugated and annexed Kongu region. The leader of Kongu Vellala Gaunders under Pandyan empire was Kalinga Rayan. Kalingarayan who was appointed by Pandyan king Jatavarman Vira Pandyan II as Chieftain of Kongu region wasa Lingaya Gaunder. This indicates the Gaunder origin in Kalinga country who might have adopted Veera Shaiva/Lingayat religeon.
During Naicker rule Kongu area was ruled by Bana chieftains such as Vanathirayar or Vanavarayar.
Two major divisions were
1.Vellala Gaunder
2.Vettuva Gaunder
Gaunders are basically north Indian agriculturists who came from the banks of Ganga (Gauda) river. Their migration could be the result of multiple invasions like that of Greek, Scythian, Kushana and Huna. Gaunders dont have common origin with rest of the Tamils. But they might have some intermixture with local Tamils in the recent times.
Vellala-Kalappalar-Kalabhra migration from Chedi kingdom to Kalinga country ruled by King Kharavela occured in second century BC. Vellalas are also known as Kalinga Vellalar. But Vellala are ethnically different from Gaunders.
Gaunders were known by their affiliation to various Tamil Kingdoms. Ie Cheran Koottam, Cholan Koottam or Pandyan Koottam. But Gaunders are not ethnically related to Villavar clans (Villavar,Vanavar,Malayar and Meenavar) who founded Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms.
ReplyDeleteMUDALIAR (800 AD)
People of diverse origins such as Telugu and Tulu weavers, Agriculturists and people from marauding castes also use Mudaliar title. Mudaliar means Headman, military commander.
Vellala Mudaliar are similar to Vellala and have Kalabhra roots. Vellala are also known as Kalinga Vellalars as they migrated from Kalinga (Orissa) to Tamilnadu in the ancient period. Kalabhra(Kalappalar, Kallar) arrival was around 250 AD. The elevation of Vellala as military commanders gave them the title Mudaliar. The Vellala had to donate daughters to Royal harem, in a custom called 'Magakoda' in return of land rights. The Children born to them were not considered as Kshatriyas but as Vellalas-Agriculturists but they were given Mudaliar title.
Vellala may descend from Kallar, Maravar and Agamudaiyar.
கள்ளர் மறவர் கணத்ததோர் அகமுடையார் மெல்ல மெல்ல வெள்ளாளர் ஆனாரே
The thiefs and robbers slowly settled down to do agriculture and take the title Vellala. The Vellala chieftains may take the title Mudaliar.
Vellala have Kalabhra and Naga roots. From ancient Chedi kingdom they migrated to Kalinga(Orissa) and then to Tamilnadu and Srilanka. The north indian relatives of Kalapirar could be Kalwar (Kalwar, Kalar, Kaliyapala, Jalal etc).
Kondai Katti Vellala Mudaliars strongly sided with the Vijayanagara Naicker of Madurai and thereby appointed as Viceroy and Chief ministers of the Kingdom.
At Bangalore Vellala Mudaliars talk Tamil mixed with Telugu.
Dom Luis Boothathamby Mudaliar was the Governor of Dutch at Srilanka.
Kaikala were Telugu weaver caste from coastal Rayalaseema area of Andhrapradesh. Bulk of the Mudaliar in Tamilnadu descend from Telugu Kaikala.
Kaikala were known for their devotion to Chola ruler Karikalan whose sphere of influence included Andhra.
They are also known as Karikala Bhaktulu, Kykala, Kaikkolar, Sengundar.
Kaikala migrated to Tamilnadu during the Later Chola period and during the Vijayanagara Naicker period. Sengundar and Kaikolar Mudaliars descend from Kaikala.
Former Buddhist weaver castes such as Padmasali (Manipadman =Buddha, Sali= Possesed), Saliya (Pattariyar), Salagama among Sinhalese are related to Kaikala.
Kaikolar Mudaliar descend from Telugu weaver caste Kaikalas. The silk weaving made them a rich community in the colonial period. Kaikala Mudaliar are found in the northermost parts of Tamilnadu.
Sengunthar descend from Telugu Kaikala weaver caste. Sengunthar are subcategory of Kaikolar.
Thuluva Vellala were agriculturists from coastal Southern Karnataka who came with the invasion of Hoysala rulers who occupied Northern Tamilnadu Trichy and Arcot districts in the fourteenth century.
Thondamandala Tuluva Vellala also known as Agamudaya Mudaliars and Arcot Mudaliars.
Arcot Mudaliars settled down in the 1300s by the Hoysala invaders at Kanchipuram. They are from Tulunadu in Karnataka.
Arcot Mudhaliar became land holders during the Vijayanagara Naicker period. They are agriculturists and Weavers. They are probably are of diverse castes in Karnataka. Their adoption of Mudaliar title is quite recent during Naickar era. Arcot Mudaliar because of their proximity to British flourished during colonial rule.
Agamudaiyar have Kallar Maravar roots and of Kalabhra and Naga ethnicity.
Like Paradhavar Agamudaiyar also have Parvatha Rajakulam title indicating their origin from Parada Kingdom a Himalayan kingdom described in Mahabharata and Puranas. Pāradas kingdom was occupied by Paratarajas, an Indo-Parthian dynasty in Baloochistan in the first century AD.
Agamudaiyar at South Arcot district have mixed with Thuluva Vellalar and have adopted Mudaliar title during the Naicker period.
Some of the Agamudaiya Thuluva Vellala Mudaliars did great service to education as they founded Colleges in the 19th century.
Tamil Brahmins because of their origin from Maharashtras Deshashta Brahmins wear Maharashtrian style dress. Tamil Brahmin Women wear dress similar to Maharashtrian and Konkani. Brahmin men used to wear Black coats bush shirts and dhotis tucked behind. Brahmin men also used to wear Black caps or Turban similar to Maratha Brahmins.
During colonial rule many Arcot Mudaliar men and women also started wearing dress in the Maharashtrian style similar to Tamil Brahmins. Many Mudaliar also started attending Barathanatyam and Karnatic Music Sabhas. But Mudaliar are mostly Dravidian weavers and Agriculturists and ethnically not related to Brahmins
Most of the Mudaliar are not ethnic Tamils. Vellala Mudaliar and Agamudaiyar south of Trichy have Tamil roots. Mudaliar of Chennai and Arcot prefer to be called as Dravida because of their Telugu, Tulu and Kalinga origins and nor as Tamil. Mudaliars claim Tamilnadu belongs to all Dravidians. Mudaliars also claim that they are superior to ethnic Tamils.
Whatever it is Tamils believe in them. There were two chief ministers from Kondai Katti Vellala Mudaliar and one from Sengunthar Mudaliar.
St. Andrew's Basilica, Arthunkal is situated at Arthunkal, Cherthala in Kerala at a seashore, facing Arabian sea. Arthunkal Church was built in the Portuguese period in the early sixteenth century. It was rebuilt in 1584 by an Italian Jesuit priest called Vicar Jacomo Fenicio. Devotees called him "Arthunkal Veluthachan".
Rev. Fr. Giacomo Fenicio (1558 AD - 1632 AD), was the first european missionary to study Hinduism to write articles and books about Hinduism in Latin. He was also interested in Hindu culture and Kalarippayattu which he learned from Cheerappanchira Panickers.
When the Arthunkal Veluthachan was Vicar of the Arthunkal church the Latin Catholics of Cherthala also joined the war against Udayanan. Arthunkal Vezhuthachan is also famed to have been trained in the famed Cheerappanchira Kalari in Muhamma.
Arthunkal Veluthachan and his Latin Catholics were believed to be friends and supporters of Lord Ayyappan. But as the events happened in the Thirumala Naickers period between 1623 to 1659 AD, Arthunkal Veluthachan could have been quite elderly. Arthunkal Veluthachan expired in 1632 AD.
But legends say that Ayyappa Swamy accompanied by Arthungal Velutha in the presence of the chieftain of Alangad , Njalur Kartha, Kampilly Panikkar and Mullappilly Nair, addressed the Alangad warriors at the banks of Periar in Aluva.
Kampilly Panicker was the first person to chant 'Saranam Ayyappa" while ascending the hilly terrain at Erumely. He also was the first Velichappadu or Oracle. Kampilly is a place close to Alangadu, west of Paroorkavala in Aluva.
Lord Ayyappan was an adult during the life time of Arthungal Veluthachan who died in 1632 AD. So the war with Udayanan could have happened before 1632 AD.
When St.Sebastians statue was installed in 1747 AD many local devotees started calling the idol Veluthachan too.
It is generally believed that during the rule Thirumala Naicker (1723 to 1759 AD) came to power he exiled all the Pandyan families from Madurai. Some settled at Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram in the Venad. There was a belief that the foreheads of the Pandyan princes were marked with Vermilion before their banishment.
But the Pandyan families settled down at Poonjar and Pandalam could have migrated earlier around 1600 AD. It is because Ayyappan born to Pandyan princess Mayadevi, was an adult during the life time of Arthungal Veluthachan (1632) Pandyan migration to Pandalam could have occurred around 1600 AD.
The Panickars were martial art trainers who trained soldiers for war. Each Panickar maintained a small army with which they supported Chera and related Pandyan dynasties. Panickars were subgroups of Tamil Villavar people. But after the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD, and the defeat of Pandyan dynasty Tulu matriarchal kingdoms had been established in Kerala in 1335 AD.
After that Kerala was ruled by Samantha Kshatriyas, Tuluva Brahmin Nambudiris and Nairs. In this period many Panickers left Kerala. Some went to Srilanka. Some joined Ezhavas while others joined the Portuguese army and later to Syrian Christians. Laterdays Panickar title was also given to Nairs.
In Muhamma in Cherthala, the Cheerappanchira Kalari was situated. Cheerappanchira Panickars were Ezhavas. In this Cheerappanchira Kalari Jesuit priest Fr. Jacomo Fenicio, Arthunkal Veluthachan was trained in Kalaripayattu. Arthunkal Church was about ten kilometre away from Cherappanchira Kalari.
Though the country was ruled by Matriarchal Tulu rulers many Panickars from Alangad, Ambalapuzha and along the banks of Periar were still loyal to Pandyans of Pandalam. Pandyans existed in central Kerala in Pandalam, Mavelikkara and Kanjirappally area and were known as Keralasingha Valanadu in the Pandian records.
Thirumala Naickar sent a Marava chiftain called Udayanan who was a robber with a Maravappada to Kerala sometime between 1623 to 1630 AD. Udayanan built a fort in Karimala near munnar. Udayanan started pillaging the nearby places. Udayanan kidnapped the Pandyan princess Mayadevi. She was rescued. But only after many years Udayanan was defeated and killed. The fear Naickars resulted in the unification of people of diverse origins against Udayanan.
Pandyan king with the help of Cheerappanchira Panickar rescued his sister but sent her to stay at Cheerappanchira.
One view was that Pandyan princess was married to Cheerappanchira Panickars nephew. And the son born to them was Ayyappan.
The Alangad Yogam which was also a Panicker Kalary also considered as Pithrustanam, Fathers place of Lord Ayyappa.
But in that era when Ayyappan was quite young people started to believe that Ayyappan and St.Sebastian were brothers.
Sebastian was a Roman officer, a captain of the Praetorian Guards who embraced Christianity insulted Roman Emperor Diocletian (284 to 305 AD) by ridiculing him leading to his execution by shooting arrows on him.
St.Sebastian became a popular deity to all Catholics. In Arthunkal Church a statue of St.Sebastian sculptured in Milan, was installed in 1647 AD. In the Portuguese era Jesuit priests did not reject the local Hindu and Dravidian customs. Christian Churches also had Bronze flag poles on which flags were hoisted. In the St.Sebastian churches many wait for the appearance of two white hawks flying over the church during the annual festival even today.
Many Ayyappan devotees visit Arthunkal Basilica as part of the pilgrimage each year. The reason said to be Lord Ayyappa used to be very friendly with St.Sebastian. Since they were so close they were considered to be brothers.
The Sabarimala pilgrims offer prayers at the Arthungal church. They remove the sacred chain Mala called Mudra worn around the neck of pilgrims. The pilgrims also take a ritual bath in one of the two ponds near the church.
The religeous and ethnic harmony established by Ayyappan enabled worship in Arthunkal Church as well as Vavar palli. Mala Arayar, Panickkars, Latin Catholics and Muslims all supported Ayyappan and were treated with respect.
The Pandyan dynasty probably ended by 1700 AD. Pandian land was taken over by Nambuthiris who pretend to be Pandyans and use the title Raja.
Erumeli Nainar Juma Masjid in Kerala’s Kottayam district is regularly visited by Lord Ayyappa pilgrims. This mosque is considered to be the mosque of Vavar. They dont enter the prayer hall of the Mosque but circumambulate the mosque and space provided for resting. The pilgrims are allowed to break coconut and pray here and put Kanika, offerings.
There is another place of worship in Sabarimala called Vavarnada where there is no statue of Vavar but a carved granite slab. A Muslim priest is there. Here also Ayappa devotees pray.
Mala Araiyar could be connected to Malaiyar tribe one of the three major Villavar tribes which supported Chera Dynasty. The Mala Arayar who had been the main supporters of Lord Ayyappan continued to be the priests and owners of the Lord Ayyappan temple until 1904 AD.
This is one of the reason for the survival of the syncretic faith and religeous tolerance to twentieth century.
Mala Arayars were evicted from their lands by the Pandalam kings in the 1800s. Mala Araiyars were evicted from Sabarimala and seventeen hills around Sabarimala.
Mala Arayars were forced to carry Cardamom from hills to plains without wages. In 1856 AD Mala Arayars attacked the government officials who forced them.
The harassment of Mala Arayars led to their religeous conversion to Christianity in the nineteenth century. About half of Mala Arayars converted to Christianity.
CMS Missionary Fr. Henry Baker worked among them between 1840 to 1862 AD. Fr.Henry Baker wrote a book called Hill Arrians of Travancore.
In 1879 there were about 2000 christian converts. British missionary Samuel Mateer who visited them in 1883 mentions that the Mala Araiyar resided in the western slopes of the highrange mountains. Their villages consist of houses scattered all over the steep hill slides in his book Native Life in Travancore.
Mala Arayar priests conducted Dravidiyan style worship until 1904 AD. Their main form of worship was abulation with honey and abulation with ghee. Until recently the "Thenabhishekam" worship of Mala Araiyars was allowed. Before decades the Thantris denied this form of worship.
In 1904 Travancore king appointed a family of priests from Andhrapradesh who settled down at Chengannoor. This family called Thazhamon family of Thantris have been having hereditary rights to be priests at Sabarimala since 1904 AD.
In 1950 a large fire accident damaged the Sabarimala temple. The idol itself was damaged
P. T. Rajan alias Sir Ponnambala Thiaga Rajan who was the Chief minister of Madras presidency in 1936 and also the last Prsident of Justice party, gifted the present panchaloha idol of Lord Ayyappa to the Sabarimala temple that replaced the old damaged idol.
ReplyDeleteBut around 1700s the Pandyan kingdoms of Pandalam and Poonjar fell in the hands of Nambuthiris. Nambuthiris at Pandalam pretend to be Pandiyans.Present Pandalam Pandyans belong to the Bhargava Gotra of Nambuthiris.The male children (before upanayana) and female members (age 10-50) are not allowed to undertake the holy pilgrimage.They are vegetarians who never spoke Tamil.Poonjar Pandyan kingdom was taken over by a Nambuthiri family from Thrissur called Sarkara Kovilaham. Sarkara Pandyans used the title 'Pandymandalam Udaiya Kulasekhara Perumal'. Tamil speaking Pandyan dynasties became extinct around 1700 AD.Only Nambuthiri dynasties using Pandyan name existed afterwards. The Pandyan, Panickar and Malayar history itself has been stolen from them. The territories of Pandalam kingdom extended to an area of 1,000 square miles (2,600 km2) ie 650,000 Acres which covered the parts of Konni, Achankovil, Tenkasi and the forest regions of Sabarimala.
1. Dravidians
2. Villavar-Meenavar people
3. Titles Maravarman, Chadayavarman, Maran, Villavan, Meenavan
4. Tamil roots
5. Non Vegetarian
6. Descends from Mahabali
7. Pandyans are friends of all Dravidian people.
8. Friends of Mala Arayar
9. Pandyans conducted Hiranyagarba
1. Aryan
2. Tulu-Nepalese people from Ahichatram. Bhargavakulam
3. Titles Raja, Godavarma. Adds Birth star to names
4. Tuluva Brahmins with Nepalese roots.
5. Vegetarian
6. Descends from Parashurama, Bhargavaraman
7. Anti Dravidian
8. Harassed Mala Arayar
9. Performs Upanayana ceremony
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
வில்லவர் குலங்கள்
1. வில்லவர்
2. மலையர்
3. வானவர்
வில்லவரின் கடலோர உறவினர்கள் மீனவர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்
4. மீனவர்
பண்டைய காலங்களில் இந்த அனைத்து துணைப்பிரிவுகளிலிருந்தும் பாண்டியர்கள் தோன்றினர். அவர்கள் துணை குலங்களின் கொடியையும் பயன்படுத்தினர். உதாரணத்திற்கு
1. வில்லவர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் சாரங்கத்வஜ பாண்டியன் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார். அவர் ஒரு வில் மற்றும் அம்பு அடையாளமுள்ள கொடியை சுமந்தார்.
2. மலையர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் மலையத்வஜ பாண்டியன் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார். அவர் மலை சின்னத்துடன் ஒரு கொடியை ஏந்தினார்.
3. வானவர் துணைப்பிரிவைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் ஒரு வில்-அம்பு அல்லது புலி அல்லது மரம் கொடியை ஏந்திச் சென்றார்.
4. மீனவர் குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த பாண்டியன் ஒரு மீன் கொடியை ஏந்திச்சென்று தன்னை மீனவன் என்று அழைத்துக் கொண்டார்.
பிற்காலத்தில் அனைத்து வில்லவர் குலங்களும் ஒன்றிணைந்து நாடாள்வார் குலங்களை உருவாக்கின. பண்டைய மீனவர் குலமும் வில்லவர் மற்றும் நாடாள்வார் குலங்களுடன் இணைந்தது.
பிற்காலத்தில் வடக்கிலிருந்து குடிபெயர்ந்த நாகர்கள் தென் நாடுகளில் மீனவர்களாக மாறினர். அவர் வில்லவர்-மீனவர் குலங்களுடன் இனரீதியாக தொடர்புடையவர் அல்லர்.
வில்லவர் பட்டங்கள்
வில்லவர், நாடாள்வார், நாடார், சான்றார், சாணார், சண்ணார், சார்ந்நவர், சான்றகர், சாண்டார் பெரும்பாணர், பணிக்கர், திருப்பார்ப்பு, கவரா (காவுராயர்), இல்லம், கிரியம், கண நாடார், மாற நாடார், நட்டாத்தி, பாண்டியகுல ஷத்திரியர் போன்றவை.
பண்டைய பாண்டிய ராஜ்யம் மூன்று ராஜ்யங்களாகப் பிரிக்கப்பட்டது.
1. சேர வம்சம்.
2. சோழ வம்சம்
3. பாண்டியன் வம்சம்
அனைத்து நாடுகளையும் வில்லவர் போராளிகள் பாதுகாத்தனர்.
முக்கியத்துவத்தின் ஒழுங்கு
1. சேர இராச்சியம்
2. பாண்டியன் பேரரசு
3. சோழப் பேரரசு
சேர சோழ பாண்டியன் நாடுகள் வில்லவர் ஆட்சியாளர்களால் ஆளப்பட்டன. வில்லவர் பண்டைய தமிழ் ஆட்சியாளர்கள் மற்றும் திராவிட க்ஷத்ரிய வம்சாவளியினர் ஆவர்.
நாகர்களுக்கு எதிராக போர்
கலித்தொகை என்ற ஒரு பண்டைய தமிழ் இலக்கியம் நாகர்களுக்கும் வில்லவர் - மீனவர்களின் ஒருங்கிணைந்த படைகளுக்கும் இடையே நடந்த ஒரு பெரிய போரை விவரிக்கிறது. அந்தப் போரில் வில்லவர்-மீனவர் தோற்கடிக்கப்பட்டு நாகர்கள் மத்திய இந்தியாவை ஆக்கிரமித்தனர்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteநாகர் மற்றும் களப்பிரர் நாக பரம்பரையின் இரண்டு வட இந்திய குலங்கள், அவர்கள் பண்டைய காலத்தில் சேர சோழ பாண்டியன் நாடுகளைத் தாக்கினர்.
நாகர்களின் தெற்கு நோக்கி இடம்பெயர்வு
நாகர்களின் பல்வேறு குலங்கள் தென்னிந்தியா மற்றும் ஸ்ரீலங்காவுக்கு குறிப்பாக கடலோர பகுதிகளுக்கு குடிபெயர்ந்தனர்.
மறவர் எயினர் ஓவியர் ஓளியர் அருவாளர் பரதவர் என்பவர்கள் வட இந்தியாவில் இருந்து வந்து குடியேறிய ஆரம்பகால நாகர்கள் ஆவர்.
1. வருணகுலத்தோர் (கரவே)
2. குகன்குலத்தோர் (மறவர், முற்குகர், சிங்களர்)
3. கவுரவகுலத்தோர் (கரையர்)
4. பரதவர்
5. களப்பிரர்கள் (கள்ளர், களப்பாளர், வெள்ளாளர்)
6. அஹிச்சத்ரம் நாகர்கள்(நாயர்)
மறவர் கங்கை நதியில் மீனவர்களாக இருந்ததாகவும், குஹனின் வம்சாவளியினர் என்றும் மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் கூறுகிறது. மறவர் அயோத்திக்கு ஸ்ரீராமரால் அழைக்கப்பட்டு, அவர்களுக்கு அயோத்தியில் பதவிகள் வழங்கப்பட்டன. வானரப்படையுடன் சேர்ந்து மறவர் இலங்கையை ஆக்கிரமித்து, பின்னர் ராவணனை தோற்கடித்தனர். இயக்கர் வம்ச மன்னன் இராவணனுக்கு எதிரான இந்த மறவர் வெற்றியின் காரணமாக, மறவர் அரக்கர் குலமறுத்த சிவ மறவர் குலம் என்று மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியத்தில் அழைக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
இலங்கையும் நாக குலத்தாரால் ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டது. பண்டைய காலத்தில் நாகர்கள் இலங்கைக்கு பெரிய அளவில் குடியேறியதால் அது நாக தீவு என்றும் அழைக்கப்பட்டது. கிமு 543 இல் சிங்கள வம்சத்தை நிறுவிய சிங்கள இளவரசர் விஜயன் படையெடுப்பதற்கு முன்பே இந்த நாகர்களின் இடம்பெயர்வு தொடங்கியிருக்கலாம்.
கரையர் இலங்கையின் ஆரம்பகால குடியிருப்பாளர்கள் என்று மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் கூறுகிறது. இதற்குப் பிறகு குஹன்குலத்தோர் இலங்கை மற்றும் அதனை ஒட்டியுள்ள நிலப்பகுதிகளில் குடியேறினர். குஹன்குலத்தோரின் மூன்று குலங்கள் கலிங்கர், சிங்கர் மற்றும் வங்கர் என்றும் அவர்கள் இலங்கை மற்றும் ராம்நாதபுரம் பகுதிகளில் குடியேறியதாக மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் கூறுகிறது. இந்த மூன்று நாக குஹன் குலங்களும் முற்குஹர் அல்லது முற்குலத்தோர் அல்லது முக்குலத்தவர் அல்லது முக்குலத்தோர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியத்தின் படி, சிங்களர் மறவர் மற்றும் முற்குகர் (முக்குவர்) ஆகியோர் குஹன்குலத்தோரிலிருந்து பொதுவான தோற்றத்தைக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். எனவே அவர்கள் முற்குஹர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
மறவர்களின் வன்னியர் பதவி
கலிங்க அரச குலத்தால் ஆளப்பட்ட கண்டி ராஜ்ஜியத்தில் சிங்களவர்களுடனான இந்த உறவின் காரணமாக, மறவர்கள் வன்னியர்களாக நியமிக்கப்பட்டனர். மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் மறவர்கள் ஆண்ட ராமநாதபுரம் பகுதியை வடக்கு ஸ்ரீலங்கா என்று விவரிக்கிறது. ஆனால் வேளாளர்கள் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்திய யாழ்பாணம் போன்ற தமிழ் பகுதிகளில், மறவர்கள் வரவேற்கப்படவில்லை மற்றும் உயர் பதவிகளை வகிக்க முடியவில்லை.
மேலும் முக்குவர் போடி எனப்படும் மட்டக்களப்புப் பகுதியின் பிராந்திய ஆளுநர்களாக நியமிக்கப்பட்டனர். 1600 களில் டச்சு(ஒல்லாந்தர்) ஆட்சியின் போது எழுதப்பட்ட மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் அருமக்குட்டி பொடி மற்றும் கந்தப்பொடி என்று அழைக்கப்படும் மட்டக்களப்பு பகுதியின் இரண்டு முக்குவர் ஆளுநர்களைக் குறிப்பிடுகிறது. மட்டக்களப்பு மான்மியம் கண்டியை ஆண்ட கலிங்க-வில்லவர் அரச குலத்திற்கு அடுத்த மிக உயர்ந்த சாதி முக்குவர்கள் என்று குறிப்பிடுகிறது. வெள்ளாளர் தலைமையிலான பதினெட்டு சாதியினர் மட்டக்களப்பில் முக்குவர் ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்குக் கீழ்ப்படிந்து மரியாதை செலுத்த வேண்டியிருந்தது.
முக்குவருக்கு பட்டியலிடப்பட்ட சலுகைகள் கண்டிய அரச குடும்பங்களின் சலுகைகளுக்கு அடுத்ததாக இருந்தன.
கலிங்க நாட்டிலிருந்து குடிபெயர்ந்ததால் வெள்ளாளர் கலிங்க வெள்ளாளர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். மட்டகளப்பு மான்மியத்தின் கூற்றுப்படி, வெள்ளாளர் கலிங்க வம்சாவளியைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் என்பதால், அவர்கள் பதினெட்டு சூத்திர ஜாதியினரின் தலைவர்களாக இருந்தனர்.
பரதவர் பலூசிஸ்தானில் உள்ள பரதராஜா நாட்டிலிருந்து கி.பி முதல் நூற்றாண்டில் பார்த்தியர்களால் ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டபோது வெளியேற்றப்பட்டனர். பலூச்சிஸ்தானின் மொழி சிந்து சமவெளி நாகரிகத்திலிருந்து வந்த பிராஹுய் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் ஒரு வட திராவிட மொழியாகும். பிராஹுய் தமிழ் மொழியை ஒத்திருக்கிறது. பரதவர் தமிழ்நாட்டின் கடற்கரையில் உள்ள நெய்தல் நிலங்களை ஆக்கிரமித்தனர்.
பாண்டியன் நெடுஞ்செழியனுக்கு எதிராக பரதவர் கலகம் செய்தபோது, அவர் அவர்களின் குலங்களை தோற்கடித்து அழித்தார்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteவில்லவர் அரசர்களால் தோற்கடிக்கப்பட்ட நாகர்கள்
சேர சோழ பாண்டியன் நாடுகளின் வில்லவர்-மீனவர் ஆட்சியாளர்கள் நாகர்களை தோற்கடித்து அடிமைப்படுத்தி அவர்களை தங்கள் படையில் வீரர்களாக ஆக்கினர். குஹன்குலத்தோர் மறவர், களப்பிரர் துணைக்குழுக்கள் கள்ளர் வெள்ளாளர் (களப்பாளர்) சேர சோழ பாண்டியன் மன்னர்களால் அடிபணிய வைக்கப்பட்டு அவர்களின் படைகளில் பணியாற்றினர்.
வில்லவருக்கு எதிரான நாகர்களின் சதி
கங்கை நதிகளின் கரையிலிருந்து தொடர்ச்சியான இடம்பெயர்வு காரணமாக, தமிழ்நாட்டின் மக்கள் தொகையில் நாகர்கள் பெரும்பான்மையாக மாறினர்.
வில்லவர் ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்கு எதிராக நாகர்கள் வெளிநாட்டு படையெடுப்பாளர்களுக்கு உதவத் தொடங்கினர்.
இந்த நாகர்கள் வில்லவர்களின் முக்கிய எதிரிகள் ஆவர். நாகர்கள் சாளுக்கியர், அரேபியர்கள், டெல்லி சுல்தானேட், விஜயநகர நாயக்கர்கள் மற்றும் ஐரோப்பியர்கள் காலனித்துவ ஆட்சியாளர்களுடன் கூடி பக்கபலமாக இருந்து வில்லவர்களை எதிர்த்தனர், இது வில்லவர் வீழ்ச்சிக்கு வழிவகுத்தது.
வட இந்தியாவில் கல்வார் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் ஒரு பெரிய நாக குலம் பண்டைய சேதி இராச்சியத்தில் இருந்தது. சேதி இராச்சியம் மத்தியப்பிரதேசத்தில் புந்தல்கண்டில் கென் ஆற்றின் கரையில் அமைந்துள்ளது. வட இந்திய கல்வார் காலர், கள்ளர், கலியபால என்றும் அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். கல்வார் குலத்தினர் பிற்காலத்தில் ஹைஹயா ராஜ்யம் மற்றும் சேதி ராஜ்ஜியத்தில் காலச்சூரி ராஜ்யங்களை நிறுவினர். தமிழ்நாட்டில் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்ட சூரி கத்தி ஒருவேளை களப்பிரரால் கொண்டுவரப்பட்டிருக்கலாம்.
கிமு 150 ல் கங்கை பகுதி இந்தோ-சித்தியன் சாகர்களால் ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டது. இதைத் தொடர்ந்து சேதி மக்கள் உட்பட கங்கை மக்கள் கலிங்கத்திற்கு குடிபெயர்ந்தனர். இந்த காலகட்டத்தில் கல்வார் குலமும் சேதி இராச்சியத்திலிருந்து கலிங்க நாட்டிற்கு குடிபெயர்ந்திருக்கலாம். கலிங்கத்தில் அவர்கள் ஒரு சேதி இராச்சியத்தை நிறுவினர். சேதி வம்ச மன்னர் காரவேளா கிமு இரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் கலிங்கத்தை ஆட்சி செய்யத் தொடங்கினார்.
வேளிர் வேளாளர்
காரவேளா மன்னன் கி.மு 105 ல் வட தமிழகத்தின் மீது படையெடுத்து, கல்வர் மக்களை நில அதிபதிகளாக ஆக்கினார். காரவேளாவின் சேவகர்கள் வேள் ஆளர் அல்லது வேளிர் அல்லது காராளர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
கல்வார் படையெடுப்பாளர்கள் களப்பிரர் மற்றும் தமிழ் கள்வர் என்ற கள்ளர் மக்களுடன் ஒத்தவர்கள்.
காரவேளருக்குப் பிறகு திருப்பதியில் மாவண் புல்லி என்ற புதிய ஆட்சியாளர் தோன்றினார்.
அவர் கள்வர் ஆட்சியாளராக இருந்ததால், புல்லி கள்வர் கள்வன் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார்.
ஆந்திராவில் முடிராஜா என்ற புதிய வம்சம் தோன்றியது. முடிராஜா வம்சம் தெலுங்கு பழங்குடிகளான எருக்கால மக்களுடன் வலையர் போன்ற பல்வேறு உள்நாட்டு மீனவர்களின் கலவையால் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது. முத்துராஜா வம்சத்தினர் தங்களை எரிக்கால் முத்துராஜா என்று அழைத்து கொண்டனர். முத்துராஜா மன்னர்கள் காரவேளர் விட்டு சென்ற கள்வர் படைகளின் அரசர்களாக ஆகி ராயலசீமா பகுதியை ஆட்சி செய்தனர்.
வீரகுர்ச்சா மற்றும் திரிலோச்சனா பல்லவர் போன்ற ஆரம்பகால பல்லவர்கள் ஆந்திரபிரதேசத்திலிருந்து கிமு இரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் ஆட்சி செய்தனர். பல்லவர் பாஞ்சால நாட்டிலிருந்து (உத்தரபிரதேசம் மற்றும் நேபாளம்) கொண்டு வரப்பட்ட சொந்த பாணர் (வன்னியர், அக்னி, திர்காலர்) அடங்கிய இராணுவத்தைக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். ஆனால் பல்லவர் சில கல்வரையும் இராணுவத்தில் சேர்த்திருக்கலாம். ஆந்திரப்பிரதேசத்தில் ஆரம்பகால பல்லவர் நாடு களபர்த்தர் நாடு என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டது. பல்லவர் ஒரு கல்வர்-கள்வர் இராணுவத்தையும் கொண்டிருந்தார்கள் என்பதை இது குறிக்கிறது.
மூன்றாம் நூற்றாண்டில் முடிராஜ வம்சம் தமது கள்வர் படையுடன் தமிழ்நாட்டைத் தாக்கி சேர சோழ பாண்டிய அரசுகளை ஆக்கிரமித்தனர். இந்த ஆக்கிரமிப்புக்குப் பிறகு முடிராஜர்கள் முத்தரையர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
முத்தரையரின் கள்வர் இராணுவம் கள்ள+பிறர் (கள்ள பிறநாட்டினர்) அதாவது களப்பிரர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டது. பிற்காலத்தில் முத்தரையர் பெங்களூருக்கு அருகிலுள்ள நந்தி மலையில் தங்கள் தலைநகரை நிறுவினர்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteகளப்பிர வம்சம்
களப்பிரர் பட்டங்கள் களப்பிரர் கலியர் கள்வர் மற்றும் களப்பாளர் வட இந்திய கல்வார் பட்டங்களை அதாவது கல்வார், கள்ளர், காலர், காலாள், கல்யாபால போன்றவற்றை ஒத்திருக்கிறது. சுமார் 250 கி.பியில் சேர சோழ பாண்டிய ராஜ்ஜியங்கள் கள்வர்களால் ஆக்கிரமிக்கப்பட்டபோது., கள்வர்களின் தலைநகரம் பெங்களூருக்கு அருகிலுள்ள நந்தி மலைகளில் இருந்தது. சில கல்வெட்டுகள் நந்தி மலைகளை ஸ்ரீ கள்வர் நாடு என்று குறிப்பிடுகின்றன. களப்பிர ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்கு சொந்தக் கொடி இல்லை ஆனால் சேர சோழ பாண்டியன் கொடிகளை பயன்படுத்தினர். களப்பிரர்கள் பாண்டியன் பட்டமான மாறன் என்பதை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர். இனரீதியாக சம்பந்தம் இல்லை என்றாலும் அவர்கள் தங்களை வில்லவர்கள் என்று அழைத்தனர் மற்றும் மற்ற வில்லவர் பட்டங்களை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர். கி.பி. 600 இல் கூன்பாண்டியனால் களப்பிரர்கள் வெளியேற்றப்பட்டனர்.
இருண்ட காலம்
கி.பி 300 முதல் கிபி 800 வரையிலான களப்பிரர் ஆட்சி பொதுவாக தமிழக வரலாற்றில் இருண்ட யுகமாக கருதப்படுகிறது. களப்பிரர் என்ற ஒரு காட்டுமிராண்டித்தனமான இனம், தென்னிந்தியா முழுவதையும் அழித்தது. களப்பிரர் புத்த மதத்தை ஊக்குவித்தனர் மற்றும் இந்துக்களை துன்புறுத்தினர்.
களப்பிரர் கலியரசர் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். கள்வர் கலியர் என்றும் அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
களப்பிரர் தோல்வி
கி.பி 600 இல் கூன் பாண்டியன் களப்பிரரை தோற்கடித்து பாண்டிய பிரதேசத்திலிருந்து வெளியேற்றினார். களப்பிரர் பல்லவ மன்னராலும் தோற்கடிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
என்றாலும் களப்பிரர் சோழ நாட்டில் தஞ்சாவூரை தலைநகராக கொண்டு கிபி 800 வரை ஆட்சி புரிந்து வந்தனர்.
பிற்கால சோழர்
பிற்கால சோழ மன்னர்கள் கி.பி 800 இல் களப்பிரரை தோற்கடித்து அடிபணிய வைத்து தங்கள் படையில் சேர்த்துக் கொண்டனர்.
சோழர்களின் பல்வேறு படையெடுப்புகளில் நாக களப்பிர இராணுவத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தினர்.
ஒரு கள்வர் படையுடன் சோழர்கள் இலங்கையையும் பர்மாவையும் தாக்கினர். இதன் காரணமாக சோழர்கள் போரில் காட்டுமிராண்டிகளாக கருதப்பட்டனர்.
நாகர் களப்பிரர் குலங்களின் கலப்பு
இலங்கையில் கண்டி ராஜ்யத்தில் முக்குலத்தோரின் மூன்று நாககுலங்கள் மறவர், முக்குவர் மற்றும் சிங்களர்
ஆவர். ஆனால் தமிழ்நாடு முக்குலத்தோரில் முக்குவர் தவிர்க்கப்பட்டு, களப்பிரர் வம்ச கள்ளர், அகமுடையார்-துளுவ வேளாளர் போன்ற நாக குலங்கள் மறவருடன் சேர்க்கப்படுகின்றன.
ஆந்திராவின் பாணர்கள் வில்லவர் வம்சத்தின் வடுக உறவினர் ஆவர், அவர்கள் வில்லவர்களின் வானவர் துணைப்பிரிவுடன் நெருங்கிய தொடர்புடையவர்கள்.
நாகர்களைக் கட்டுப்படுத்த சோழ பாண்டிய மன்னர்கள் ஆந்திராவில் உள்ள பாண ராஜ்ஜியத்திலிருந்து பாணர்களைக் கொண்டு வந்து அவர்களை நாக குலங்களின் ஆட்சியாளர்களாக நியமித்தனர்.
இந்த தெலுங்கு பாணர்கள் வாணர் அல்லது வாணாதிராயர் அல்லது வன்னியர் என்று அறியப்பட்டனர். வாணாதிராயரின் கொடி காளை கொடி அல்லது அனுமன் கொடி (வானரக்கொடி).
சோழர்கள் கங்கை நாட்டு கலிங்க நாட்டைச் சேர்ந்த வாணாதிராயரை ராமநாடு மற்றும் கேரள சிங்க வளநாடு ஆளுநராக நியமித்தனர். இந்த வாணாதிராயருக்கு ஆரம்பத்தில் அனுமன் கொடி இருந்தது. ராமநாட்டின் வாணாதிராயர்கள் நாயக்கர்களின் கீழ் சேதுபதி மன்னர்களாக ஆனார்கள்.
வாணாதிராயர்களின் இந்த நியமனம் சோழ பாண்டிய அரசுகளின் வீழ்ச்சிக்கு முக்கிய காரணமாக அமைந்தது.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteகொங்கு வேளாளர்
கொங்கு வேளாளர் நான்காம் நூற்றாண்டில் கங்கை ஆற்றின் கரையிலிருந்து குடிபெயர்ந்த விவசாய சமூகமாகும். அவர்கள் கங்காதிகார் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் கர்நாடகத்தின் வொக்கலிகா கவுடா சமூகத்துடன் இன ரீதியாக தொடர்புடையவர்கள்.
தமிழ்நாட்டில் கொங்கு வெள்ளாளரின் தோற்றம்
சிலப்பதிகாரத்தின் படி கொங்கு படையெடுப்பாளர்கள் முதன்முதலில் இரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் தோன்றினர், ஆனால் சேரன் செங்குட்டுவனால் தோற்கடிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
சமுத்திர குப்தரின் தெற்கு படையெடுப்பின் பின்னர் கி.பி 350 இல் இக்ஷ்வாகு மன்னர்களின் கீழ் கங்கை சமவெளியில் இருந்து குடியேறியவர்களால், தெற்கு கர்நாடகாவில், மேலை கங்கை இராச்சியம் நிறுவப்பட்டது.
கங்கை மன்னர் அவினிதா (கிபி 469 முதல் கிபி 529 வரை) வின் ஆட்சியின் போது கொங்கு பகுதியை மேலை கங்கர்கள் தங்கள் கட்டுப்பாட்டின் கீழ் கொண்டு வந்தனர். கொங்கு வேளாளர்கள் கொங்கு நாட்டை ஆக்கிரமித்து கிபி ஆறாம் நூற்றாண்டில் குடியேறினர்.
கொங்கு குலத்தாரால் அச்சுறுத்தப்பட்ட பிரதான சேர வம்சம் கரூரில் இருந்து கேரளாவில் கொடுங்களூருக்கு ஏழாம் நூற்றாண்டில் மாற்றப்பட்டது.
உம்மத்தூர் கொங்கு சேர வம்சம் என்றழைக்கப்படும் சேரரின் ஒரு சிறிய கிளை, பதினைந்தாம் நூற்றாண்டு வரை கொங்கு பிராந்தியத்தின் சில இடங்களை ஆட்சி செய்து வந்தது.
சேர தலைநகரம் கேரளாவுக்கு மாற்றப்பட்ட பிறகு கொங்கு நாடு சோழர்கள் மற்றும் பாண்டியர்களால் கட்டுப்படுத்தப்பட்டது.
ஆந்திரா மற்றும் கலிங்க நாட்டிலிருந்து கொண்டுவரப்பட்ட பாணர் கொங்கு வேளாளர்களின் தலைவர்களாக பாண்டியர்களால் நியமிக்கப்பட்டனர். இந்த பாணர் ஆளுநர்கள் வாணவராயர் என அறியப்பட்டனர்.
கேரள வெள்ளாளர்
கிபி 800 முதல் 1102 கிபி வரையிலான பிற்கால சேர ஆட்சியின் போது வேளாளர் வில்லவர்களுக்கு அடிபணிந்த சமூகமாக இருந்தனர். ஆய் மன்னர் அய்யனடிகள் திருவடிகளால் பாரசீக வியாபாரி மார் சாபீர் ஈசோவுக்கு கி.பி 849 இல் வழங்கப்பட்ட தரிசாப்பள்ளி சாசனத்தில், வெள்ளாளர் விவசாயிகளின் நான்கு குடும்பங்கள், ஈழவர்களின் இரண்டு குடும்பங்கள் மற்றும் பிற கைவினை சாதி குடும்பங்கள் அடிமை வேலைக்காரர்களாக வழங்கப்பட்டனர். வயலில் செடிகள் நடுதல் மற்றும் விளைபொருட்களை சந்தைக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்று விற்பனை செய்வது என்பவை அடிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்ட வெள்ளாளரின் கடமைகளாக அட்டவணைப்படுத்தப்பட்டன.
சாளுக்கிய சோழ வம்சம்
1070 இல் சோழ வம்சம் சாளுக்கிய சோழ வம்சமாக மாற்றப்பட்டது. முதல் அரசனாக குலோத்துங்கன் ஆனார். மேலும் தெலுங்கு பாணர் தலைவர்கள் சோழ நாட்டிற்கு குடிபெயர்ந்தனர்.
இதைத் தொடர்ந்து சேர மற்றும் பாண்டியன் நாடுகளுக்கு எதிராக சாளுக்கிய சோழர்கள் தொடர்ந்து தாக்குதல் நடத்தினர்.
கேரளா மற்றும் பாண்டியன் நாடுகளில் வெள்ளாளர் குடியேற்றம்.
சாளுக்கிய சோழர்கள் வெள்ளாளர் மற்றும் கள்ளர் என்னும் களப்பிரர் குலங்களை கொண்டு வந்து அவர்களுக்கு பாண்டியன் பிரதேசங்களில் நிலம் கொடுத்தனர்.
இதேபோல் சாளுக்கிய சோழர்கள் சோழ நாட்டிலிருந்து வெள்ளாளர்களை அழைத்து வந்து அவர்களுக்கு கேரளாவில் நிலம் கொடுத்தனர். சாளுக்கிய சோழ வம்சத்தின் வருகைக்குப் பிறகு கேரள வெள்ளாளர்களின் மக்கள் தொகை அதிகரித்தது
தெலுங்கு சாளுக்கிய சோழர்கள் சேர மற்றும் பாண்டிய நாடுகளின் வில்லவர் ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்கு விரோதமாக இருந்தனர்.
கேரளாவில் வில்லவர்களுக்கு எதிராக வேளாளர் சதி
சேர வம்சத்தின் பூர்வீக வில்லவர் மன்னர்களுக்கு எதிராக வெள்ளாளர் துளு மன்னர்களை ஆதரிக்கத் தொடங்கினர்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteஅஹிச்சத்திரம் நாகர்- நாயர்
மயூரா வர்மா (கி.பி. 345)
மயூரா சர்மா கர்நாடகத்தில் கடம்ப ராஜ்யத்தின் மன்னரான வட பிராமணர் ஆவார். அவர் தனது பெயரை மயூர வர்மா என்று மாற்றினார். மயூர வர்மா ஆரிய பிராமணர்களையும் நாக அடிமை வீரர்களையும், கி.பி 345 இல், அப்போது உத்தர பாஞ்சால நாட்டின் (நவீன நேபாளம்) தலைநகராக இருந்த அஹிச்சத்ரத்தில் இருந்து கர்நாடகாவிற்கு அழைத்து வந்து கரையோர கர்நாடகத்தில் குடியமர்த்தினார். நானூறு நாகர்களின் அடங்கிய ஒவ்வொரு குழுவும் ஒரு அஹிச்சத்ரா பிராமணரால் வழிநடத்தப்பட்டது. கி.பி 1120 இல் பாணப்பெருமாளுடன் சேர்ந்து கேரளாவை ஆக்கிரமித்த நாயர்களும் நம்பூதிரிகளும் பண்டைய நேபாளத்தின் அஹிச்சத்ரத்திலிருந்து கர்நாடகாவில் குடியேறியவர்கள் ஆவர்.
துளுநாட்டில் நேபாள நாகர்
நேபாள நாகர்கள் உள்ளூர் சமூகங்களான பாணா, பில்லவா மற்றும் மொகவீரா சமூகங்களுடன் கலந்தனர், இறுதியில் அனைத்து துளுநாடு மக்களும் இமாலய வழக்கமான மருமக்கள வாரிசுரிமையை ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறார்கள். பாணர் வில்லவரின் வடக்கு உறவினர்கள் ஆவர். ஆனால் வில்லவர் சேரர்களின் பரம எதிரிகள் ஆவர். துளுநாட்டில் பாணர் பாண்டா அல்லது நாடாவரா என்ற பெயர்களால் அறியப்பட்டனர். பாணர் ஆலுபா ராஜ்யத்தை ஆதரித்த திராவிடர்கள் ஆவர். அகிச்சத்திரம் நாகர்கள் பந்தரு அல்லது பிணைக்கப்பட்ட மக்கள் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர். இடைக்காலத்தில் பாணர்களும் நாகர்களும் கலந்தனர். என்றாலும் பாணர்கள் பிறகும் உயர் பதவியில் தொடர்ந்தனர். உண்மையில் இருவரும் இப்போது பண்ட் என்று அழைக்கப்படுகின்றனர்.
நாயரா ஹெக்டே துளுநாட்டில் கானாஜர் போன்ற சிறிய நாடுகளின் ஆட்சியாளர்களாக இருந்தனர்.
மஹோதயபுரம் சேரர்களின் இடமாற்றம்
கி.பி .1075 முதல் கேரளாவை ஆலுபாஸ் பாண்டிய நாட்டின் துளுப் படைகள் தாக்கியது.
கிபி 1102 இல் கொடுங்கலூர் தலைநகராக கொண்ட கேரளத்தின் பிற்கால சேர வம்சம் உடனடியான துளு படையெடுப்பின் சாத்தியத்தால் அச்சுறுத்தப்பட்டது.
கடைசி கொடுங்கலூர் தமிழ் சேரர் ராமவர்மா குலசேகரப்பெருமாள் தனது தலைநகரை கொல்லத்திற்கு மாற்றும்படி கட்டாயத்திலானார். ராமர்மா குலசேகரன் ராமர் திருவடியாக சேராய் வம்சத்தின் அரசரானார். கடைசி வில்லவர் சேர ராமவர்மா தனது ராஜ்யத்தை பிரிக்கவில்லை. கொல்லம் பனங்காவில் கொட்டாரத்தில் இறக்கும் வரை அவர் இந்துவாகவே இருந்தார்.
கடல் சக்தியாக அரேபியர்களின் எழுச்சி
பிற்கால சேர வம்சத்தின் கடைசி ஆண்டுகளில் அரேபியர்கள் கடலில் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தினர் மற்றும் கணிசமான கடற்படையைக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். மேற்கு கடற்கரையில் அவர்களுக்கு குஜராத், மகாராஷ்டிரா மற்றும் கோவாவில் பல தளங்கள் இருந்தன. சீனாவிலிருந்து அரேபியா வரையிலான கடல் வர்த்தகத்தை அரேபியர்கள் கட்டுப்படுத்தினர். அரேபியர்கள் கேரளாவில் ஒரு வலுவான தளத்தை நிறுவ விரும்பினர். சீனர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே அரபு கடற்படையை எதிர்கொள்ளும் ஆற்றல் இருந்தது. ராஜேந்திர சோழனின் ஆட்சிக்குப் பிறகு சோழ கடற்படையின் சக்தி குறைந்துவிட்டது. இஸ்லாமிய மதத்தைத் தழுவத் தயாராக இருந்த உள்ளூர் இளவரசர்களை ஆதரிக்க அரேபியர்கள் தயாராக இருந்தனர்.
துளுநாடு ஆலுபா வம்சம்
ஆலுபா(ஆளுப அரசு) நாடு மங்களூர் பகுதியில் உள்ள ஒரு சிறிய ராஜ்யமாகும், இது பாணப்பாண்டியன் மன்னர்களால் ஆளப்பட்டது.
மதுரை பாண்டியன் மன்னர்களைப் போல ஆலுப்பா மன்னர்களும் தங்கள் சொந்த பாண பட்டங்களான பள்ளி, பாண அல்லது வாணி ஆகியவற்றுடன் குலசேகர பட்டத்தையும் பயன்படுத்தினர்.
சேர, பாண்டிய அல்லது சோழ வம்சங்களை எதிர்த்துப் போராடும் திறன் அவர்களுக்கு இருந்ததில்லை. ஆனால் அரேபியர்களின் ஆதரவு கேரளத்தின் மீது படையெடுப்பதற்கு துளு மன்னன் கவி ஆலுபேந்திரனின் (கி.பி 1110 முதல் 1160 வரை) சகோதரரான பானு விக்ரம குலசேகரப்பெருமாள் என்ற பாணப்பெருமாள் என்ற துளு இளவரசரை ஊக்குவித்தது.
துளுநாடு பண்ட் குலத்தால் ஆன பெரிய இராணுவத்தைக் கொண்டிருந்தது.
அஹிச்சத்திரத்தைச் சேர்ந்த நேபாள நாக வீரர்களுடன் துளுநாடு பழங்குடி பாணர் வீரர்களின் கலவையாக பண்ட் சமூகம் இருந்தது.
பண்ட் சமூகத்தின் உயர் மட்டங்களில், சாமந்தர்கள் எனப்படும் பாணப்பிரபுக்கள், ஆளும் பாணப்பாண்டியன் மன்னர்களுடன் சம அந்தஸ்தைக் கோரினர்.
பண்டைய நேபாளத்தின் அஹிசத்திரம் தலைநகரிலிருந்து நாயர்கள் என அழைக்கப்படும் நாக அடிமை வீரர்கள் பண்ட் சமூகத்தின் கீழ் மட்டத்தில் இருந்தனர். பண்ட் சமூகம் தாய்வழி வம்சாவளியைப் பின்பற்றியது. ஒருவரின் சட்டபூர்வ வாரிசுகள் அவருடைய சகோதரிகள் மகன்கள் ஆவர் .
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteதுளு பாணப்பெருமாள் (கிபி 1120 முதல் கிபி 1156 வரை)
கி.பி .1120 இல் பாணப்பெருமாள் (பானு விக்ரம குலசேகரப்பெருமாள் எனப்படும் பள்ளிபாணப்பெருமாள்) என்ற துளு படையெடுப்பாளர் தளபதி படைமலை நாயர் தலைமையில் 350000 எண்ணமுள்ள நாயர் படையுடன் படையெடுத்து கேரளா முழுவதும் அடிபணிய வைத்தார். பாணப்பெருமாள் வட கேரளாவில் குடியேறினார். பாணப்பெருமாள் துளுநாடு அரசர் கவி அலுபேந்திராவின் (கிபி 1120 முதல் 1160 கிபி) சகோதரர் ஆவார். அவர் ஒரு புத்தமதத்தவராக இருந்தார். அவர் அரேபியர்களின் ஆதரவுடன் கேரளாவைத் தாக்கினார். பாணப்பெருமாள் கண்ணூர் அருகே வளர்பட்டினத்தில் தம் தலைநகரை நிறுவினார்.
பாணப்பெருமாள் தமிழ் சேர வம்சத்தால் கைவிடப்பட்ட கொடுங்களூரில் இருந்து சுமார் 36 ஆண்டுகள் கேரளாவை ஆட்சி செய்தார்.
இந்த துளு படையெடுப்பு கர்நாடக கடற்கரையிலிருந்து மலபாருக்கு, வட கேரளாவிற்கு ஒரு நாயர் குடியேற்றத்தை கொண்டு வந்தது.
படைமலை நாயர்
பாணப்பெருமாளின் இராணுவத்தின் தளபதி படைமலை நாயர் ராணியுடன் சட்டவிரோதமான உறவைக் கொண்டிருந்தார் என்று கூறப்பட்டது. கோபம் கொண்ட பாணப்பெருமாளின் விசாரித்தபோது ராணி படைமலை நாயரின் மீது பழி சுமத்தினார். ஆனால் தவறு ராணியிடம் இருந்தது.
'பெண் சொல்லைக்கேட்ட பெருமாளை போலே' என்பது ஒரு பழைய பழமொழி, பாணப்பெருமாள் தனது ராணியால் தவறாக வழிநடத்தப்பட்டார் என்பதைக் குறிக்கிறது. பாணப்பெருமாள் படைமலை நாயருக்கு மரண தண்டனை விதித்தார். ஆனால் செல்வாக்கு மிக்க படைமலை நாயர் தாம் சில காலம் வாழ்ந்த பிறகு தான் கொல்லப்பட வேண்டும் என்று வலியுறுத்தினார்.
படைமலை நாயர் மஹல் தீவிற்குச் சென்று தன்னை இஸ்லாம் மதத்திற்கு மாற்றிக்கொண்டார் மற்றும் ஹுசைன் குவாஜா என்ற பெயரை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டார். அவரது மருமகன்கள் மற்றும் வேலைக்காரர்கள் இஸ்லாமிற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டனர். ஆனால் பாணப்பெருமாள் படைமலை நாயரை கோரப்புழா ஆற்றங்கரைக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்று அவருக்கு மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்ற உத்தரவிட்டார்.
இறப்பதற்கு முன் படைமலை நாயர் பாணப்பெருமாளை அரேபியர்களிடம் சரணடைய அறிவுறுத்தினார்.
படைமலை நாயரின் மரணதண்டனை நாயர் வீரர்களின் கலகத்திற்கு வழிவகுத்தது, தனது சொந்த நாயர் இராணுவத்தின் எதிர்ப்பை எதிர்கொண்ட பாணப்பெருமாள் அரேபியர்களிடம் சரணடைந்தார் மற்றும் இஸ்லாமிய மதத்திற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டு அசுவுக்கு (அரேபியா) ஒரு அரபு பாய் கப்பலில் (ஓலமாரி கப்பல்) சென்றார். அவரது நண்பர்கள் மற்றும் உறவினர்களுக்கு தம்முடைய நாட்டை பிரித்து கொடுத்து விட்டு சென்றார். பாணப்பெருமாள் அதிகாரம் மலபாரில் மட்டுமே இருந்ததாக தெரிகிறது.
பாணப்பெருமாளின் அரேபிய பயணம்
பாணப்பெருமாள் தனது மருமகன் கோஹினூருடன் அரேபியாவுக்குச் சென்றார். சாலியம் என்ற இடத்தில் வசித்து வந்த படைமலை நாயரின் உறவினர்கள், முஸ்தா முதுகாடடு, நீலின்ஷாடா, ஷரிபாத் மற்றும் அவர்களின் ஊழியர்களான மர்ஜான் மற்றும் அஸ்வத் ஆகியோர் கோழிக்கோட்டில் பாணப்பெருமாளுடன் சேர்ந்தனர்.
அவரது சகோதரியின் மகன் மகாபலி பாணப்பெருமாள் ஆட்சி செய்த தர்மடத்தில் சிறிது காலம் தங்கிய பிறகு மீண்டும் கப்பலில் ஏறி அரேபியாவுக்குப் பயணம் செய்தார். பாணப்யெருமாள் மகாபலியை இஸ்லாம் மதத்திற்கு மாற அறிவுறுத்தினார். மகாபலி இஸ்லாமிய மதத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டு சைஃபுதீன் முகமது அலி என்ற பெயரை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டார்.
அரேபியர்களின் செல்வாக்கு
துளு ஆக்கிரமிப்பாளர் பாணப்பெருமாள் வேத ஆழியாரால் இஸ்லாமியராக மாற்றப்பட்டார் என்று கேரளோல்பதி கூறுகிறது. பாணப்பெருமாள் இஸ்லாமிய மதத்திற்கு மாறிய புத்த கலிங்க வம்சத்தைச் சேர்ந்த மஹல் தீவு மன்னர் தோவேமி கலாமிஞ்சாவால் (தோவேமி கலாமிஞ்சா ஸ்ரீ திரிபுவனா-ஆதித்த மகா ராதுன் 1141 முதல் 1166 கி.பி.) அறிவுறுத்தப்பட்டதாக மற்றொரு பதிவு கூறுகிறது. தோவேமி மன்னர் சுல்தான் முஹம்மது இப்னு அப்துல்லா என்று அறியப்பட்டார்.
இரண்டாம் ஆயிரத்தில் அரேபியர்கள் ஒரு பெரிய கடல் சக்தியாக உருவெடுத்தனர். கி.பி 1156 இல் பாணப்பெருமாள் மற்றும் அவரது இரண்டு மருமகன்கள் இஸ்லாமிற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டனர். ஹுசைன் குவாஜா என்ற கிருஷ்ணன் முன்ஜாட் என்ற படைமலை நாயரும் மஹல்திவீப்பில் இஸ்லாமிற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டார்.
பல நாயர்கள் இஸ்லாம் மதத்திற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டனர். அவர்கள் மாப்பிள்ளா முஸ்லிம்களின் கீழ் ஒரு தாய்வழி துணைக்குழுவை உருவாக்கினர்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteபாணப்பெருமாளின் அரேபியாவிற்குள்ள பயணம்
பாணப்பெருமாளும், மருமகன் கோகினூரும் மற்றும் சாலியத்தில் வசித்த படைமலை நாயரின் மருமகன்களான முஸ்தா முதுகாடு, நீலின்ஷாதா, ஷரிபாட் மற்றும் மர்ஜான் மற்றும் அஸ்வத் ஆகியோருடன் பாஸ்ராவுக்குப் பயணம் செய்தனர், அங்கு அவர்களை மாலிக் தினார் வரவேற்றார். பாணப்பெருமாள் அரேபியாவில் 12 ஆண்டுகள் வசித்து வந்தார். கேரளாவுக்கு திரும்பும் பயணத்தில் அவர் ஏமன் நாட்டில் சஹார் முகல்லாவில் வைத்து இறந்தார்.
பாணப்பெருமாள் தனது மகன் உதயவர்மன் கோலத்திரியை கி.பி 1156 இல் கோலத்திரி வடக்கன் பெருமாள் என்ற பட்டத்துடன் கோலத்துநாட்டின் முதல் ஆட்சியாளராக முடிசூட்டினார். கோலத்திரி ஆட்சியாளர்களுக்கு அரேபியர்களின் ஆதரவு இருந்தது. கோலத்திரிகள் அந்த பகுதியில் முக்கிய கடல் சக்தியாக இருந்த அரேபியர்களால் ஆதரிக்கப்பட்டனர். இந்தக் காலத்திற்குப் பிறகு வட கேரளாவில் அரபு குடியேற்றங்களின் அளவு அதிகரித்தன. ஒரு அரசனுக்குப் பிறகு, நம்புதிரி சம்பந்தம் மூலம் பிறந்த அவருடைய சகோதரிகள் மகன் அரசனாக ஆக்கப்பட்டான். இளவரசர்கள் திருமுல்பாடு அல்லது நம்பியாதிரி என்ற பட்டத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டனர்.
நம்பூதிரிகளின் சம்பந்தம் உரிமைகள்
துளு மன்னர்கள் நம்புதிரிகளுக்கு மட்டும் கீழ்படிந்த நாயர் இராணுவத்தை நம்பியதால், நம்பூதிரிகள் ஆட்சி செய்யும் அரசனின் சகோதரிகளுடன் சம்பந்தம் வைத்திருக்கும் வழக்கம் தொடங்கியது. மன்னரின் சகோதரிகளுக்கு பிறந்த மகன்கள் மட்டுமே அடுத்த அரசராக ஆவதற்கு அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
மலபாரின் பிரிவு
பாணப்பெருமாள் தனது கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருந்த மலபார் ராஜ்யத்தை (காசர்கோடு, கண்ணூர், கோழிக்கோடு, மலப்புரம் மாவட்டங்கள்) பிரித்து தனது மகன் மற்றும் மருமகன்களுக்கு கொடுத்தார்.
1. கண்ணூரின் கோலத்திரி
2. கோழிக்கோட்டின் சாமுத்திரி
3. அறைக்கல்லின் அலிராஜாக்கள்
4. வன்னேரியின் பெரும்படப்பு மன்னர்கள்
இந்த நான்கு நாடுகளையும் அரேபியர்கள் பாதுகாத்து வந்தனர். கி.பி 1120 இல் நாயர்கள் மற்றும் நம்புதிரிகளின் ஆதிக்கத்தை நிறுவுவதற்கு பின்னால் அரேபியர்கள் இருந்தனர். அரேபியர்கள் கேரளாவில் ஒரு கடல் தளம் மற்றும் ஒரு குடியேற்றத்தையும் சீனாவிலிருந்து அரேபியாவிற்கு செல்லும் தங்கள் கப்பல்களுக்கான துறைமுகத்தையும் நிறுவ விரும்பினர்.
இதன் மூலம் துளு- நேபாள படையெடுப்பாளர்களான துளு மன்னர்கள் மற்றும் நாயர்கள் நம்பூதிரிகள் என்னும் அஹிச்சத்திரம்-நேபாள வம்சாவளியினர் வட கேரளாவில் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தினர். நம்பூதிரிகள், அரசர்களின் சகோதரிகள் உட்பட க்ஷத்திரியப் பெண்களுடன் திருமணம் இல்லாது சம்பந்தம் வைத்திருந்ததால், அந்த வம்சங்களை தங்கள் சொந்த நம்பபூதிரி வம்சங்களாக மாற்ற முடிந்தது. நாயர் இராணுவம் நம்புதிரிகளுக்கு மட்டுமே கீழ்ப்படிந்ததால் துளு மன்னர்கள் பலவீனமாக இருந்தனர். நாயர்கள் மற்றும் நம்பூதிரிகளுக்கு அஹிச்சத்திரத்தில் பொதுவான தோற்றமௌ இருந்தது. இவ்வாறு பன்னிரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் வட கேரளா ஒரு நேபாளத்தில் பூர்வீகமுள்ள விநோத ஒழுக்கக்கேடான பழக்கவழக்கங்கள் மற்றும் ஒரு தாய்வழியுரிமையை கடைப்பிடிக்கும் ஒரு சமூகத்தால் ஆளப்பட்டது. .
ஆனால் வேணாட்டின் தமிழ் சேர வம்சம் 1156 ல் மீண்டும் கேரளா முழுவதும் தங்கள் அதிகாரத்தை மீண்டும் நிறுவியது.
துளு சாமந்தர்
கோலத்திரி வம்சம் சாமந்தா என்று அழைக்கப்படும் துளு பண்ட் குலத்தோடு கலந்தது. இந்த சாமந்தர்கள் மற்றும் பிற பண்ட் குலங்கள் (பாண குலங்கள்) சாமந்த க்ஷத்ரியராக கேரளாவை ஆட்சி செய்தனர். சாமந்த க்ஷத்திரியருக்கு நம்பியார் மற்றும் நாயனார் பட்டங்கள் வழங்கப்பட்டன (அம்பலவாசி நம்பியார் போன்ற நாயர்கள் வேறு). நாயர்கள் தங்கள் நாகத் தோற்றம் காரணமாக சூத்திரர்களாகக் கருதப்பட்டனர்.
சேர-ஆய் இராச்சியம் (கிபி 1102 முதல் கிபி 1335 வரை)
கி.பி 1102 இல் சேர வம்சத்தின் தாக்குதலால் அச்சுறுத்தப்பட்ட சேர வம்சம் அதன் தலைநகரை கொடுங்கலூரிலிருந்து கொல்லத்திற்கு மாற்றியது.
இந்த காலகட்டத்தில் கொடுங்கலூரிலிருந்து கொல்லத்திற்கு வில்லவர் குலங்களின் முதல் பெரிய இடம்பெயர்வு ஏற்பட்டது. சேர வம்சம் கொல்லத்தில் உள்ள ஆய் வம்சத்துடன் இணைந்து சேராய் வம்சம் என்ற புதிய வம்சத்தை உருவாக்கியது.
கி.பி 1156 இல் பாணப்பெருமாள் வெளியேறிய பிறகு, கொல்லத்திலிருந்து ஆட்சி செய்த தெற்கு தமிழ் சேர-ஆய் ராஜ்யம் மீண்டும் சக்திவாய்ந்ததாக மாறியது மற்றும் கேரளா முழுவதும் மீண்டும் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தியது. சேர-ஆய் மன்னர்கள் தந்தைவழி வம்சாவளியைப் பின்பற்றி தமிழை ஊக்குவித்தனர்.
சேராய் மன்னர்களின் அரச பட்டப்பெயர் திருப்பாப்பூர் மூத்த திருவடி (திருப்பாப்பு நாடார்கள் இந்த பட்டத்தை இன்றுவரை கொண்டுள்ளனர்)
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteவில்லார்வட்டம் ராஜ்யம் (கி.பி 1102 முதல் கிபி 1450 வரை)
சேர வம்சத்தின் ஒரு கிளையான உதய ஸ்வரூபம் சேந்தமங்கலத்திலிருந்து ஆட்சி செய்தது. கொல்லத்திற்கு குடிபெயர விரும்பாத வில்லவரும் பணிக்கர்களும் வில்லார்வட்டம் ராஜ்யத்தை உருவாக்கியிருக்கலாம். வில்லார்வட்டம் பிரதேசங்கள் சேந்தமங்கலத்திலிருந்து வைக்கத்திற்கு அருகிலுள்ள உதயனாபுரம் வரை இருந்தன, பரவூர் மற்றும் வைப்பீன் உட்பட வேம்பநாடு காயலுக்கு கிழக்கே உள்ள பெரும்பாலான பகுதிகள் இந்த நாட்டில் அடங்கியிருந்தன.
பாண்டியன் பேரரசு
13 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் பிற்பகுதியில் கேரளா மதுரை பாண்டிய வம்சத்தின் கீழ் கொண்டு வரப்பட்டது. வேணாடு சேரர்கள் பாண்டிய வம்சத்தின் கீழ் வந்தனர். துளுநாடும் பாண்டிய வம்சத்தால் ஆளப்பட்டது.
மகதைமண்டல பாணர்
கி.பி 1190 முதல் 1260 வரை பாண வம்சத்தினர் மகதைமண்டலத்தை 'பொன்பரப்பினான்' என்ற பட்டத்துடன் அரகலூரில் தலைநகரத்துடனும் ஆட்சி செய்தனர்.
மகதை மண்டலம் தெற்கு ஆற்காடு மாவட்டத்தை உள்ளடக்கியது.
மாலிக் காஃபூரின் படையெடுப்பு
கி.பி 1310 மாலிக் கஃபூரின் படையெடுப்புக்குப் பிறகு மூன்று தமிழ் வம்சங்களும் முடிவுக்கு வந்தன. 1335 வாக்கில், மதுரை சுல்தானகம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டபோது, முழு கேரளமும் துளு சாமந்த க்ஷத்ரியர்கள் மற்றும் அஹிச்சத்திரத்தில் தோற்றம் கொண்டவர்களான துளுவ பிராமண நம்பூதிரிகள் மற்றும் நாயர்களின் கீழ் வந்தது. நாயரா, மேனவா, குருபா மற்றும் சாமந்தா போன்ற துளு பண்ட் குலங்கள் கேரளாவின் ஆட்சியாளர்களாக ஆனார்கள்.
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteடெல்லி சுல்தானகத்தின் ஆட்சியின் கீழில் (கி.பி 1311-1377)
மாலிக் காஃபூரின் கீழ் டெல்லி சுல்தானகத்தின் தாக்குதலைத் தொடர்ந்து மூவேந்த வில்லவர் ராஜ்யங்கள் முடிவுக்கு கொண்டுவரப்பட்டன. 1314 க்குப் பிறகு, வில்லவர் மக்கள் டெல்லி சுல்தானகம், அரேபியர்கள் மற்றும் பாண ராஜ்ஜியத்தின் பாணர்கள் (வன்னியர் வாணாதிராயர், சமரகோலாகலன்) ஆகியோரின் கடுமையான எதிர்ப்பை எதிர்கொண்டனர்.
கள்ளர் டெல்லியின் துருக்கிய படையெடுப்பாளர்களுடன் சேர்ந்து அவர்களின் கலாச்சாரம் மற்றும் மதத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டதாக தெரிகிறது. விருத்தசேதன சடங்கு, சந்திரன் மற்றும் நட்சத்திரக் குறியீடுகள் கொண்ட தாலி, மணமகனின் சகோதரி தாலியை கட்டுதல் போன்ற கள்ளர்களின் பழக்கவழக்கங்கள் மதுரை சுல்தானிய காலத்திலிருந்து துடங்கியவையாக இருக்கலாம்.
முஸ்லிம்களுடனான திருமணம் நெல்சன் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ள "கட்டாய மதமாற்றத்தை" விட நம்பத்தகுந்ததாக வெளிப்படுகிறது (1868 , 255).
மாபார் சுல்தானிய காலத்தில் (1335 முதல் 1377 வரை) அவர்களால் பெறப்பட்ட பல பழக்கவழக்கங்கள் மற்றும் சடங்குகள் இன்னும் அவர்களால் பின்பற்றப்படுகின்றன.
1) விருத்தசேதனம்
2) சந்திரன் மற்றும் நட்சத்திரத்துடன் தாலி
3) சகோதரி தாலி கட்டுதல்
1950 வரை இந்த நடைமுறை அனைத்து பிறமலை கள்ளர்களாலும் கட்டாயமாக கடைபிடிக்கப்பட்டது. இப்போதெல்லாம் விருத்தசேதனம் செய்வது அரிது. ஆனால் விருந்துடன் விருத்தசேதன விழா இன்னும் நடத்தப்படுகிறது. விழாவின் செலவுகளை தாய் மாமன் ஏற்றுக்கொள்கிறார். பிறமலை கள்ளர்களுக்கு முஸ்லிம்களுடனான கடந்தகால உறவுகளைப் பற்றி விவாதிக்கப்படுகிறது. பிறமலை கள்ளர் மற்றும் அம்பலக்காரர் விருத்தசேதனம் செய்வதை நடைமுறையில் வைத்திருக்கிறார்கள். இந்துக்களிடையே இது மிகவும் அரிதான வழக்கம் ஆகும் (டுமான்ட் 1986, 150-3).
விருத்தசேதனம் என்னும் விசித்திரமான வழக்கத்தை பிறமலை-கள்ளர் பின்பற்றினார்கள். அதாவது ஆண் பிறப்புறுப்பு உறுப்பை மறைக்கும் தோலை வெட்டுதல். இந்த நடைமுறை முதலில் அரபு பழங்குடியினரால் தட்பவெப்ப காரணங்களால் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்பட்டது.
(அத்தியாயம் II பிறமலை கள்ளர்களின் வரலாற்று பின்னணி)
கி.பி 1311-71 இல் மதுரையை சுல்த்தான்கள் ஆட்சி செய்தபோது, அவர்கள் விருத்தசேதனம் செய்யும் பழக்கத்தை துடங்கினார்கள் .
(அத்தியாயம் II பிறமலை கள்ளர்களின் வரலாற்று பின்னணி)
மதுரை பிராந்தியத்தில் பிறமலை கள்ளர் அவர்களின் வரலாற்றின் ஒரு கட்டத்தில் இந்த கலாச்சாரத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டார்கள். விழா தொடர்பான செலவுகள் அத்தையால் கொடுக்கப்பட வேண்டும். கிராமத்திற்கு வெளியே ஒரு தேங்காய் தோப்பில் சடங்கு நடத்தப்பட்டது (அத்தியாயம் II பிறமலை கள்ளர்களின் வரலாற்று பின்னணி)
இன்று விருத்தசேதனம் உண்மையில் பிறமலை கள்ளர் சாதி உறுப்பினர்களால் செய்யப்படவில்லை. பையனின் தாய் மாமா செலவுகளைச் ஏற்றுக்கொண்டு பையனுக்கு பரிசுகளை வழங்குவதன் மூலம் அவர்கள் அதை விருந்துடன் கொண்டாடுகிறார்கள். தோலை வெட்டுவது 1950-களில் இருந்து இப்போது செய்யப்படவில்லை
(அத்தியாயம் II பிறமலை கள்ளர்களின் வரலாற்று பின்னணி)
பிறமலை கள்ளர்கள் இரண்டு வரலாற்று திருமண சம்பந்தங்களின் விளைவாக இருக்கலாம், ஒன்று கள்ளருக்கும் முஸ்லிம்களுக்கும் இடையில், பின்னர் மற்றொன்று மறவருடன்.
(வலந்தூர் நாட்டு பிறமலை கள்ளர் மதுரை மாவட்டம் , தமிழ்நாடு: உள்ளூர் அரசியலில் கிராமப் பெண்கள் மற்றும் பாரம்பரியம் அல்லாத வேலை சக்தி (மிச்சிலிம் ஈவா துபோ 1997)
சந்திரன் மற்றும் நட்சத்திரத்துடன் தாலி
சிறுகுடி கள்ளர் தாலியில் சந்திரன் மற்றும் நட்சத்திரக் குறியீடுகள் உள்ளன. '' இது நியாயப்படுத்தப்படலாம், ஏனெனில் சிறுகுடி-கள்ளன்களின் தாலியில் பிறை மற்றும் நட்சத்திரம் செதுக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன, அவை முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு புனிதமான சின்னங்கள்.
(அத்தியாயம் II பிறமலை கள்ளர்களின் வரலாற்று பின்னணி)
நாகரும் களப்பிரரும்
ReplyDeleteவிஜயநகர படையெடுப்பு.
1377 இல் விஜயநகர இளவரசர் குமார கம்பணன் மதுரை சுல்தானால் ஆளப்பட்ட பாண்டிய நாட்டின் மீது படையெடுத்தார். குமார கம்பணன் மதுரையின் துருக்கிய ஆட்சியாளர்களை தோற்கடித்து பாண்டிய நாட்டிலிருந்து வெளியேற்றினார். ஆனால் அவர் மதுரையின் சிம்மாசனத்தில் முறையான பாண்டிய மன்னர்களை மீண்டும் அமர்த்தவில்லை.
பலிஜா நாயக்கர்களின் விஜயநகர வம்சம் கிஷ்கிந்தாவின் பாண வம்சத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது (அனேகுண்டி). விஜயநகர தலைநகர் ஹம்பி கிஷ்கிந்தாவிலிருந்து இருபது கிலோமீட்டர் தொலைவில் இருந்தது. பலிஜா அரசர்கள் வில்லவர்களைப் போலவே மகாபலி மன்னரிடமிருந்து வந்ததாகக் கூறினர். பலிஜாக்கள் பாண பரம்பரையைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் மற்றும் வில்லவரின் வடக்கு உறவினர்கள் ஆவர். ஆனால் அதே நேரத்தில் அவர்கள் வில்லவர்களின் போட்டியாளர்களாகவும் பரம எதிரிகளாகவும் இருந்தனர்.
பாண ராஜ்ஜியத்தின் தளபதிகள் வாணாதிராயர் (வாணகோவரையர், வாணாதிராஜா, வன்னியர், வாணர், வாணவராயர்) என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டனர்.
பலிஜா நாயக்கர், வாணாதிராயர் மற்றும் லிங்காயத்துகளை தமிழ் நாட்டை ஆள பயன்படுத்தினர். பிற்கால பாளையக்காரரும் அதே குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள்.
வாணாதிராயர்கள் பாண்டியர்களுக்கு எதிராக விஜயநகர வம்சத்தை ஆதரிக்க உள்ளூர் நாகர்களை (வெள்ளாளர், கள்ளர் மற்றும் மறவர்) தங்கள் கீழ் தொகுத்தனர். நாகர்கள் வில்லவர் மக்களுக்கும் அவர்களின் சேர, சோழ மற்றும் பாண்டியன் வம்சத்துக்கும் விரோதமாக இருந்தனர். ஒவ்வொரு வாணாதிராயரும் உள்ளூர் நாக குலத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் போல் நடித்தனர் ஆனால் அதே நேரத்தில் அவர்கள் வாணாதிராயர் குலத்தில் மட்டுமே திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டனர். சுதந்திரத்திற்குப் பிறகு பல சிறிய வாணாதிராயர்கள் அந்தந்த நாகர், கங்கை அல்லது பாணர் குலங்களுடன் இணைந்தனர்.
கள்ளர் மற்றும் அகமுடையார் ஆகியோர் மத்தியப் பிரதேசத்தில் கென் ஆற்றின் கரையில் உள்ள சேதி நாட்டிலிருந்து குடியேறியவர்கள். அதன் காரணமாக அவர்களுக்கு சேர்வை மற்றும் சேதிராயர் பட்டங்கள் உள்ளன. அகம்படியார் முன்பு ஆந்திராவில் பூங்கனூர் ஜமீனுக்கு சேவை செய்து வந்தனர். கள்ளர் மறவர் அகம்படியார் அனைவரும் பிரிட்டிஷ் காலத்தில் குற்றப் பரம்பரையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டனர். இப்போதெல்லாம் தமிழ்நாட்டில் ஏராளமான காவல் நிலையங்கள் இருப்பதால், கள்ளர்-மறவர் குற்றங்கள் சற்று குறைந்துள்ளன.
நாட்டுக்கோட்டை செட்டியார்கள் வீடுகள்
நாட்டுக்கோட்டை செட்டியார்கள் தங்கள் வீடுகளைச் சுற்றி 12 அடி சுவர் கட்டி ஒவ்வொரு வீட்டையும் பலப்படுத்தினர். அவர்களின் வீட்டின் முன்பக்க கதவு சுமார் 8 அடி உயரமுள்ள தடிமனான பலகையால் ஆனது, அதைத் பத்து பேர் கூடி தள்ளி திறக்க முடியும். நாட்டுகோட்டை செட்டியார் வீடுகள் 10 முதல் 15 செட்டியார் குடும்பங்கள் தங்கும் பெரிய இடவசதியைக் கொண்டுள்ளன. சிலர் ஒவ்வொரு இரவும் உறங்காது தங்கள் வீட்டை சுழற்சி முறையில் பாதுகாத்து வருகின்றனர். இரவில் வீட்டைத் திறக்கக் கூடாது என்பதற்காக வீட்டுக்குள் கிணறு கூட தோண்டப்பட்டது. கள்ளர்கள் மற்றும் மறவர்களின் தொடர்ச்சியான திருட்டு அச்சுறுத்தல்கள் இருந்ததால்தான் செல்வந்தர்களாய நாட்டுக்கோட்டை செட்டியார்கள் தம்முடைய வீடுகளை சுற்றி கோட்டை கட்டி பலப்படுத்த வழிவகுத்தது.